EU Leader: Farming Must Be Eliminated to Make Food Supply ‘More Sustainable’

The unelected leader of the European Union, Ursula von der Leyen, has declared that farming must be eliminated to “save the  planet” from the “climate crisis.”

According to von der Leyen, the agriculture industry no longer aligns with the goals of the World Economic Forum (WEF) and the United Nations (UN).

Therefore, traditional food producers must be shut down and replaced by “more sustainable” globalist-controlled replacements.

According to the WEF and UN, meat and dairy products will need to be replaced with Bill Gates lab-grown meats and global elite-friendly insect-based foods.

Von der Leyen warned farmers in a recent speech that it is now time for them to “sink or swim.”

According to the EU chief, farmers who refuse to comply with “Net Zero” targets of the WEF will be forced out of business.

During an official address, von der Leyen said:

“I know that [farmers] are worried about the future of agriculture, and about their future as farmers, but they also know that agriculture needs to move to a more sustainable model of production so that their farms remain profitable in the years to come.”

Following the speech, globalists have been scrambling to censor videos of von der Leyen’s statement that have been circulating online.


UPDATE: Google-owned YouTube has blocked News Addicts from sharing this information with our readers.

We have found an alternative version containing a short clip of the speech but this may also get censored soon.

We will update the report if we can find an uncensored version of the full speech.

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This comes after the WEF recently called on governments to block their citizens from growing their own food at home.

So-called “experts” at the WEF are warning governments that members of the general public are causing “climate change” by growing their own food at home.

According to a recent WEF study, researchers apparently discovered that home-grown food is “destroying the planet.”

As a result, the WEF and other globalist climate zealots are now demanding that governments intervene and ban individuals from growing their own food in order to “save the planet” from “global warming.”

The research indicated that resorting to garden-to-table produce causes a far greater carbon footprint than food grown in labs or derived from insects.

By Hunter Fielding
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Just me
Just me
8 months ago

This just proves that the “best and brightest” are not in charge. Kill the inhabitants, human and animal, to save the planet. How stupid is that?

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago
Reply to  Just me

Plants too. No cultivation and no CO2 means no plant life either, just another dead rock in space!

8 months ago

Arrest these people immediately. Do the same for all of the elites across the world. Further, take all of their wealth, which is their only source of power and give the money to worthy causes. Their cause is not that!

8 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

And just who will arrest these elites? The elites that they control?

8 months ago
Reply to  caught

Exactly right. That’s why they think they are untouchable now and tell us they want to murder us..they have stacked Govt’s, judges, police, media with psychos that protects themselves….It is a matter of self defense now. when you see one of these psychos kill’s the hill we die on..take as many of these lunatics with you..They want you dead while they are not scared of you

8 months ago

MMM, what a choice, let me think…Eliminate farms that provide food for me and my family or exterminate psychopaths that want to starve me and my family to death like they did in the Holodomor?,,,Gee what a hard choice NOT

8 months ago

Unless all Blackrock/Vanguard execs start fearing for their lives and are too scared to be ever seen in public…then they will kill us..WEF is funded by Blackrock/Vanguard…They think we are helpless because over the last few decades they have employed psychos as cops to protect themselves.. (Just watch a few first amendment videos to realize that only psychopaths get employed as cops now)..It’s BlackRock’s/Vanguards standing army against us!

Last edited 8 months ago by revo
8 months ago


8 months ago

Sounds like “Soylent Green” to me. Let’s start with these folks.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago
Reply to  tjwindy

Won’t even be that! No plants means no oxygen renewal. Nothing living will exist.

8 months ago

There is zero logic involved in eliminating farming to make food supply ‘more sustainable’ unless of course your motive is actually to starve billions to death to support your world control efforts. From under what rock did these jackasses come from?

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

NOT 1 near a farm, for sure!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

No farming = NO food supply! Neither plant nor meat foods just “happen” by accident!

Barbara Charis
Barbara Charis
8 months ago

Test results can be manipulated to give those who input the information the results they want, as far as these people who claim farming is unnecesary; and it would be less of a carbon footprint without farms. If food were grown without the use of petroleum fertilizer or pesticdes…it would be far healthier. Healthy soil is the answer which requires returning to the soil the natural compost it needs, Then the plants would be healthy enough to ward off pests.. It would be far less expensive in the long run. However, those who are looking to depopulate the planet are following in Stalin’s footsteps…he got rid of 29,000,000 million by putting real farmers out of business.

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