Bill Gates Caught Bankrolling Lawmakers Pushing Support for WHO

Several top lawmakers who have been instrumental in governmental support for the United Nations’ World Health Organization (WHO) are being secretly bankrolled by globalist billionaire Bill Gates.

An investigation uncovered secret documents showing that Gates has been funneling millions of dollars to politicians to get their support for signing their country into the WHO’s “Global Pandemic Treaty,” enslaving their own citizens in the process.

Citizens around the world have been raising grave concerns about their governments surrendering sovereignty over public health matters and “climate emergency” protocols to supranational bodies that are heavily controlled by nefarious actors.

However, globalist lawmakers have become so captured by WHO and Gates that they are ignoring the better interests of the taxpayers who pay their salaries.

In just two months a critical meeting of the World Health Assembly will take place.

This meeting is supposed to finalize the terms of two politically oppressive and financially onerous agreements: the WHO Pandemic Treaty and the updated International Health Regulations.

However, leaked documents from the UK show that Prime Minister Rishi Sunak’s rehabilitation of Andrew Mitchell (of “Plebgate” infamy) and former Prime Minister David Cameron who, together, instituted the British government partnership with Bill Gates’s Global Vaccine Alliance (GAVI) in 2011 – committing billions of taxpayers’ money.

It should also be noted that it was only disclosed – in a petition debate about the International Health Regulations in December 2023 – that Mitchell was the chief Foreign Office negotiator for the two WHO agreements.

Moreover, it is now evident that although the government’s position was opaque and ambiguous at the debate in December it is not proposing to reveal any more details before the agreements are supposed to be concluded in May, by which point it will be very difficult for the UK and other nations to extricate themselves from them.

Days after Cameron’s appointment, the British government hosted the so-called Global Food Security Summit in which Sunak, Cameron, Mitchell, and WHO Chief Tedros all toasted the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation while Mitchell also paid particular tribute to Tedros:

“I now have particular pleasure in calling Dr. Tedros, the head of the WHO, a friend of many of us who does incredible work against an extraordinarily difficult background”

About all this, of course, there is an incredible lack of transparency.

The event was hosted by the UK, UAE, and Somalia and funded by the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation with the Children’s Investment Fund Foundation – an organization founded by Net Zero proponent Sir Chris Hohn.

Hohn, meanwhile, also bankrolls radical climate terrorist group Extinction Rebellion.

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In his mysterious rise to power, it should be noted that Sunak is himself a former employee of Hohn and his hedge fund, Children’s Investment Fund Management.

We should note that even parliamentarians are beginning to worry about the integrity of the medicines licensing agency the MHRA which in turn is in partnership with the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation and the WHO in manufacturing products it is supposed to be licensing (or the Secretary of State for Health and Social Care is on its advice).

Aside from the UK, Gates has been pumping vast sums of cash into the administrations of President Joe Biden, Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau, and other World Economic Forum-controlled world leaders.

None of this should be happening without public scrutiny and discussion.

By Hunter Fielding
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7 months ago

Gates is the enemy of America and must be treated as such. His wealth should never be reason to allow him immunity from the same punishments the rest of us would face. He and his billionaire friends must be stopped.

7 months ago

Gates and the legion (wef -who)are the enemy of the lower income human population. We are simply peons to them. The only thing gates has in the common dishwasher (respect to dishwashers) is the fact he manage to become rich from choices. Right place at the right time and bribes the right people…..He had no great abilities nor is he a “Pariah”, he just a rich arrogant piece of garbage that wants to reduce the population of the earth so he can fly his jets and visit his several properties around the world just like all the rest of the people who have substantial money.

They think they are better than you.

Time to take that wealth back by force and redistribute it and use it properly.


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