BREAKING: Hunter Biden finally pleads full-on GUILTY to avoid a trial

It’s just been reported that Hunter Biden, after having his earlier guilty/non-guilty plea rejected by his father’s corrupt DOJ, has finally pled full-on guilty to the tax evasion charges.

Here’s more from ABC News:

After hours of legal wrangling on Thursday, Hunter Biden pleaded guilty to nine tax-related charges, avoiding a lengthy and potentially embarrassing trial.

U.S. Judge Mark Scarsi accepted Hunter Biden’s guilty plea to the tax charges. Sentencing in the case is scheduled for Dec. 16.

Scarsi clarified that the president’s son faces a maximum sentence of 17 years in prison and a fine of as much as $1.35 million.

“Do you agree that you committed every element of every crime alleged … in the indictment?” Judge Scarsi asked.

“Yes,” Hunter Biden said before pleading guilty to each count of the indictment.

It was perhaps the most stunning twist in a legal drama that has for years been defined by unexpected turns – and immediately raised the specter of a presidential pardon, despite President Joe Biden’s previous assurance that he would not grant his son clemency.

Prosecutors accused Hunter Biden in December of engaging in a four-year scheme to avoid paying $1.4 million in taxes while spending hundreds of thousands of dollars on exotic cars, clothing, escorts, drugs and luxury hotels.

Even today the White House said Joe will neither pardon Hunetr nor commute his son’s sentence. But I don’t believe it for one fat second. And apparently neither does Jonathan Turley:

By Melinda Davies
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