Country Music Star Goes OFF On Left-Wing Cancel Mob

Aaron Lewis, the country music star, has a strong message for the cancel culture of the left-wing:

“F*ck you.”

During a recent conversation with The Spectator, Aaron Lewis elaborated on his unwavering position when questioned about previous encounters with cancel culture groups.

“Mob rule is not the United States of America. Period, the end,” he said.

“To the left, it’s either you adhere to our narrative and our objective or you are an outcast.

“You have no voice to participate.

“You have no opinion.

“You’re a deplorable.

“And you know what? F*ck you.”

During a recent conversation with The Spectator, Aaron Lewis elaborated on his unwavering position when questioned about previous encounters with cancel culture groups.


One of his full-length videos can be seen below:

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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6 months ago

How quickly we forget! In my lifetime, we fought wars (Viet Nam) to stop the spread of Communism! Many Americans died in that just cause.
Today, we have a government INFILTRATED by Communists! They’re shoving the same ideology down Americas throat, and we don’t seem to register the obvious. Every proclamation of this Cabal, their every action is to further this toxic ideology, and to destroy us from within. The ENEMY is within! But, we are in denial of the danger.
America has always been the Big Prize, the final domino in world domination. The shining beacon on the hill is at DEFCON 1 in the war against brutality and tyranny. Do you understand how far we’ve fallen already?

1. Destruction of Religion
2. Gun Confiscation
3. Identification of Enemies As A
Unifying Cause
4. Disdain for Individual Rights
5. Control Over Energy
6. Controlled Mass Media
7. Control Over Communication
8. School Indoctrination
9. Attacks on Free Speech
10. Warrantless Spying
11. Doomsday Fear Mongering
12. Fraudulent Elections

We are nearly there!

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