Democrats Accidentally Gave Republicans an Upgrade as Rock Star Jim Jordan Believes he has the Votes to be Speaker

U.S. House Rep. Jim Jordan (R-OH) shared on Monday, that he believes has the votes to become Speaker of the House.

“Jim Jordan said Monday evening that he thinks he has enough support to reach a majority in the first round of voting.”

National Association for Gun Rights shared:

“Keep an eye out today: The House is expected to start nominations and debate for the new Speaker of the House at NOON eastern! This could have major implications on the defense of the Second Amendment, so we will be keeping an eye on the situation as it develops”

“Remember, in his 16 years in Congress, Rep. Jim Jordan has maintained a stellar voting record when it comes to opposing gun control, including standing up to the FIX NICS gun registration. That’s why it’s no surprise that Jordan’s Speaker candidacy has been endorsed by NAGR members and .50 Caliber Award winners like Thomas Massie (R-KY-4) and Sen. Rand Paul (R-KY).”

The House is set to vote for Speaker of the House Tuesday at Noon Eastern time. This comes after Democrats all voted along with a handful of Republicans to oust former Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy (R-CA).

Democrats believed they could persuade Republicans into a power-sharing agreement with McCarthy out of the picture. It looks like Jordan however may be thwarting their efforts and taking the Speakership.

Mike Rogers (R-AL) shared last week he wasn’t going to vote for Jordan and that he had been talking to Democrats about a different solution.

News broke Monday that Rogers had “seen the light” and was now on board with Jordan for Speaker.

We will soon find out if Republicans were successful in electing Jordan to lead the House of Representatives.

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By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

IF he don’t, there will be 6 more months of winter?
Wait winter is just starting?

Still applys! iF it’s Not jordan, we are in for HELL in America for at least 12 months!!! Amen

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