Covid Vaccine Trials Faked Safety Data, Top Study Finds

A peer-reviewed study has concluded that safety data produced during Covid mRNA vaccine trials was either exaggerated or outright fabricated.

The study was published in the world-renowned Journal of Evaluation in Clinical Practice and involves British Medical Journal (BMJ) Editor Peter Doshi.

The bombshell study exposes the hugely exaggerated COVID-19 vaccine effectiveness and safety claims.

The initial Fung, Jones, and Doshi paper outlines statistical biases, such as the “case counting window” bias, that likely led to the Covid vaccines’ effectiveness being exaggerated in observational studies.

The subsequent paper by Lataster then explained the situation is worse, as the case counting window bias is often accompanied by a definitional bias, and noted that this could exaggerate vaccine safety as well.

Doshi and Fung then returned with a further paper indicating that numerous cases in the vaccinated were overlooked in the clinical trials, likely leading to exaggerated effectiveness estimates.

The fourth and final article in this series notes that this also appears to apply to safety estimates in the clinical trials, whilst also confirming earlier concerns about safety estimates in observational studies, and noting that the myocarditis issue alone could mean that the jabs are not worth the risk in the young and healthy.

Highlights of the open-access article:

Safety estimates appeared to be exaggerated in a recent observational study championing the use of the jabs in the Omicron era.

Counting windows for adverse effects in the clinical trials were incredibly short, going against long-established norms, especially with the treatment and placebo groups quickly merged, and reliant on unsolicited reporting, as well as the opinions of researchers paid by BioNTech and Pfizer (like cardiovascular deaths being written off as unrelated to the jab when we now know the jab does cause cardiovascular deaths).

Note the concerning “large number of trial participants lost to follow-up” and that “deceased trial participants will not be contacting the researchers to describe their issues.”

Wrap your head around that one.

You’re in the vaccinated group.

You die, thanks to the jab.

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As a result, you don’t report this to Pfizer.

Your death is not included in the data, as with the potentially many other jab-caused deaths.

With relatively few adverse reports the jab is declared safe.

It’s a bit like how we can’t refer to many of the adverse event reports as they’re perpetually unverified.

Couldn’t avoid again referring to the Fraiman et al. and Benn et al. articles indicating that, with the data as unreliable as they are, the trials indicated an excess of deaths and “serious adverse events of special interest” in the vaccinated groups, relative to the unvaccinated groups.

Note that increasing research on myocarditis alone appears to indicate that the risks of the jabs outweigh the benefits in the young and healthy, the topic of the BMJ rapid response.

Pfizer acknowledges myocarditis risks and limitations of its study.

The executives at Pfizer won’t starve, however, as they are currently preparing to make billions in treating the “heart failure pandemic” their injections have caused.

And that Pfizer is currently running a trial, again plagued by counting window issues, to “determine if Comirnaty is safe and effective, and if there is a myocarditis/pericarditis association that should be noted.”

Would this information have been handy before you got jabbed, and before the jabs were universally declared “safe and effective”, and before people were fired for not submitting?

There is more than enough here to “nullify the claim that the benefits of the vaccines still outweigh the risks in all populations.”

Just remember that the claims about these COVID-19 vaccines being safe and effective were, at best, based on these clinical trials and observational studies.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

It was no statistical screw-up! COVID was a well developed plan to depopulate the earth! The Globalists aren’t bad at math. They’re psychopaths that plan to eliminate us…the “little” people! The “goof” story is another dastardly lie!
Hysteria was created by using the usual flu season, and calling it something scary! They drove us to accept their deadly cocktail thru manufactured fear! Vaccinate against a disease with a mortality rate of the common cold! We were pressured. Remember?
Ironically, we still obey these same monsters today! Somehow Fauci and the WHO and the CDC are STILL barking commands, and we dutifully obey. We’re like trained dogs at their master’s feet.
In a sane world, the Globalists would have been incarcerated or executed by now! What small group of humans, throughout history, have committed such a heinous crime against all of humanity? Listen. They brag of their success, while arrogantly announcing the next phase of their genocide!
Our (infiltrated) government WILL impose the unthinkable, at the command of this unholy group of mass murderers.
Plan accordingly.

Robert P
Robert P
1 year ago


1 year ago

There needs to be a trial for the murder of people around the world by those in power who pushed the vaccines and coerced the people into taking them, there now has to be a full discussion before any more people are harmed. and killed. world leaders need to come clean and put a full stop to the psychological brain washing of humanity and those that knowingly used it on the population need to stand trial for crimes against humanity

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