The Canadian government is now shutting down the bank accounts of citizens who question the World Economic Forum-linked regime’s globalist agenda.
A new report has revealed that hundreds of citizens have been “debanked” for “wrong-think.”
Data unearthed through an access-to-information request by Blacklock’s Reporter unveiled a disturbing pattern where 837 Canadians who oppose the WEF’s Agenda 2030 found the doors of their banks slammed shut on them over a span of five years.
According to critics of the debanking wave, far-left Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, who was selected for office by Klaus Schwab, is doing the bidding of the globalist elite and punishing Canadians who dare to reject the ideology of the WEF.
The Financial Consumer Agency of Canada was brought into the loop through complaints lodged with regulatory bodies.
The organization sheds light on Trudeau’s systematic “financial strangulation” of domestic opponents.
According to the agency, the vast majority of these debanking cases were not cases of terrorism and money laundering.
Previously, serious these crimes were the only legal reason the government of Canada was permitted to intrude upon the financial liberty of its citizens.
In a deeper dive into the numbers, it’s revealed that the financial shackles tightened around 267 bank accounts and 170 Bitcoin wallets belonging to Freedom Convoy supporters.
The effort has ensnared an estimated $7.8 million in wealth from individuals opposed to the Trudeau regime and its globalist backers.
This exercise in financial censorship was scrutinized during a hearing on March 7, 2022, where Angelina Mason, representing the Bankers Association, testified.
Mason outlined that while the Royal Canadian Mounted Police (RCMP) supplied a list of names, banks were also mandated by separate orders to exercise their judgment in identifying account holders for de-banking.
The narrative grew murkier when New Democrat MP Daniel Blaikie raised queries about the fate of individuals who were debanked but did not feature on the list provided to the RCMP.
Mason’s one-word response was a stark “Yes.”
In early 2022, Trudeau vowed to freeze the bank accounts of those involved in the freedom rallies, that is people who objected to vaccine mandates, robbing them of their ability to work.
Trudeau decided to use Canada’s Emergencies Act to freeze people’s accounts without – astonishingly – the need for a court order.
Canada “broadened Terrorist Financing rules” so that they could also suspend crowdfunding campaigns and cryptocurrency donations saying, “It’s all about following the money.”
“This is about keeping Canadians safe, protecting people’s jobs,” said the prime minister, after effectively causing thousands of Canadians to choose between their jobs and a vaccine with a dodgy safety record.
Despite supporting protests in other countries, such as India, Trudeau had no such patience for the protesters attracting bad press to his regime.
Every day the freedom rally stood in the capital was another day Trudeau had to defend his vaccine mandate policy against accusations of human rights abuses.
Giving police excessive powers to attack the finances of those attending a peaceful protest shocked many and yet the silence from leaders around the world fell heavy on the air.
Only the pages of the truly independent press were screeching.
The silence from the political class is understandable.
It happened during a time when every Western government was engaged in the abuse of human and civil rights through various emergency powers and health orders.
None of our leaders broke ranks, observing the “don’t throw stones in a glass house” ideology.
The press are the ones who should have been pelting rocks at these glass houses, but they kept quiet because they too had threatened their staff with mandates or taken vast sums of money from Big Pharma.
If citizens tried to speak on social media, they were erased from platforms that were making a killing in pharmaceutical ad revenue.
The threats from Canada’s police force continued for many weeks, with the acting police chief saying that they would work for months to hunt down protesters.
“If you are involved in this protest, we will actively look to identify you and follow up with financial sanctions and criminal charges.”
Let’s remember that the protesters were camped in Ottawa because the Prime Minister had used his powers to make unreasonable demands that violated the public’s medical rights.
People were losing their homes, jobs, and families. Trudeau’s response to the protest should have been to realize that he’d made a mistake and overstepped his power – instead, he punished citizens for challenging his will.
Canadian banks should have staged a protest of their own against the government when they were asked to hunt down citizens.
They did not.
Banks expressed their surprise – complained about how much work it would take to track down the people on Trudeau’s list – but ultimately obeyed the request knowing that the Emergency Order protected the banks from lawsuits.
In doing so, they set a precedent.
Rejecting the WEF-linked government’s globalist agenda was now a valid reason to freeze someone’s assets.
“The censorship of money is something we see in an authoritarian country, not one like Canada,” said a senior consultant at a crypto fund.
“Regardless of my views on the protests, freezing accounts for political reasons is a big, big slippery slope.”
Trudeau may have gotten away with labeling his citizens as domestic terrorists, racists, extremists, and misogynists whilst doing some terrorizing of his own, but with every day that passes, his actions appear more unhinged.
Covid was not the emergency it was made out to be and Covid vaccines are coming under increasing scrutiny for injuring and killing otherwise healthy people.
The freedom protesters had a perfectly valid reason to stand in the freezing cold and demand their rights.
The taxpayer-funded government has no right to target anyone for expecting their freedom.
If one reads the “wish list” of the WEF it should make every reader fear for their future. This wretched organization of the “elites” is unapologetic about their plans to get rid of a huge percentage of the world’s population, forbid us from eating real meat and dairy products and forcing us to eat artificially made products. Now they are working to take the money of those who publicly disagree with their actions. How can they not realize that, regardless of how massive their wealth, the freedoms of citizens is not and will never be in their control or even up for discussion among the People. One thing they will never control is our lifespans but if they keep this up, I suspect theirs will be up for debate!!
Nuke Davos!
“FEAR” for their future? No – Americans don’t “fear” for their future. It should make every American PLAN for their future – specifically, the denouement of the WEF and its band of aspiring dictators. Time for target practice – Vince Flynn “Term Limits” style.
One wonders why Justin didn’t just round up those who disagree with him and have them shot. Seems to be exactly what he is trying to do to them by cancelling bank accounts and taking there money away from them.
Can anyone be sure it is not happening already?
The Coutts Four, 4 protesters in the Alberta part of the Freedom Convoy protest are still in jail without bail for over 500 days! Political prisoners!
Canadians begged for communism, they got it!
Oh ☭anada! Oh ☭anada!
Nuke Ottawa!
What do we expect from Fidel Castro’s lovechild?
Anyone else notice how OLD the ones in charge are?? Just wanting to take down us little people? Trudeau’s hero was Mao who murdered his own people…not too far behind the man. Makes you wonder if his “daddy” really is Castro…his actions sure are like his!
Is this true? Have more people been “de-banked” since the Emergency Act was cancelled? If this is true we have to seriously fight back and get the liberals out of power.
You should’ve have got awakened years ago! Instead, you are still asleep. Didn’t you realize why and what for covid had been made up, introduced and spread across the world?! To control you through the vaccines, digital money and chips. And this is not a conspiracy theory! Can you get it at last?
Canadians are wimps – they will say “Sorry”! and acquiesce in whatever tyrannical, subjugating insanity that Trudeau and the band of totalitarian WEF Nazis think up. Schwab, in particular, should be marched to the gibbet and his head mounted on a pike with a 24 hour a day webcam pointed at it as a testimonial to the ultimate destiny of would-be tyrants.