Democrats Launch Ridiculous New Hotline For “Hate Crimes”

The state of Washington is predominantly governed by Democrats, who face minimal resistance from Republicans. It appears that there is a significant number of unreported hate crimes in the state, prompting lawmakers to establish a reporting hotline. However, in the area where I reside, which is commonly referred to as MAGALand, we do not encounter such issues. It is unfortunate that wherever Democrats hold power, there seems to be a prevalence of hate, racism, bigotry, as well as other societal challenges like crime, poverty, drug addiction, and homelessness:

“The bill says the hotline should be staffed during business hours. It says call takers should provide victims with information, refer them to culturally competent, trauma-informed local service providers for additional help and document the calls for annual reports. Identifying information will be kept out of the reports and will be exempt from public disclosure requests. SB 5427 passed the Senate on Feb. 7 and cleared the House on Wednesday, drawing unanimous support from Democrats and near-unanimous opposition from Republicans. It’s now headed to Gov. Jay Inslee’s desk to be signed into law.”

Democrats acknowledge that in areas under their governance, hate and racism are thriving.

“Proponents say a hotline is needed because many hate crimes currently go unreported to — or undocumented by — police[.]”

“Washington police reported 590 hate crimes to the FBI for 2022, 651 for 2021 and 462 for 2020,” the report admits. “In the most recent year, 63% of the state’s hate crimes were related to race, ethnicity or ancestry, while 18% were related to sexual orientation and 10% were related to religion.”

Its a blatantly obvious “snitch” line that of COURSE won’t be abused… right?

“Especially in marginalized communities, people might be afraid to contact police. Even when police are contacted, they might lack evidence to document a hate crime.”

Consider how individuals who have carried out numerous race hoaxes will exploit this to harm others. This represents blatant totalitarianism, a concept that relies on promoting individuals to report on their fellow citizens, neighbors, and family members.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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