Biden Admin Blames ‘Climate Change’ on Unvaccinated

President Joe Biden’s administration has published a report that blames “climate change” on unvaccinated Americans.

The Biden admin recently published the Fifth National Climate Assessment (NCA 5).

The report claims that the alleged state of “climate change” in the U.S. is linked to increased pandemic risks.

The NCA 5 includes a full section that details the assumed connection between “climate change” and the COVID-19 pandemic.

According to the report, future pandemics will become more likely and worse as the projected impacts of climate change take effect.

It also asserts that their combined effects can only be addressed with “early collective action and systemic change.”

The Biden admin argues that pandemics are worse than they should be when members of the public refuse to get vaccinated.

The “systemic change” pushed in the report includes Americans complying with vaccine mandates for “the common good.”

According to the NCA-5, people can do more to “save the planet” by yielding to the government’s pandemic protocols.

The report also states that climate-driven changes in ecosystems increase the risk of emerging infectious diseases by altering the interactions between humans, pathogens, and animals.

Additionally, the NCA 5 claims more than 50 percent of identified pathogenic illnesses are exacerbated by climate change, especially those originating in animals or vector-borne diseases.

It wants people to believe that aside from influencing the distribution, diversity, and abundance of vectors and non-human hosts, climate change can also increase host susceptibility to pathogens and pathogen replication, hasten the transmission of pathogens, and promote the establishment of new illnesses.

The NCA 5 offers some solutions to get ahead of the next pandemic, but many questions remain unanswered about the origins of the COVID-19 pandemic.

A letter sent last June to CIA Director William Burns, signed by Republican Ohio Reps. Brad Wenstrup and Mike Turner, revealed that an experienced Central Intelligence Agency (CIA) officer told both the House Select Subcommittee on the Coronavirus Pandemic and the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence that the CIA paid six investigators six-figure sums to change their positions away from suspecting a lab leak in Wuhan, China.

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But despite the evidence, the White House insists it still cannot say for certain that COVID-19 originated in a lab.

The NCA 5 states that both COVID-19 and climate change have “common underlying challenges and solutions,” such as cooperative action among nations to reduce threats, “bottom-up and top-down programming to build community resilience and solutions to address stark socioeconomic, racial, and gender disparities that increase the vulnerability of those who are facing discrimination or have fewer resources.”

The NCA 5 also claims that factors such as air pollution, drought, heat waves, hurricanes, and wildfires variously added to the transmission of COVID-19 and the severity of cases, particularly between minorities and lower-income populations.

When asked about the pandemic section of the report, Steve Milloy, a senior legal fellow for the Energy and Environment Legal Institute, said pandemics are caused by infectious diseases, viruses, and bacteria.

Milloy added that there is no evidence that the slight warming observed “over the last 150 years has anything to do with any of that…

“It’s about hygiene and insecticides.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

The left have moved beyond what we used to call insane into a whole new realm of INSANITY – why anyone pays any attention to them is beyond reason – I guess believers have already leapt into the new realm of insanity too!

1 year ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

I hear you !!! HOW did the left get so crazy, and FAR left, over the last few years ? They used to be totally ignorable, at one time… NOW they’re ‘in charge’ (in SO many countries ) and trying to change EVERYONE’S lives to meet their tight, far left standards of ‘what is right’. Talk about pure misery and denial of the basics to life to the population.
Of course NONE of their policies apply to the elites in charge – they won’t be eating crickets any time soon, nor having them added secretly to their food…..!!..

1 year ago
Reply to  Splish_Splash

We must pay attention to those who want to kill us for not being them.

1 year ago

Talk about a steaming pile of horseshit. The future plandemics will be man made and distributed. Everything that liberal governments are doing is to strip us of your freedom and prosperity, food, water, energy, healthcare, family, church, education.

Thus a handful of megalomaniac billionaires can enjoy the new dystopian reality from behind their compound walls … they too will lose freedomm. The freedom to travel and move around where ever … will never again be safe for anyone.

Enough …. we need to fight back bigly.

William Flyer
William Flyer
1 year ago

So, in other words, one hoax is the cause of another hoax.

Robert P
Robert P
1 year ago


1 year ago
Reply to  Robert P

The sooner, the better….

1 year ago

What is the senile old man in the White House going to do about the 18 million illegal aliens that have no immunity and have no immunity against Polio, whooping cough, smallpox, chickenpox, and other diseases that he has allowed into this country that were eradicated long ago????

1 year ago
Reply to  JohnnyB

How do you know that those 18 million (your number) have no immunity against those diseases? simply because they are not american? and who says that those diseases
are erradicated, and if they are how would these 18 million have them?

Guy St Hilaire
Guy St Hilaire
1 year ago

When are we going to see the last the geriatric leadership and get back to a semblance of normalcy in the US .

1 year ago

It has been the plan for quite some time.

“When we get ready to take the United States, we will not take it under the label of Communism; we will not take it under the label of Socialism. These labels are unpleasant to the American people, and have been speared too much. We will take the United States under labels we have made very lovable; we will take it under “Liberalism,” under “Progressivism,” under “Democracy.” But take it we will.”
~ Alexander Trachtenberg, at the National Convention of Communist Parties, Madison Square Garden, 1944

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