Bill Gates Demands ‘Digital ID’ for ‘Every Human on Earth’

Billionaire Bill Gates has joined forces with the globalist United Nations (UN) to launch a new effort to ensure that “every human on Earth” can be tracked and monitored with a “digital ID.”

The plan involved rolling out the World Economic Forum’s (WEF) digital ID system on a global level.

The WEF gloats that its system will give unelected global elites “complete control” over humanity.

Dozens of national governments are joining with the UN and Gates on a global program to impose “digital public infrastructure” (DPI) on their citizens within five years.

This “DPI” includes central bank digital currencies (CBDCs), digital identification, comprehensive data systems, and more, all functional across national borders.

The new scheme, unveiled late last year and moving ahead rapidly, is known as “50 in 5” because 50 governments expect to have the Orwellian “digital infrastructure” of tyranny in place within five years.

Almost a dozen governments, including numerous corrupt kleptocracies and socialist regimes, have volunteered their populations to serve as “First Mover” countries so far.

However, the UN assumes that every government will eventually impose this on every person on Earth.

This is clearly expressed throughout its announcements.

“All countries, regardless of income level, geography, or where they are in their digital transformation journey, can benefit from being a part of 50-in-5,” the UN agency behind the scheme declared.

“Joining the campaign helps ensure countries don’t have to tackle DPI implementation alone or start from scratch.”

In a post on X, Gates lamented that there are “850 million people” still left in the world who “lack ID that proves their identity.”

According to Gates, the WEF’s system is a “global solution” for rolling out digital IDs for the entire human race.

Gates describes MOSIP as an “inclusive approach” to a “global digital ID system” that serves as “a formidable solution” for “dismantling the barriers” for people millions of people around the world who don’t have suitable identification.

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Gates is calling on nations around the world to adopt his “global solution” for “digital ID” to ensure that every single person on Earth “proves their identity.”

According to Gates, the UN, the WEF, and their globalist backers, the technology is the “inclusive” solution.

The Gates Foundation insists that digital ID systems are integral to fostering digital public infrastructure (DPI).

Proponents of DPI argue that digital ID technology can, in theory, stimulate economic growth.

Nevertheless, the risks to personal privacy cannot be ignored.

Though DPI promises to streamline transactions for individuals and governments, its adoption without robust privacy safeguards can lead to potential misuse, surveillance, and unwarranted data access.

If digital ID becomes a requirement for travel, online access, managing personal finances, or even buying food, the system also raises concerns that people could easily be locked out of society for failing to comply with the government’s rules.

If a person “misgenders” someone or uses so-called “hate speech” on social media, they could be blocked from using public transport or buying groceries, for example.

Globalist organizations such as the WEF have long been touting the “benefits” of controlling the public with “cashless societies” and digital ID.

The United Nations is even calling for digital IDs to be directly linked to individuals’ bank accounts.

Once the digital ID infrastructure is rolled out to every person worldwide, unelected globalist elites will have complete control over humanity.

By Hunter Fielding
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10 months ago

Gates can just stuff a sock in it. He is bordering on insanity with his growing self importance. We ain’t buying.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Not “insanity”; he knows full well what he’s doing and the consequences thereof! This is pure, unadulterated EVIL! He’s working for Satan!

10 months ago

“ The WEF gloats that its system will give unelected global elites “complete control” over humanity…”
Are we just not paying attention? How can we sit idly by while the 3rd Reich children try once again to Rule the World? Why aren’t national guvmints pushing back, or simply ridiculing this gang of megalomaniacs?
Instead, the WEF is infiltrating guvmints around the world with their “young leaders!” This has gone far too far already!
Egomaniacal Bill Gates is our local representative of the New World Prison! He’s been a huge proponent of mass Genocide…like his father was. Second generation insane!
We read everyday how these unelected vermin plan to kill most, and enslave the rest of humanity for THEIR dream utopia. You aren’t invited.
I believe the next major step, for the US anyway, is the UN/WHO Pandemic Treaty (atrocity)! Once signed by our Dunce in Chief, unbelievable authority over America will be given to this Globalist Cabal…the same fine folks who tried to kill us wholesale with the COVID Bio-Weapon! Once signed, America will be at the Globalists mercy…as long as a pandemic exists. We’ve seen how easily plandemics are to manufacture!
Are we waiting for OUR Guvmint to save us? Wake up! The illicit Cabal in charge (also because we didn’t act!), is in league with the WEF crazies!
Media tells us our biggest fear is Russia, or the Climate Boogieman, while never mentioning the Global Conspiracy that’s about to kill or control you! Everything else is a DISTRACTION!
This enemy is already within, and they are single-minded and vicious! They have money and too many weak willed world leaders leading us to slaughter! Brandon is on their side. We’re in extreme danger of losing our planet!
News Addicts are telling us the truth about our impending slavery! No one else will.

Last edited 10 months ago by Damari
Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

They aren’t pushing back, because they’re in collision and full agreement! They’re part of the evil cabal.

10 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

“If you let the government break the law because of an ‘emergency’, they will always create an ‘emergency’ to break the law!”

…was posted on Facebook by Jess Ica on November 26, 2020.

Ya, we know WTF has been happening all along. Government betrayal!

10 months ago

it’s time to rearch for the “666” of Bill Gates… in 60’s and 70’s there was devizes a way to get “666” from Henry Kissinger by using a “A=6,B=12,C=18, etc” but that really was just “Henry Kissinger = 111” (a=1,b=2) then multiplying by 6…..
well, Henry is dead and beast still isn’t identified… but Gates fits the M.O.

so any ideas? remember, it needs to be simple and thus the x6 won’t fit the narative … Henry was 111 not 666, it cannot be 37, 74, or any other divisor of 666, must be 666

Last edited 10 months ago by qazwiz
Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago
Reply to  qazwiz

6 is the number a man; 666 amplifies it.

10 months ago

Gates can go and walk off a cliff, you have no right to ask anything this is not the world that you created and have no special rights above anyone else.

Robert P
Robert P
10 months ago


10 months ago

Just say NO

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
10 months ago


10 months ago

Nuke this un-elected P0S and Davos from orbit! It’s the only way to make sure!

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