Dutch Citizens Turn Against Queen for Pushing CBDC-Linked Digital ID

Dutch citizens are pushing back after their queen attended the World Economic Forum (WEF) summit in Davos and promoted CBDC-linked digital IDs that track the general public’s vaccination status.

The once hugely popular Queen Máxima of the Netherlands is now falling into disgrace with the Dutch public.

Since October 2022, she has been making the rounds in international conferences and meetings to promote a totalitarian means of coercion, casually praising central bank digital currencies (CBDCs) and digital identities (IDs).

“Not even the Constitution and her own officials can stop her,” independent Dutch media outlet Nieuw Rechts wrote.

“When will Máxima be called to order and will she disappear back into her orange-colored cage?”

In 2002, Crown Prince Willem-Alexander married his Argentinian fiancée Máxima Zorreguieta.

In 2013, after his mother Queen Beatrix abdicated, Willem-Alexander became king, and his wife, Máxima, queen consort.

Nine years later, since October 2022, Queen Máxima has openly and knowingly violated Dutch constitutional law.

As the UN Special Advocate for Digital Money (UNSGSA), Queen Máxima regularly lobbies for the introduction of CBDCs at international conferences.

Under the guise of “financial inclusion,” she hopes to get as many countries as possible to switch to this new means of payment.

At the WEF summit in Switzerland, the queen called for digital IDs to be linked to CBDCs.

She also suggested they should track a person’s vaccination status.


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However, half of Dutch people do not want the digital euro to be introduced, according to I&O Research.

There are fears that this will abolish cash, that central banks could gain too much power and that citizens’ privacy could be compromised.

“A queen, who has to unite the people, should stay away from such sensitive matters,” Nieuw Rechts wrote.

“That is why concerned MPs have already submitted written questions about this to Prime Minister Rutte on several occasions.”

The Members of Parliament (“MPs”) questions put to Rutte ask whether the Constitution allows an unelected official to “promote all kinds of sensitive opinions and plans.”  Despite this, the Dutch government refuses to release the documents about Máxima’s CBDC lobbyism “in the interest of the state.”

“The Ministry of Finance has already tried to blow the whistle on Máxima. But this was in vain,” Nieuw Rechts wrote.

Recently she has proved herself to be a strong supporter of another controversial means of coercion: the digital identity.

Last week, during a panel discussion at the World Economic Forum’s annual meeting in Davos, Queen Máxima urged for the wider adoption of biometric digital ID cards globally.  She said that the introduction of biometric digital identity cards could be used by governments to track “who actually got a vaccination or not.”

She conveniently omitted to mention the fact that the danger of mass surveillance and totalitarian control is lurking behind the use of digital IDs, Nieuw Rechts noted.

Unworthy of a queen as far as her political lobbying practices are concerned, Máxima will not be restrained by anything or anyone. The Argentinian minister’s daughter seems to have never heard of concepts such as ‘code of law’, ‘rule of law’ or ‘democratic support’. Of elitist arrogance and utter unworldliness all the more. While her popularity with the Dutch population has been declining for years, she seems to be doing everything she can to make herself even more unloved.

Queen Máxima’s totalitarian genuflection, Nieuw Rechts, 24 January 2024

By Hunter Fielding
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Graham Booker
Graham Booker
8 months ago

She’s Argentinian pre-Millie’ so communist or at the very least a socialist. She is also an Argentinian minister’s daughter so corruption runs in her family.

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