Bill Clinton’s Office Responds to Jeffrey Epstein Document Release

Bill Clinton’s name is likely to appear in court files involving Jeffrey Epstein that will be released shortly, and the former president’s staff is not opposed to making that information public.

U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska decided in December 2023 that the papers would be made public after January 1.

In addition to Clinton, disgraced British royal Prince Andrew and Microsoft co-founder Bill Gates are likely to appear.

The records are the result of a 2015 civil complaint filed against Epstein and his business accomplice Ghislaine Maxwell for alleged sexual trafficking and abuse of Virginia Giuffre.

Clinton’s office did not provide a fresh reaction to the documents’ release, instead directing the Washington Examiner to a 2019 statement about his connection with Epstein from Clinton spokesperson Angel Urena.

Clinton’s office also stated that “President Clinton has never been accused of any wrongdoing” in respect to Epstein’s crimes and that the former president “did not object to the unsealing.”

“President Clinton knows nothing about the terrible crimes Jeffrey Epstein pleaded guilty to in Florida some years ago, or those with which he has been recently charged in New York,” Urena wrote at the time.

“In 2002 and 2003, President Clinton took a total of four trips on Jeffrey Epstein’s airplane: one to Europe, one to Asia, and two to Africa, which included stops in connection with the work of the Clinton Foundation.

“Staff, supporters of the Foundation, and his Secret Service detail traveled on every leg of every trip.

“He had one meeting with Epstein in his Harlem office in 2002, and around the same time made one brief visit to Epstein’s New York apartment with a staff member and his security detail.”

The New Year will be ushered in with the unsettling revelation of hundreds of associates of deceased convicted pedophile Jeffrey Epstein, including former President Bill Clinton and others at the highest echelons of world power.

According to ABC News, the former president will be identified as an associate of the late Epstein, who committed suicide in 2019 while awaiting prosecution for abusing hundreds of underage girls in a decades-long scam.

Clinton traveled with Epstein dozens of times, according to flight logs obtained from Epstein’s private plane.

In a civil action launched against Epstein co-conspirator Ghislaine Maxwell, U.S. District Judge Loretta Preska decided that, with the exception of three persons who were injured by the couple, the identities of Epstein’s accomplices deserve to be in the public domain.

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Virginia Giuffre, the plaintiff in the case, is one of Maxwell’s victims and described how Epstein’s amorous companion would recruit and groom young females for his perverse pleasures.

The “John and Jane Does” list is supposed to include a who’s who of global power brokers. According to Maxwell and Giuffre’s deposition papers, the young lady was instructed to have sex with former Senate Majority Leader George Mitchell, model scout Jean Luc Brunel, and wealthy hedge fund manager Glenn Dubin.

Maxwell, like the other two males, disputed the charges.

According to court documents, President Clinton, known as “Doe 36,” is named in more than 50 redacted papers.

In 2016, just days before his wife Hillary Clinton claimed the Democratic nomination against then-candidate Donald Trump, Giuffre’s attorneys moved to subpoena the two-term former president.

The legal dispute raged on into the next year, as both parties asked the judge if testimony from President Clinton, who denied ever being on Epstein’s private island through attorneys, would be disclosed.

“You did not allow us to depose him because you said it was irrelevant,” Giuffre’s attorney told the judge.

“So now we’re in a position where at trial they want to put forth that information against my client, and I don’t have an under-oath statement from that individual saying whether or not he actually was,” she added.

Because the trial never happened, Maxwell’s evidence against Clinton was never heard, and the case remained unsolved – until now.

Former President Donald Trump recently spoke out about Bill Clinton’s implication in the expected release.

By Melinda Davies
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1 year ago

Quit ?ing around & arrest these Assholes!!!

TRUMP BETTER BUST A MOVE, or we will No longer Back him either!

1 year ago

Bill Clinton is Lily-White! Innocent as the driven snow! Barely knew the man! Yeah. I guess that’s why Epstein had a painting of Clinton in a dress hanging on his wall. Yup. Just acquaintances.

1 year ago

Clinton has to be ‘accused’ or it doesn’t fly? Far as I know, he and Gates were the frequent flyers supporting this human traffiking business. Guess once they got the taste of raping/killing women and children they couldn’t get enough.

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