Kate Stephenson

144 Posts
The Globalists Employ ChatGPT to Address Vaccine Hesitancy by Echoing Public Health Narratives

The Globalists Employ ChatGPT to Address Vaccine Hesitancy by Echoing Public Health Narratives

At the end of this month, new findings will be unveiled at the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, indicating that the AI-driven ChatGPT program promotes vaccine information aligned with official public health guidance. Designed to address vaccine hesitancy, ChatGPT actively supports the encouragement of vaccinations as…
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Former Fauci Adviser Allegedly Disclosed Confidential NIH Information to Ecohealth Regarding COVID Biosafety Levels, According to Documents

Former Fauci Adviser Allegedly Disclosed Confidential NIH Information to Ecohealth Regarding COVID Biosafety Levels, According to Documents

According to documents, a former adviser to Dr. Anthony Fauci, David Morens, shared “confidential” information from the National Institutes of Health (NIH) with EcoHealth Alliance regarding COVID-19 biosafety levels. Morens shared an email with EcoHealth Alliance, stating that the information was meant to prepare Fauci to address the issue of…
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