Biden caught Trying To BUY Votes Ahead Of 2024

Alex Marlow argued on Friday during his appearance on Fox Business Network’s “Kudlow” that President Joe Biden’s recent initiatives to alleviate or eradicate student loan debt for numerous borrowers are an attempt to garner support from highly educated liberals.

Host Larry Kudlow said, “Once again Joe Biden is coming in insisting on expanding to lump cancellations.”

He added, “The Supreme Court said you can’t and with impunity he keeps raising it and adding to the student loan cancellations. I always ask, what part of the english language doesn’t Biden understand? Let me get your opinion.”

Marlow said, “This is about buying votes. He’s trying to buy the votes overeducated liberals who took on too many student loans and are making a lot of money. A lot of this, Larry by the way, there’s a racial element to this too because black Americans have a higher ratio of debt to income from student loans and they will get a comparatively less of a handout from Biden. I think the left should get on this.”

He added, “It’s a great day if you love inflation. It is a great day if you are selling cars or you are a landlord. All these people get more money because of Biden’s handouts and of course all of its inflationary.”


By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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