Florida Congressman is Taking Action to Remove Trump Prosecutor Fani Willis

Rep. Cory Mills (R-FL) submitted a bill on Wednesday that sends a direct message to Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis that abusing federal funds for political activities will not be tolerated.

The legislation, originally shared with the Washington Examiner, is cleverly titled the “Against Federal Funds for Allowing Inappropriate Relationships Act,” or the AFFAIR Act.

The Act would bar federal monies from being awarded to “any state or local chief prosecutor if any individual in such office has been convicted for engaging in corruption or any other unlawful activity.”

“Not only was Fani Willis’ relationship with Nathan Wade extremely inappropriate and creates concerns around a conflict of interest, but it also potentially shows violations of bias against political opposition, and lawfare for election interference,” Mills said in a statement to the Washington Examiner. “Under no circumstance should federal funds be sent to a state or local office if there is unlawful and unethical activity taking place.”

“Our nation was founded on the steadfast tenets that liberty and justice — including the fair and equal application of the law — are crucial to ensuring the preservation of our constitutional republic,” the Florida Republican continued. “I’m proud to introduce the AFFAIR Act to ensure American taxpayer dollars will not be misappropriated or weaponized due to unlawful and unethical activities.”

Mills’ bill follows the revelation of an alleged affaor between Fani Willis and the special prosecutor Nathan Wade, who she tapped to prosecute the Georgia election case against former President Donald Trump.

Mills is one of numerous Republicans who have called for a criminal inquiry against Fnai Willis and a demand that she recuse herself from the investigation into Trump’s legal efforts to challenge the 2020 Georgia election results.

Willis, however, has no intention of recusing herself, arguing that doing so would damage the RICO case she brought against the former president.

As reported on Wednesday, Fani Willis is also seeking to dismiss subpoenas targeting her for scrutiny over alleged misappropriation of county and federal funds.

“Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis on Wednesday sought to quash subpoenas that would force her and members of her staff to testify as part of a hearing to find out whether she engaged in misconduct and should be barred from prosecuting former President Donald Trump‘s election interference case,” the Washington Examiner reported.

Willis filed a nine-page motion that “each of these subpoenas appear transparently to be an attempt to conduct discovery in a (rather belated) effort to support reckless accusations made in prior court filings,” adding that the subpoenas should be “quashed.”

“Although litigation is certainly adversarial, there are rules in play that govern the
proceedings. Because Defendant Roman cannot establish the necessity of any of the
testimony or documents he has demanded, the subpoenas should be quashed,” Willis argued.

Last week, Mills wrote Georgia State Bar General Counsel Paula Frederick to discuss District Attorney Fani Willis and Special Prosecutor Nathan Wade’s “potential violations of rules of professional conduct and criminal acts.”

The letter inquires whether the Georgia State Bar intends to conduct a “comprehensive review” of the alleged affair between Willis and Wade.

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Representative Mills writes: “Reports of an ongoing affair and improper sexual relationship between District Attorney Willis and Special Prosecutor Wade have been widely reported by public media. If true, not only would this be extremely inappropriate for a supervisor and subordinate to have such an intimate relationship, but it would also give rise to possible violations of bias, conflict of interest, and potential kickbacks.”

“Wade’s alleged sexual relationship with District Attorney Willis provided him with preferential treatment. Specifically, Willis appears to have violated attorney ethics rules, by which she is bound, to appoint her inamorato to the government payroll,” Mills said in the letter.

“The reports of misconduct coming out of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office are grotesque. No one with that much power should even give off a scent that they are misusing it. There are checks and balances put in place to prevent situations like this,” he added.

By Melinda Davies
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8 months ago

great ,,get her out … she is another shill .

8 months ago

her one and only goal was ,,, she wanted to be famous for taking Trump down … well , now lets take her down , way down ..

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