Biden’s Attorneys Threatening to Challenge 2024 Election Results

Joe Biden’s personal attorney, Bob Bauer, informed Politico that he is getting ready to challenge the 2024 election results.

“We’re seeing — and have seen — election officials say, ‘If I’m not satisfied with the outcome here, I may not certify; I’ll just block it.’ And you saw that play out very dramatically in Michigan in 2020. That is something that we might see more of this time around,” Bob Bauer told Politico.

In 2020, President Trump received more votes than any other sitting president in U.S. history.

In 2020, Trump added 12 million more votes than his 2016 victory.

In the 2020 election, Biden claimed “victory” with the fewest number of counties ever won by any winner in history, securing only 16% of all U.S. counties.

In 2020, the Democrat Party machine-generated 81 million ballots, and with no apparent changes in the past four years, they are expected to repeat the process.

During his campaign, Joe Biden spent much of his time in his Delaware home, and when he did make public appearances, he struggled to attract crowds. Typically, only a few people, mainly journalists, attended these events.

In key swing states such as Michigan and Wisconsin, Democrats produced ballots in the dead of the night and Biden’s legal team is prepared to challenge any election officials who question what they view as clear fraud.

Lawyers representing Trump who legally challenged the election results in Wisconsin, Michigan, Arizona, Georgia, and Nevada have been indicted.

Only Democrat lawyers are allowed to contest election results in America.

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By Hunter Fielding
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3 months ago

Should our Republic be combative like this? NO! If we’re all Americans, differences would be resolved diplomatically…not like this!
But, both parties are not American value driven! The Democrat Party has been infiltrated by Communists! And, their mission is America’s conquest from within!
Throughout the entire Leftist driven administration, every decision and EO has been intended to tear us down! Occupants of our White House have created chaos, not prosperity. This was their task.
Now…do we allow them to complete the job?
Isn’t it time we fought back?

3 months ago

The election hasn’t even begun but biden and the democraps are already protesting the results… WHY??? Are they expecting to lose?
The democraps are despicable…

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