CDC Admits Covid Shots Injured, Killed Thousands of Children

The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) has admitted that tens of thousands of children have been injured, disabled, or killed by Covid mRNA shots.

Just over a year ago, an advisory committee to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) voted on Thursday 20th October 2022, in favor of adding the COVID-19 vaccine to the recommended immunization schedule for children aged 6 months and over.

But was the CDC’s advisory committee aware of figures published by the federal agency that reveal nearly 58,000 children had been injured due to COVID-19 vaccination across the USA by September 29, 2022?

Was the committee aware that 1,201 of these children either suffered a life-threatening event or a permanent disability?

Did the advisory committee know that a further 163 children tragically lost their lives?

The CDC hosts a Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS) that can be found here.

Unfortunately, the CDC reveals that at least 57,622 children (Aged 0 to 17) have suffered an injury due to COVID-19 vaccination as of September 29, 2022.


The Janssen vaccine is responsible for 1,358 of these injuries, the Moderna vaccine for 10,751, and the Pfizer vaccine for 45,425.

The CDC also reveals that 14,728 children have either visited a hospital or been hospitalized due to an injury caused by COVID-19 vaccination.


The Pfizer vaccine has caused 13,636 children to be hospitalized, the Moderna vaccine 1,001, and the Janssen vaccine 62.

Sadly, the CDC reveals that 1,201 children have either suffered a life-threatening event or been left permanently disabled due to COVID-19 vaccination.


The Pfizer jab has nearly killed or permanently disabled 1,073 children, the Moderna jab 119 children, and the Janssen jab 4 children.

Tragically, the CDC reveals that at least 163 children have lost their lives due to Covid-19 vaccination.

The Pfizer vaccine has killed 143 children, whilst the Moderna vaccine has killed 20 children.

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Even more unfortunate, is that these figures do not illustrate the true consequences of Covid-19 vaccination among children.

This is because the CDC estimates just 1 to 10% of adverse events are reported to VAERS.

How many more innocent lives will need to be lost?

By Hunter Fielding
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Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 year ago

Wow, that’s faster than they usually admit their intentional “errors”. Took them 30 yrs to admit the lies about HIV, and then they never changed the public protocols.

Don Barnes
Don Barnes
1 year ago

What is it going to take for the CDC to admit that the covid vaccine is genocide pure and simple, how many more lives have to be lost before someone addresses the elephant in the room ? DO NOT COMPLY !!!!!!!!!!!

Last edited 1 year ago by Don Barnes
Annoying Truther
Annoying Truther
1 year ago

A gov’t that does not protect it’s own people and causes harm to them does not deserve to govern. They are traitorous SOB’s that need time in a cell.

1 year ago

The gov does not care about the citizens.

1 year ago

Thing is, it’s always been that way, but now it’s just becoming REAL obvious

1 year ago
Reply to  Tom

Yep, Thanks to President Trump exposing it all. Hence the reason they want him in jail or dead.

1 year ago

In a jurisdiction where there is capital punishment is what they deserve.

Why do you think they are doubling down on their viciousness – because they know they are guilty as charged, and punishment is deserved.

1 year ago

The thinking non sheeple with two brain cells to rub together knew from the getgo that the Gates,Fauci,Schwab,Soros,Bourla, Bidens entire administration (who have duo citizenship with Israel) NWO clot shot was DESIGNED to KILL. They didn’t even try to hide the WEF’s nefarious Zionist agenda to eliminate the goyim & make billions of shekels while they annihilate God’s innocent. LOXISM = GENOCIDE! Look at their holy book Talmud. It’s all there.

1 year ago
Reply to  Sherlock


1 year ago

Demand for ‘Unvaxxed Spurm’ from ‘Purebloods’ Skyrockets newsaddicts. com/demand-unvaxxed-sperm-purebloods-skyrockets/

I am the UnVaxxed man in this video! Send help! bitchute. com/video/wRKqwvw6cTGb/

1 year ago

And millions of adults aren’t factored in or acknowledged?

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
1 year ago

You’re gonna have to be a Bible reader and believer to have escaped this one. That is being FOOLED into giving your children SATAN’S JAB.

Many of you weren’t and you may have just killed your children off trusting GODvernment instead of GOD and his word.

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