CNN Panel Meltdown Over Trans Issue Shows Left Learned No Lessons from 2024 Defeat

A CNN panel discussion this past week perfectly exemplified the Left’s remaining blindspot on the transgender issue, which the Wall Street Journal called the “sleeper issue” of the 2024 election.

One guest, Jay Michaelson, yelled at strategist Shermichael Singleton for supposedly being“transphobic” for explaining that boys who identify as trans playing in female sports is not a popular policy with families across the country. Moreover, CNN host Abby Phillips, amazingly, tried to police Singleton’s language instead of shutting down Michaelson’s tantrum.

“They’re not boys! I’m not gonna listen to ‘transphobia’ at this table!” Michaelson interrupted Singleton. “Did you call a ‘trans girl’ a boy?! … When you use words as a slur, I’m gonna interrupt.”

“They’re not boys! They’re not boys!” Michaelson continued to interrupt. “I’m not gonna sit there and listen to that.”

Phillips tried to “reset” the discussion by saying the trans issue is a “heated” one, but notably called on Singleton to seemingly police his language to be “respectful” to Michaelson.

“I think out of respect for Jay, let’s try to talk about this in a way that is respectful,” Phillips said to Singleton.

“Let me rephrase this, since I’m being targeted here,” Singleton said, before being interrupted again.

“There’s no consensus that these are actually boys,” Michaelson claimed. “The whole thing about ‘trans girls’ is a canard.”

“We’re talking about a tiny, tiny sliver of the population, and we’re using that to take away health care from thousands of people,” he added, suggesting drugs like puberty blockers and surgeries like double-mastectomies on physically healthy minors is “health care.”

After being told to “just get to your point” by Phillips, Singleton explained, “Regular people look at these things and say, ‘Ya know what, this is a bit too far. I do not agree with this. I don’t like this. I think Democrats have gone way too much to the Left on social issues.’”

“They’re uncomfortable with it,” Singleton stressed. “A lot of people believe that, a lot of families believe that. You might disagree with that reality, but that’s why Republicans kept running those ads over and over and over again, because they saw the metrics that they were working.”

The Trump team, as Singleton said, saw great success with an ad about Vice President Harris supporting taxpayer-funded sex changes for trans inmates. The tagline of the ad underscored how Harris is for “they/them,” while “Trump is for you.”


Women’s rights activist Riley Gaines commented on the clip, writing, “A grown man telling another grown man how to speak. Normal people are tired of the policing of language. Call it as you see it and never apologize.”

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“Have they learned nothing from the election?” she posed.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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4 months ago

People have different views of torture and murder, but we don’t argue for the morality of monsters! This is all about the continuation of chaos. It’s an attack on the family structure, normal society and even more, an attack on GOD and our Christian belief system. The scurrilous Left won’t quit in their mission of destruction! But now, more than ever, they’re hollerin’ in a vacuum. Americans are no longer listening to their craziness!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
4 months ago

Elective cosmetic surgery and hormone dosing cannot and do not alter DNA, or body structure dictated by it! Males are build “from the ground up” to BE males, just as females are built to be females, for their purposes in life. What they “feel” like is a deception to themselves as well everyone else. It’s also a temptation from Satan, with intention to pull people away from Yhwh God, so they will share eternity in hell with him, instead of in heaven with Yhwh. IF as fully mature and informed adults, who can afford to pay their own way for such surgery and drugs, and still want it, so be it; they do have free will, but NO public coverage via insurance, or abusing the military for it. Elective work needs to go back to being paid out of the recipient’s pocket, not society’s.

Last edited 4 months ago by Sandra Smith
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