Kate Stephenson

128 Posts
New Study Supported by CDC Indicates Potential Reduction in Severity of RSV Disease with Vaccine, Findings Contradict Previous Data

New Study Supported by CDC Indicates Potential Reduction in Severity of RSV Disease with Vaccine, Findings Contradict Previous Data

A recent study funded by the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) suggests that newly approved vaccines for respiratory syncytial virus (RSV) could reduce the severity of the disease, similar to how COVID-19 vaccines lessen the severity of SARS-CoV-2 infections. The study compared disease severity in patients who received…
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The Role of COVID Spike Proteins in Enabling Cancer Cell Survival and Chemotherapy Resistance: Insights From a Preprint Paper by Brown University

The Role of COVID Spike Proteins in Enabling Cancer Cell Survival and Chemotherapy Resistance: Insights From a Preprint Paper by Brown University

A recent preprint cell study from Brown University suggests that the spike protein from SARS-CoV-2, the virus that causes COVID-19, may promote cancer by interfering with anti-cancer activities. The study found that the spike protein subunits of the virus may block a cancer suppressor gene known as p53, which is…
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Psychology Research Challenges Conventional Perspectives on Conspiracy Beliefs and Vaccine Hesitancy

Psychology Research Challenges Conventional Perspectives on Conspiracy Beliefs and Vaccine Hesitancy

A recent study published in Social Psychological and Personality Science suggests that the relationship between conspiracy theories and vaccination hesitancy is more complex than previously thought. While it is commonly believed that conspiracy theories drive vaccination hesitancy, the study found that vaccination hesitancy itself can lead to an increase in…
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The Globalists Employ ChatGPT to Address Vaccine Hesitancy by Echoing Public Health Narratives

The Globalists Employ ChatGPT to Address Vaccine Hesitancy by Echoing Public Health Narratives

At the end of this month, new findings will be unveiled at the European Society of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases Conference, indicating that the AI-driven ChatGPT program promotes vaccine information aligned with official public health guidance. Designed to address vaccine hesitancy, ChatGPT actively supports the encouragement of vaccinations as…
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