Biden Admin Seals Covid Vaccines Safety Data Until 2026

President Joe Biden’s administration has sealed critical safety data related to Covid mRNA vaccines to ensure it is hidden from the American people until at least 2026.

In a motion filed with a district court, the Department of Justice (DOH) and the Department of Health and Human Services (HHS) reportedly requested for an 18-month stay concerning a Freedom of Information Act (FOIA) request lodged by America First Legal (AFL) and Just The News.

The FOIA request sought to obtain data from the Vaccine Adverse Event Reporting System (VAERS).

According to the two agencies, an influx of pandemic-related FOIA requests is overwhelming the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).

They added that releasing vaccine records requires extensive staff training and onboarding, which could take up to two years.

While staffers were reportedly hired for this purpose, they are still undergoing training.

FOIA requires government agencies to release requested information unless it negatively affects interests like personal privacy, national security, and law enforcement.

But according to the motion filed by the HHS and DOJ, the FDA has been dealing with FOIA requests amounting to “approximately 5.7 million pages of COVID-19 vaccine records in a compressed timeframe.”

According to the National Pulse, AFL and Just The News are suing the FDA and the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) to obtain data on COVID-19 vaccine reactions.

These reports are ostensibly “kept in a back-end, nonpublic system” separate from the publicly accessible VAERS.

“The public-facing [VAERS] database contains only initial reports while the private, back-end system contains all updates and corrections – such as formal diagnosis, recovery or death,” the lawsuit noted.

It also cited examples of vaccine-induced deaths not recorded in VAERS, but present in the private database.

Lawyer for AFL blasts government delaying tactic

“You just need to wait until 18 months from now, and maybe you’ll get to see it. Maybe you won’t,” said AFL lawyer Gene Hamilton, who represents Just The News, when asked about the government’s position on vaccination records.

“What they’re hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it.”

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“This is a typical government excuse which is, ‘Oh, we’re so busy. We don’t have the resources to help provide you, the American people, with the information that you need.'”

But this was not the first time the FDA was caught in a fiasco regarding FOIA requests.

English novelist Dr. Vernon Coleman pointed out that the COVID-19 vaccines were far from being “safe and effective.”

He referenced a tranche of documents made public as a result of a FOIA request.

The 91-page tranche was part of an extensive report submitted by Pfizer to the FDA as part of its post-authorization adverse event reports.

Included were adverse event reports from individuals injected with the Pfizer COVID-19 mRNA injection through Feb. 28, 2021.

“What the report exposed was nothing less than criminal,” Edit Lang of Natural Health 365 wrote in December 2021.

“In fact, only a few weeks into getting shots in the arms, Pfizer received over 42,000 case reports of adverse events.”

By Hunter Fielding
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3 months ago

You should have just said that Obama sealed the Covid report, because that would have been more believable.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago
Reply to  trainman6

Why? He has no say in anything; never did!

3 months ago

A president should not have that much authority. And you wouldn’t seal the data unless there is some negative data you’re trying to hide.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago
Reply to  Duties

You should not seal it especially then!

3 months ago

It’s called CYA…cover your ass!
Adverse information about their bio-weapon already deployed, might adversely affect the sales of the NEW VACCINE HOAX!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Too bad!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
3 months ago

Oh, the Lies the left keeps spewing! “It’s too complicated” … “We don’t have time, or enough staff”…. NONSENSE! It’s not a bit ” complicated”! Those jabs were formulated to KILL recipients, fast, slow, or anywhere in between! There you go,the condensed version! It’s even simple enough language for any 5th grade level reader to comprehend. They contain carcinogens, immunosuppressants, and venoms that mess with your blood causing hemorrhage or clotting.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
3 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

People who have done their own research know that, but there are people out there who still believe it’s ‘safe and effective’. Restricting access to the data limits the people who exposed it in the first place, the ones you and I got our information from, there is more and more information coming out all the time so your condescending attitude helps no one, not even a 5th-grade level reader.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
3 months ago

“What they’re hoping to do is stretch this out to the point where everybody forgets about it.”

Which is easy when you’re dead.

3 months ago

We are watching genocidal criminals attempting to save their asses! Or, at least delay their inevitable trials and imprisonment long enough for the American memory of this terrible crime to be forgotten.
Or, there’s a chance the next bio-weapon might do the trick and kill off their accusers.
Bird Flu is coming…before November!
Bet on it.

3 months ago

This is plainly HIDING the truth from us!
Spare me the “too busy” right now story.
What is it we can’t know?

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