On Tuesday, retired Federal Judge J. Michael Luttig stated on MSNBC’s “Deadline” that he believes the United States will “never recover” from the harm caused by former President Donald Trump.
Guest host Alicia Menendez said: “We frequently discuss the impact that Donald Trump and Trumpism have had on institutions and our governing bodies. Share your perspective on the damage you believe has been inflicted on the judicial system and the legal profession.”
Luttig stated: “The Republicans, led by the former president, instigated a war on American democracy on January 6th, 2021, and now, today, three years later, we know that they are determined to prosecute that war to its catastrophic end.”
“Thus, the former president and his allies have continued to deny the 2020 presidential election for three years, maintaining that that election was stolen from the former president, notwithstanding that there is no evidence whatsoever of that, and that, indeed, President Joe Biden won that election fair and square,” he continued.
“Meanwhile, during those three years that effort led by the former president has laid waste to Americans’ confidence in their democracy and their elections, in their Constitution, and in their rule of law,” he added.
“America will never recover from this assault on its democracy. Hopefully, with time and in the not-too-distant future, America will come to its senses and move on and beyond this tragic period in our history, but we will never recover as a nation from these past three years, nor will we ever be viewed in the same way by the world prior to January 6th,” he said.
“We were the beacon, if you will, of democracy around the world. No longer, I think, will that be the case,” he concluded.
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Great to hear! You POS PEDOVORE!!!
Wow, what an absolute lying POS Luttig is. “no evidence whatsoever” is a bald-faced, indisputable lie…and he knows it. There’s a difference between “evidence” and “proof”. While there may not be proof yet (for myriad reasons that have nothing to do with justice), to state unequivocally that there’s no evidence is total and unadulterated BS.
What a garbage American Luttig is.
It goes without saying, but I’ll say it anyway, that anyone who thinks they’re getting news rather than propaganda from MSNBC has SFB.
The biggest thieves in this country are democrats and obviously this miserable excuse for a judge epitomizes it. He should be removed. When Trump gets in, it is going to be wonderful to watch this guy and his ilk be dealt with and they aren’t going to like it. I shall love it!
IF you mean the corporation trademarked USA, then that’s GOOD NEWS! America will never recover from the destruction, chaos and mayhem y’all leftists have caused!
The only thing I have suffered from has been brought on by the Democratic party. The weponisation of our government agency’s is appalling! The Jan. 6th so called insurectionists constitutional rights have been violated as well. My own Father would be shooting by now!
Hmmmm… In reading the last paragraph he states: ” “America will never recover from this assault on its democracy. Hopefully, with time and in the not-too-distant future, America will come to its senses and move on and beyond this tragic period in our history, but we will never recover as a nation from these past three years, nor will we ever be viewed in the same way by the world prior to January 6th,” he said.” Maybe I’m wrong, but saying “… we will never recover as a nation from THESE past three years (instead of THOSE) nor will we never be viewed in the same way by the world PRIOR to January 6h (PRE-BIDEN) sounds like he is saying we will never recover from the Biden Admin and we will never be viewed like we were when Trump was in office. LOL… Does anyone else interpret this this way? Maybe I need a nap!!
No wonder he’s a retired judge. Probably Soros-backed.
Look at his face…appears to be something that crawled out of the depths of a swamp. Hopefully, Americans will stop watching MSM, and will realize that the narrative is there to control them through propaganda, lies and indoctrination.
I hope what this man says is true!!! TRUMP 2024!!! Fear the DEPLORABLES!!! Fear the DEFIANCE against the resistance!!!