First Lady Jill Biden: ‘It’s Obvious That Joe Will Win This Election’

On Wednesday’s “CBS Mornings,” First Lady Jill Biden expressed her confidence that President Joe Biden will win in the upcoming November presidential election, stating it’s “obvious” to her.

Co-host Gayle King asked her: “How is the campaign going?”

Jill Biden replied: “My gosh, it’s going great. I have been traveling every day that I’m not in the classroom. People are excited. And I really feel like, you know, people know the choice this election, they can choose chaos or choose, you know, steady, wisdom, experience.”

King once again: “Is there not a part of you that’s a little worried?”

Jill Biden replied: “No. I feel that Joe will be re-elected.”

Co-host Tony Dokoupil said: “But when these polls like ‘The Wall Street Journal’ one land in the White House and he’s losing in all the battleground states.”

Jill Biden added: “No, he’s not losing in all the battleground states.”

Dokoupil again: “All but one.”

Jill Biden then said: “He is coming up. He’s even or doing better. So you know what? Once people start to focus in and they see their two choices, it’s obvious that Joe will win this election.”


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By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

If that scumbag steals another election, there needs to be a violent response.

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