BREAKING NEWS: Ninth Circuit Appeals Court Blocks Arizona’s Proof of Citizenship for Voting

In a heated legal dispute concerning election integrity in Arizona, tensions have escalated after a recent decision by the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals.

On August 1, a three-judge panel of the Ninth Circuit reversed a previous ruling that required proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections.

The decision, made by a narrow 2-1 vote, now permits individuals to register to vote using a state form without needing to provide citizenship documentation for federal offices such as President and Congress.

The law, passed by Arizona’s Republican-controlled Legislature in 2022, aimed to prevent non-citizens from voting by requiring proof of citizenship when registering to vote with the state. An initial emergency stay, issued on July 18 by a different Ninth Circuit panel, had upheld this requirement.

The recent ruling by the Ninth Circuit further weakens the already limited safeguards intended to protect our elections. Previously, while federal ballots could be vulnerable due to the lack of a citizenship proof requirement, there was at least some level of security with state registration forms.

Now, with both federal and state forms no longer requiring proof of citizenship, it’s easier for non-citizens to vote in federal elections. This decision not only undermines Arizona’s efforts to ensure election integrity but also marks a concerning step back in maintaining the authenticity of our voters.

In essence, they didn’t need this latest ruling to bypass the previous one—it feels like a deliberate insult. Arizona State Senate President Warren Petersen described it as “judicial warfare” intended to undermine the will of the American people. The case is expected to be appealed to the Supreme Court.

“This is just another example of why the radical Ninth Circuit is the most overturned circuit in the nation,” said Senate President Warren Petersen.

“They routinely engage in judicial warfare to carry out their extremist liberal agenda that’s contrary to the laws our citizens elected us to implement,” he continued

“We will seek assistance from the Supreme Court to ensure only American citizens are voting in our elections. If this principle is not followed, democracy as we know it, and as our Founding Fathers intended, is in jeopardy,” he added.

The Ninth Circuit’s recent ruling serves as a stark reminder of the ongoing erosion of our electoral system’s integrity.

By eliminating Arizona’s requirement for proof of citizenship to vote in federal elections, the decision potentially increases the risk of voter fraud and further diminishes trust in the democratic process. The system, which should be safeguarding electoral integrity, now seems to be enabling the very vulnerabilities it was designed to prevent.

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Senate President Warren Petersen’s frustrations highlight a broader disillusionment with a judiciary that appears more focused on advancing a political agenda than upholding fundamental democratic principles.

As the Supreme Court prepares to review this case, it underscores a growing concern that the system is increasingly out of touch with the importance of fair and secure elections.

The dismantling of these safeguards signals a troubling trend, raising serious concerns about the future of democracy and whether genuine electoral integrity can ever be restored. This is particularly alarming given the millions of voters affected under what some see as a lawless, anti-American administration.

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By Hunter Fielding
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6 months ago

Commies are everywhere!

6 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

you can help . vote … RED RED RED

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