Experts Hit Panic Button as Excess Deaths Skyrocket Globally

Leading experts are hitting the panic button as official reports from multiple governments around the world have sounded the alarm bells by exposing an unprecedented surge in global excess deaths since the widespread administration of COVID-19 injections.

In America, deaths are skyrocketing to stomach-churning levels, official data shows.

Official figures provided to EuroMOMO by the UK Government and 26 other governments of countries across Europe reveal that most of the continent suffered 375,253 excess deaths in 2021 and 404,6000 excess deaths in 2022.

This equates to 779,853 excess deaths over the two years.

The figures do not include Ukraine so cannot be blamed on the ongoing war.

Australia suffered 11,068 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 22,730 excess deaths by week 38 of 2022. This is in stark contrast to 2020, when only 1,306 excess deaths were recorded at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.

This means Australia suffered a shocking 1,640% increase in excess deaths in just 39 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

New Zealand suffered 2,169 excess deaths in 2021 and then a shocking 5,286 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. These are shocking figures for the small island with an estimated population of 5 million people.

Especially when compared to 2020, when no excess deaths were suffered and 160 fewer deaths were actually recorded than expected at the height of the Covid pandemic and prior to the rollout of the Covid injections.

This means New Zealand suffered a shocking 3,404% increase in excess deaths in 49 weeks throughout 2022 compared to 53 weeks throughout 2020.

In Canada, the situation is similarly concerning.

The country suffered 35,318 excess deaths in 2021 and then 25,333 excess deaths by week 34 of 2022. This compares to 31,042 excess deaths in 2020 by week 53.

However, when looking at the figures up to week 34 in both 2020 and 2021, it becomes clear that 2022 has in fact been the worst year for excess deaths by far.

By week 34 of 2020, Canada had recorded 17,888 excess deaths. By week 34 of 2021, Canada had recorded 18,498 excess deaths. But by week 34 of 2022, Canada had recorded 25,333 excess deaths, representing a 42% increase on the excess deaths recorded in 2020, prior to the roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

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This dramatic increase in excess deaths raises serious questions about the safety of the Covid-19 vaccines and whether they may have been a contributing factor to the increase in excess deaths.

The USA suffered 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, and then 434,520 excess deaths by week 49 of 2022. This equates to over 1.1 million excess deaths in nearly two years.

The USA suffered a staggering 674,954 excess deaths in 2021, a year that saw the country coerced into coming forward to get injected multiple times throughout the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines. These numbers represent a significant increase in deaths compared to previous years and have raised alarm bells among the public and healthcare professionals alike.

The situation did not improve in 2022, with 434,520 excess deaths recorded by week 49, bringing the total number of excess deaths to over 1.1 million in nearly two years.

This is a staggering number and has led to questions about the effectiveness of the vaccine and the government’s response to the alleged pandemic.

The official narrative put forth by governments and health organizations has been that deaths in 2020 increased due to the outbreak of the alleged Covid-19 pandemic, with the response to it adversely affecting millions of people worldwide.

However, as the pandemic progressed and a vaccine was developed and distributed, the narrative shifted to focus on the safety and effectiveness of the Covid-19 injection as a means to curb the spread of the virus and reduce the number of deaths.

This narrative was reinforced through various propaganda campaigns, public statements, and official statements, with the message that the vaccine was “safe and effective” and would be “the key to ending the pandemic”.

However, the figures and official reports released by governments in the USA, Canada, Australia, New Zealand, the UK and most of Europe have shown that the opposite has happened, with millions of excess deaths being recorded since the mass roll-out of the Covid-19 injections.

This has led to many questions about the safety of the vaccine, the facts of the official narrative, and the integrity of Governments and Public Health bodies around the world.

The figures have been provided to both the Organisation for Economic Co-Operation and Development (OECD) and EuroMOMO by each country’s Government organisations. The U.S. data has been provided by the Centers for Disease Control. The UK data has been provided by the Office for National Statistics. And Australia’s data has been provided by the Australian Bureau of Statistics.

So these aren’t independent estimates. They are official Government-authorized figures.

And they show that the ‘Five Eyes’ countries and 26 other countries across Europe suffered 1.99 million excess deaths up to week 34/49 of 2022 following the Emergency Use Authorization of the Covid-19 injections.

These figures cast a haunting shadow over the narrative surrounding the pandemic and raise concerns about the true impact of vaccination efforts. Especially when coupled with mortality rates per 100,000.

A Chilling Correlation with Vaccine-Related Mortality?

In an unexpected twist, recent health data appears to lend a disturbing credence to Deagel’s dire predictions.

According to a dataset released by the UK Government’s Office for National Statistics (ONS), there’s an alarming trend observed in mortality rates among different vaccination statuses.

This data indicates that Four-Dose COVID-19 COVID-19-vaccinated teens and young Adults have up to a 318% higher likelihood of death compared to their unvaccinated counterparts.

In every single month, four-dose vaccinated teenagers and young adults were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated teenagers and young adults

The difference in mortality rates was so stark that the unvaccinated only managed to reach a mortality rate of 31.1 per 100,000 person-years in January, whereas the four-dose vaccinated managed to reach a shocking mortality rate of 106 per 100,000 person-years in the same month.

For the remaining months, unvaccinated teens and young adults mortality rate remained within the 20-something per 100,000 person-years. Whereas four-dose vaccinated teens and young adults’ mortality rates only went as low as 80.9 per 100,00 in April and remained within 85 to 106 per 100,000 for the remaining months.

Moreover, the mortality rate for one-dose COVID-19 Vaccinated Adults aged 40 to 49 shows a 185% higher risk of death than those unvaccinated within the same age group.

While the mortality rate for four-dose COVID-19 COVID-19-vaccinated adults aged 40 to 49 shows a 104% higher risk of death than those unvaccinated within the same age group.

Both one-dose and four-dose vaccinated adults aged 40-49 were significantly more likely to die than unvaccinated adults of the same age every single month since the beginning of 2023.

January was the worst month for both vaccinated groups as a mortality rate per 100,000 of 411.3 was recorded among the one-dose vaccinated and a mortality rate of 258.5 per 100,000 was recorded among the four-dose vaccinated.

Whereas a mortality rate of just 144.5 per 100,000 was recorded among the unvaccinated.

The January to May average mortality rates were 132.08 per 100,000 among the unvaccinated, 264.14 per 100,000 among the one-dose vaccinated and 225.2 per 100,000 among the four-dose vaccinated. Meaning, on average, over five months the one-dose vaccinated were 100% more likely to die than the unvaccinated, and the four-dose vaccinated were 71% more likely to die.

These startling statistics have led to rising concerns and debates regarding the safety and long-term impacts of the COVID-19 vaccines. The correlation between the increased mortality rates among the vaccinated and Deagel’s prediction of a drastic population reduction presents a scenario that is as concerning as it is controversial.

Unraveling the Truth Behind the Numbers

The emergence of such data inevitably leads to questions about the nature of COVID-19 mRNA and viral-vector vaccines and their role in public health.

While correlation does not necessarily imply causation, these figures undeniably demand a thorough and unbiased investigation into the vaccine’s impact on health and mortality.

The idea that COVID-19 vaccines could potentially increase mortality and be harmful, as implied heavily by the official Government data, adds a complex layer to the already heated debate surrounding vaccine efficacy and safety.

Navigating a Path Forward

This scenario underscores the necessity for transparent, rigorous scientific inquiry and open discourse. It challenges the global community to look beyond the surface of public health policies and predictions, urging a deeper understanding of their potential implications.

As we edge closer to 2025, experts are now warning that Covid vaccines are part of a major global depopulation agenda.

If global deaths continue to surge at the current rates, the population of humans will be reduced by billions by next year.

By Hunter Fielding
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5 months ago

Don’t be shocked! This was the COVID JABs purpose! Wake up, World! We were forced to take a concoction that didn’t address so-called COVID at all…it was a Population Reduction Tool! The deaths aren’t over yet. The poison works slower on some…but it’s working! Face it. Our betters (globalists) want to remove 80% of humanity from planet earth! If we continue to mindlessly obey, they will succeed! The atrocities of the Third Reich pale in comparison to this mass kill-off! The war criminals of the Nazis were dispatched, and justice done at the Nuremberg Trials. The present day monsters deserve no less! Young people Dying Suddenly isn’t a mystery. It’s murder on a planetary scale! NUREMBERG 2 is required! Now.

5 months ago

Amazing that England and Scotland had no excess deaths, except to say that they did until they both added another formula into the calculation. By inserting a never-before-seen line of ‘expected’ deaths, which miraculously mirrored the actual above base-line numbers, the matter of excess deaths simply melted away.

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