Christmas is remembering the night our savior was born!

There is no ‘Merry Christmas’ without Christ Jesus, for there would be no true joy in the world at all were it not for the birth, life and death of our Savior.

Some 2,000 years ago, in the long-ago silence of history, God the Son departed the indescribable in Heaven to live in the womb of a fifteen year-old virgin, who resided in a backwater area of Israel where those who were waiting on the coming of a Messiah lived, in Nazareth.

Nine months later in the lowliest of places, a cave in which animals took shelter and ate in the town of Bethlehem, our Savior was born.

It’s inconceivable to me that the Creator of Heaven of Earth, the King of the Universe would leave His majesty and glory behind to become and live amongst his humble creation. Most of us have heard the story our entire lives, but it really is profound when you consider it.

It was because of the great love God has for us that He become so small in order that we might one day be with Him in Eternity. That’s what Christmas is about – and if we somehow forget this, then we’ve lost all hope.

So take a moment to read the account of His Birth if you haven’t and remember just what He did for us.

May your Christmas be merry and full of joy and love.

By Melinda Davies
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Robert P
Robert P
22 days ago


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