Biden’s Alcohol Czar Gets Blasted for ‘Two Beer a Week’ Advice

The White House is getting blowback for the unsolicited advice of Biden’s new “alcohol czar” to limit consumption to two drinks a week.

This is ironic because if there was ever a presidency that makes you want to drink, it would be Joe Biden’s.

On Tuesday, Fox News’ Peter Doocy confronted Karine Jean-Pierre on the Biden regime’s nanny state guidance for beer consumption.

Doocy asked KJP if the Biden administration really sought “to limit Americans to two beers a week,” but the press secretary offered a canned response.

“Let me tell you what I’m not gonna get involved in: that question,” Jean-Pierre responded.

Doocy then asked if Biden would be “OK” with Americans being told to drink only two beers a week.

“I will leave it to the experts,” Jean-Pierre replied. “I’m just not going to comment on that.”

Republican lawmakers blasted the advice from Biden’s alcohol czar, with one calling it “ridiculous,” according to Fox News.

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Texas GOP Sen. Ted Cruz told Fox News Digital, “Democrats are trying to control every aspect of your life.”

“We saw this especially during COVID and it’s continued throughout the Biden administration,” Cruz said. “All it’s done is erode trust in public health bureaucrats.”

Tennessee Republican Rep. Tim Burchett called the potential recommendation to two beers a week “ridiculous,” even though he doesn’t even drink.

“This is what happens when 30 million Americans don’t vote,” Burchett said. “Overpaid unelected bureaucrats sticking their fat noses somewhere it does not belong.”

“I am a non-drinker, but this is ridiculous,” he added. “If they want to look at abuse, look at the spending in Washington and the overreach by the White House.”

Sen. Joni Ernst (R-IA) slammed the potential recommendations “absurd.”

“Another Biden ‘czar’ – this one wants to take away Americans’ beer,” Ernst wrote on X, formerly known as Twitter. “Absurd.”

Current American guidelines are to two drink only two alcoholic beverages per day while women should only have one drink. But these recommendations are up for review in 2025.

Biden recently encouraged Americans to take part in an Anheuser-Busch promotional giveaway so that the Covid vaccination numbers might go up.

By Melinda Davies
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10 months ago

Exactly how would they be able to pull this stunt off without every single person having a digital ID? I’ll buy two here, then two there, until I have my six-pack. What’s the issue – is this a disguised ‘reason’ for them to promote digital IDs because we KNOW, they never tell the truth or expose their motives from the gate – more like thieves-in-the-night or stab-you-in-the-back behavior.

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