German Media Admits Covid Shots Killed Millions

A top German corporate media outlet has gone rogue and blown the whistle on the mass vaccination agenda, admitting to the public that Covid mRNA shots have killed millions of innocent citizens.

During a bombshell segment on German legacy TV network Welt, the media outlet declared that people who refused to take Covid mRNA shots during and after the pandemic are “the winners.”

The panel of experts and mainstream reporters argued that the government owes the public an apology for claiming Covid was a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

Prominent German reporter Hans-Ulrich Jörges said the unvaccinated were “the winners” because they refused to comply with the government’s mass vaccination agenda.

Jörges called for public apologies from key government officials who perpetuated the narrative that the pandemic was solely a “pandemic of the unvaccinated.”

“The winners for me are the unvaccinated during the Covid times” he proclaimed.

“They have now been proved right.

“And there’s nothing left to argue about that.”

He cited the bombshell revelations from the unredacted crisis team protocols from the Robert Koch Institute.

“It was officially determined by them that the statement, ‘the pandemic is a pandemic of the unvaccinated,’ is not correct,” Jörges highlighted.

“Literally not correct,” he emphasized.

He continued by blasting the government for forcing the public to take the dangerous injection that killed millions of people worldwide.

Jörges argued that politicians and government health officials should come forward and apologize to the German people.

“There are all those who championed the phrase ‘pandemic of the unvaccinated,’” Jörges noted.

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“Mr. Spahn, the Health Minister. Mr. Söder, Mr. Lauterbach, Mr. Ramelow from the Left Party.

“And, hear this, the Federal President, Mr. Steinmeier, also propagated this,” he stated.

“I think they should now publicly apologize for it,” he said.

“I want to see someone stand up, have the courage, and say, ‘I was wrong back then, I’m sorry, now I see what has happened to many people because of this, I apologize.’”


By Hunter Fielding
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5 months ago

Tedros is trying t do it again, why can’t these maniacs be stopped? Is there really no-one to protect us, so humanity dies because we couldn’t be bothered to bring them to justice…i guess we deserve what’s coming then.
I had no idea so many could be bought. :*(

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