Fulton County DA Charged Trump and Associates Despite Exonerating Evidence

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis filed charges against so-called “fake electors” over the 2020 election in Georgia, despite near certainly possessing exonerating evidence that their intentions were entirely lawful and in accordance with the United States Constitution.

In her indictment issued on August 14, Willis claimed that the presence of Republican electors for Trump constituted an illicit “conspiracy” aimed at overturning Georgia’s 2020 election results. Those charged in this alleged “conspiracy” included David Shafer, one of Georgia’s 2020 Republican electors, and Ray Smith, who served as one of Trump’s attorneys during the contest.

Willis specifically contended that Shafer and other alternate electors “unlawfully falsely held themselves out” as Georgia’s “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors. She further asserted that these electors, with Smith’s assistance, deliberately sought to “mislead” figures such as then-Vice President Mike Pence and Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensberger “into believing that they actually were such officers.”

However, among the documents gathered during Willis’s lengthy investigation of Republicans was a transcript of a meeting that contradicted her allegations.

A transcript of the December 14, 2020, meeting of Georgia Republican electors, obtained by The Federalist, clearly reveals that the intent behind appointing alternate electors was not to impersonate public officials, as Willis claimed, but rather to legally preserve Trump’s challenge to the state’s election results. At the outset of the meeting, Shafer explicitly stated that he and his fellow Republicans were acting as “Republican nominees for Presidential Elector,” not as “duly elected and qualified” presidential electors.

Georgia Republican Continge… by The Federalist

“[President Trump] has filed a contest to the certified returns. That contest — is pending [and has] not been decided or even heard by any judge with the authority to hear it,” Shafer said. “And so in order to preserve his rights, it’s important that the Republican nominees for Presidential Elector meet here today and cast their votes.”

For context, Shafer and Trump had filed a lawsuit against Secretary of State Raffensberger in Fulton County state court on December 4, 2020, alleging that tens of thousands of illegal votes were cast in the state’s presidential election. This lawsuit followed a recount requested by Trump, which confirmed Biden as the winner of Georgia’s 16 electoral votes by a margin of 11,779. Despite the recount, Raffensberger recertified the election on December 7, while Trump’s legal challenge was still pending.

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On December 14, 2020, the day on which presidential elector nominees are required by federal law to meet, Trump and Shafer’s lawsuit was still pending. Consequently, Georgia’s Republican nominees, including Shafer, cast their electoral votes for Trump, while the state’s Democratic nominees voted for Biden.

During the December 14, 2020, meeting, Shafer further clarified the legal basis for appointing alternate electors in a conversation with Smith, Trump’s attorney at the time. Shafer asked Smith, “And so the only way for us to have any judge consider the merits of our complaint, the thousands of people we allege voted unlawfully, is for us to have this meeting and permit the contest to continue?”

“That’s correct,” Smith replied.

The naming of alternate Republican electors in the 2020 election closely mirrors actions taken during the 1960 presidential contest between John F. Kennedy and Richard Nixon, the Federalist pointed out. As previously reported by The Federalist’s Margot Cleveland, a dispute over Hawaii’s electoral votes prompted both Kennedy and Nixon electors to cast their votes for their respective candidates. While Hawaii’s acting Republican governor initially certified the election for Nixon, a legal challenge and subsequent court decision awarded the state’s electoral votes to Kennedy.

Unlike Kennedy, Trump never had his day in court regarding his legal challenges to these votes and others. However, if the court had ruled in Trump’s favor, the alternate electors would have been in place to ensure the will of the Georgia people was upheld.

During the December 14, 2020, meeting, Smith asserted that naming Republican electors for Trump would be carried out “in accordance with the Constitution” and the precedent set in the 1960 Hawaii case, stating, “We’re conducting this because the contest of the election in Georgia is ongoing.” “And if we did not hold this meeting, then our election contest would effectively be abandoned?”

Shafer asked, and Smith replied, “That’s correct.”

The revelations unearthed in the transcript raise a significant question: If Willis was in possession of the transcript prior to Aug. 14, why did she charge Shafer and Smith for allegedly partaking in a “conspiracy” to overturn Georgia’s 2020 election results when the aforementioned document shows otherwise?

Fani Willis did not respond to repeated requests for comment on when her office possessed the Dec. 14, 2020, transcript prior to announcing Shafer and Smith’s indictments to the public. It is yet another revelation that will fuel valid complaints that Willis filed her charges against Donald Trump and his associates under false pretenses, which is a criminal offense.

Thus, if proven to be true that she possessed this exculpatory evidence when she filed charges, Fani Willis would ostensibly be guilty of one of the offenses that she charged Donald Trump and his associates under: Making “False declarations before a grand jury or court.”

By Melinda Davies
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10 months ago

She’s a deceitful manipulative lying pig (sorry pigs).

10 months ago

Trump needs to have a REALLY tough team of attorneys to “FILE CHARGES against this ‘Communist/Black Panther Sympathizer, who is Not credible in ANY cases, let alone the one she’s being Paid Lots of Money to KEEP GOING/with No Real Evidence…Otherwise she’s “Playing Blind, Deaf and Dumb to the Real Facts….but needs to be REMOVED from this case, for her “Personal, Biased PERSECUTION and Prosecution as O and the rest want to KEEP control of the White House, and she’s just another who wants to deliver for them!”

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