FBI Shut Down Investigative Leads That Could Identify J6 Pipe Bomb Suspect, Former Agent Reveals

According to a former FBI agent, the Bureau initially believed that it had linked the person who planted pipe bombs at the Democratic and Republican National Committees to a specific Metro fare card and license plate, but he was denied the opportunity to interview the person of interest and his team was pulled off the lead.

The former FBI agent’s claim raises fresh concerns about the official narrative on the J6 pipe bomb threats, which led to two federal buildings being evacuated, the House of Representatives Cannon building and a Library of Congress building, at a pivotal moment prior to the 2020 election challenges at the Electoral College session of Congress.

Kyle Seraphin, who led FBI surveillance teams, told The Daily Wire that shortly after January 6, a counterintelligence team met with him at a firehouse in Falls Church, Virginia, to brief him on his next surveillance target: They had used security footage to track the person into a Metro station after he planted the bombs and identified the fare card used.

That fare card then enabled investigators to ascertain that the suspect exited at a Metro station in Northern Virginia, where security film showed the person getting into a vehicle.

Both the automobile and the ticket card were registered to the same person: A former Air Force chief master sergeant who was now working as a contractor with a security clearance, they claimed.

Seraphin and his crew were assigned to monitor the person’s row home for many days, but the FBI denied his request to interrogate the individual, he claimed.

They were then directed to go through low-priority leads on minor January 6 attendees before abandoning the target entirely, he said.

“Allegedly someone threw bombs around the Capitol which could have killed congressmen or a busload of nuns or anything, and the answer is you can’t follow this guy around — you have to go to headquarters and read ‘leads’ where someone said ‘I might’ve went to high school with some guy that was standing around the Capitol?’” Seraphin told The Daily Wire.

Seraphin said that the bomber was not necessarily the same person of interest as the vehicle and card’s registered owner, but that it was a very precise lead that, if investigated, had a strong potential of bringing police to the culprit.

“They found people based on their earlobes that were hanging out by a flagpole,” he said of the FBI’s otherwise sweeping January 6 investigation.

Seraphin told the outlet that the matter was being handled by the counter-intelligence section, which does not use “manhunters” to capture individuals and develop prosecutable cases. He said that counter-intelligence had called in his surveillance team, but then shut the operation down.

Seraphin remarked that it was not a surprise to him that the FBI had tracked down the bomber, and it would have been much more astonishing if they hadn’t.

“They can do telephonic capture and triangulate your phone in real-time… The bureau is far too competent to fail this,” he said.

“When they had the World Trade Center bombing in ‘93 they went under four stories of rubble and were able to find a partial VIN number that they used to track it down to the people responsible. And you’re telling me you had a pristine, non-detonated bomb and they couldn’t find anything on it?”

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There was further corroboration of Seraphin’s FBI story to the extent that the FBI is in possession of the license plate information and Metro Card information for the January 6 suspect.

“My partners and I have been lifetime data scientists,” Seruga said.

“We own the digital ID of every mobile device/computer in the U.S. and have indexed and archived every IP address in the world.

“Our extensive experience in big and deep data, including geotracking and geolocation makes our dozens of data companies the top authority for providing data to corporations, law enforcement and U.S. government agencies like the CIA, NSA, DoD, DIA, NGA, NRO, FBI, as well as Interpol and foreign intelligence organizations.”

After remarking on Rep. Clay Higgins’ (R-LA) reports of “ghost buses” on the morning of January 6, Seruga remarked on data allegedly collected from the J6 pipe bomb suspect.

“We also tracked the infamous J6 ‘pipe bomber’ from one of these vans. Later, we eventually tracked them to a Virginia Metro station where a perfect capture of their vehicle license plate was made. The FBI has ALL of this information. Shortly after they were alerted, however, AT&T mysteriously ‘accidentally’ corrupted that and only that particular cell phone user’s data. Additionally, their mobile device was used hundreds of times before and after J6 accessing keycard required DOJ/FBI parking garages and buildings,” Seruga added.

Tony Seruga has subsequently provided more information on the identity of the J6 pipe bomber, claiming that the suspect is a government contractor with Explosive Ordnance Disposal (EOD) training. The former CIA/NSA contractor also said the suspect’s mobile device had been connected to DOJ/FBI and DC Navy Yard servers.

The Washington Times originally reported on former FBI agent Kyle Seraphin’s accusations about the bureau shut down leads that could help identify the suspect in May 2023.

The Times story received little notice in part because it was paywalled.

But when the House Judiciary Committee interviewed Steve D’Antuono, the former chief of the FBI’s Washington Field Office, the accusation seemed to be on his mind.

“People like Kyle Seraphin and others that are not a case agent, have no knowledge of the case, have no knowledge of what happened in the case, he also made another accusation too that there was an individual with a Metro card. My understanding is all that was chased down. There was a lead that was chased down, but he says that we didn’t chase it down,” D’Antuono said.

The Daily Wire report noted that, “His comment seemed to confirm that the Metro card lead did exist, and he did not explain how or why it ultimately resulted in nothing.”

Steven D’Antuono, however, had made dubious claims about the January 6 pipe bomb threats in the past.

For example, the FBI official appeared on ABC News and told viewers, “They would have exploded. They could have exploded,” adding that they were “viable” devices.

Subsequent analysis of the pipe bombs, as well as his own testimony, strongly contradicts that assessment.

In his recorded interview with Congress, he admitted that the explosives had 60-minute kitchen timers connected to them and had not detonated 17 hours later.

“Are you aware that former agent Kyle Seraphin, that he talked with technicians working in this office, said that they were not viable, that they couldn’t have been — wouldn’t have exploded?” Rep. Thomas Massie asked.

“So I’ve seen the report from Mr. Seraphin. I won’t — I’m not going to discount Kyle’s view. That’s his view from wherever he sits and the people he talked to. I don’t know who he talked to. All I know is that we, at the Washington field office, received a report from the lab division, which are the bomb experts — I don’t know what Kyle’s expertise in bomb-making is — that they were viable devices. So the only thing I could go by is what my lab said, and not what Kyle says,” D’Antuono remarked.

In the ensuing interrogation, D’Antuono admits that the detonation mechanism didn’t square with the analysis that the DNC pipe bomb was a “viable” threat.

“I saw the same kitchen timer as you. I agree. I don’t know when they were supposed to go off. Maybe they weren’t supposed to go off,” he said.

The former chief of the FBI field office in charge of the January 6 investigation claimed that he ‘did not know’ and lacked details on numerous details about one of the highest profile events of the Capitol riots, and one that allegedly threatened the incoming Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris, who was inexplicably at DNC headquarters during the Electoral College.

Dan Bongino, a former Secret Service agent who has been extensively covering developments in the DNC pipe bomb investigation, has been pointed about his critique of the claim that Secret Service agents working for Harris had made a security sweep of the area and were unaware of the pipe bomb’s existence.

Furthermore, Bongino has raised several outstanding questions.

“Why isn’t this officer a national name? He saved the VP-Elect from an ‘assassination’ plot. Why are they so cryptic about his actions that day?” he asked on X.

“THIS is an enormous and ongoing cover-up,” Bongino continued. “You don’t know any of the identities of the individuals involved, cell data has been ‘corrupted,’ and government communications have been ‘disappeared,’ because this was an operation with a sinister political angle. I have absolutely zero doubt about it. It was ‘Plan B.’ More to come. You’ll see.”

The official state narrative about the January 6 pipe bombing threats is crumbling. New developments have revealed that the cover story about the alleged “viable” threats is not corroborated by evidence. The political implications of any official collusion with the RNC and DNC pipe bomb threats are as far-reaching as they are explosive.

The January 6 pipe bomb threats and the official cover-up have the potential to be a scandal worse than Watergate.

The timing of the pair of bomb threats — reported moments prior to the 2020 election challenges — raises disturbing questions that cut to the core of what Americans believe about their own government.

By Melinda Davies
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John Acord
John Acord
8 months ago

What we know is that 51 so-called intelligence and national security “experts” were willing to LIE about the Hunter Biden laptop saying it was a Russian plant to discredit Biden. One or more of these “experts” or their ilk would have carried out and then buried this incident. Our government is in the grip of an organized criminal syndicate that will do whatever it feels is necessary to hold on to power and destroy the opposition.

Last edited 8 months ago by jpacord
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