Australia to Ban Cash, Mandate ‘Digital Passport’ for Public

The Australian government is moving to ban all physical cash and mandate that all members of the public will require a “digital passport” to take part in society.

The World Economic Forum-infiltrated government is laying the groundwork for the establishment of “cashless societies” as part of a broader scheme to clamp down on public freedoms, according to a news report from Australia.

The government is claiming that the “digital passport” seeks to tackle “bad behavior” from dissenting citizens.

“Essentially it will work the same as a passport,” said the Today Show reporter.

“Australians will be forced to submit 100 points of identification like their driver’s license or their passport when using social media sites like Facebook and Twitter.”

“Police will have access to those social media accounts and it’s all part of a crackdown on online abuse.

“Users could be liable for defamation suits or even criminal prosecution.

“It’s all part of a plan to stop users engaging in bad behavior.”

According to the global elite, “bad behavior” by social media users is any kind of dissent that opposes their radical agenda.


Meanwhile, Australia’s largest banks are banning cash from their business operations and moving to a digital-only system.

Macquarie Bank, Australia’s fifth-largest bank, announced Friday it will phase out cash, cheque, and phone payments in 2024 as it transitions to digital-only transactions.

Australia is not the only state to have fallen under the totalitarian control of the globalist elite.

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The European Parliament and member states have reached an agreement on the mandatory rollout of Bill Gates’ Digital ID which has inbuilt features designed to exclude people from participating in society if they do not comply with the globalist agenda.

For some time now, News Addicts has been warning the masses for years that a key plan in the globalist agenda involves Digital IDs and Central Bank Digital Currencies to lock humanity in a digital prison

Meanwhile, the European Union has just admitted that we were right all along.

The elite has always denied these plans, describing anybody who dared to expose their plans as “conspiracy theorists” who need to be muzzled on social media, frozen out of society, and in some cases thrown in prison.

But now the globalists are making their move.

By Hunter Fielding
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Claude Ramains
Claude Ramains
9 months ago

Well the Optus outage and the sea ports infrastructure hacks that shut everything down for days certainly threw a spanner in the works of their digital passport plan didn’t it.
It just reminded everybody that the Australian govt sux at digital anything and that they’re always being hacked.
It reminded everybody that cash is king coz if you don’t have it you’re screwed when the power or the internet goes out… which is often.
Heck! Parliament can’t even keep their own emails secure.
This might be the govt plans but Gates has not factored in the astounding incompetence annd stupidity of our govt.
they also haven’t factored in the fact that the penny has dropped for most Australians.
Australians know the digital plans and are taking their cash out of the banks hand over fist and insisting on paying cash at the registers to make it as hard as possible for the govt to ban it.
We might. It take up torches and pitchforks but when the penny drops for Australians it’s a massive non compliance that’s more effective.
And that’s what they do.
Australians have never trusted their government.
After Covid any last vestiges of trust were crushed under the abusive weight of their cruel tyranny.
We have. Is seen the true face of our govt.
so has the rest of the world.

9 months ago
Reply to  Claude Ramains

You’ve got more faith in our collective people than do I. There’s a few who don’t comply already. I saw how many during the Scamdemic. Which isn’t done yet either. On only one occasion did I see another normal person at a mall or shopping center for a year. Otherwise I was the only one not running about without a face nappy. If that’s the rate we’ll stand against this crap, then we won’t need more pitchforks than the local Bunnings could supply in one go.

9 months ago

Short cut to total control.

Laura ann
Laura ann
9 months ago
Reply to  sargesgiftcom

I wonder if Aussies are smart enough to not comply.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
9 months ago
Reply to  Laura ann

If they willingly disarmed they are willingly to be sheep and will soon outnumber them on their own soil.

9 months ago
Reply to  Laura ann

yeah, Get AHEAD of it!!.. They are SOOO coming for you & yours!!!-
With a vengeance!..

Soon to deploy lethal AI Robots against the Australian People, no doubt!!-

Last edited 9 months ago by Tris
Rat Bastard
Rat Bastard
9 months ago

To survive and thrive, Humanity must first and forever be purged and cleansed of globalist satanic pedo masonic filth

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Rat Bastard

That purge is closer than most realize, and will likely include a few you didn’t name, that are of the same ilk. It will be effected by Jesus Christ in Person, at Har Megiddo. Following that, He will assume rulership over all the Earth, establishing an era of peace and prosperity not known since Eden was closed off to humanity!

9 months ago

While we know the intention to ban all cash in Oz is clear, if this report is factual, then why is there no deadline given as to when this will take place? Why is the news reporter in the video talking about the Morrison government? Albanese has been the PM of Australia since 23 May 2023, not Morrison. Why are there no links to sources for confirmation? Has anyone got a source to back up this claim? To be very blunt, is this report fake news using an old video?

9 months ago
Reply to  caught

regardless use cash only in ALL transactions

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  kiwi

Good advice for now, but there are other considerations. 1. It is too late to use that advice for anyone who is already registered in the system. 2. If/when cash is banned, just trying to use cash will be criminalized, and anyone trying to use it might well get reported. 3. One can be sure that the use of alternate forms of currency will also be banned once people are forced into using digitalID and CBDCs. 4. People talk about using the 2nd amendment, but that should be done before full control is in place by well organized, clandestine forces or it will not succeed. 5. Now people need to tell their representatives to block all efforts at total government control, since Biden has just done an XO for “net neutrality” – watch Josh Philipp explain it on Epoch Times: Obama-Era Control Over the Internet Makes Its Return With Net Neutrality | Live With Josh. Time is running out fast.

9 months ago

Really people, get off of these social media accounts. These people are pure evil and will destroy you, your family and life

9 months ago

If you Ausies don’t soon take your government to task you will become slaves to the likes of that POS Nazi Klause Schwab and his ilk at the WEF. You must understand that bullets are the only thing that will stop those NAZIs and are the only thing they are afraid of, so make your point with bullets !!!

9 months ago

Some say cash is king. I disagree. Here in the states we have the 2A. He who controls violence, is the one really in control. Aussies should have never given up their weapons. The government lunacy will not stop. It’s already sliding down a long slippery slope and it will start picking up speed. Push come to shove, when it really hits the fan, what can any of you do about it? NOTHING. Just lay down and take it. And for those of you that don’t think the 2A is a good deterrence, just read what they don’t teach in school. I’ll point to one instance in 1946 that I bet NONE of you have ever read or heard about. The Battle of Athens, TN, USA: The 2A works, PERIOD. If there’s anyone with enough conviction and courage to actually put it to use.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

Worked pretty well in ’41-’42 too, keeping the Japanese from rolling right on through CA after Pearl… Yamamoto convinced Tojo et al there would be “a rifle behind every blade of grass” and the losses would be catastrophic, even with our fleets nearly wiped out in the Pacific, just then. They took him at his word and didn’t come…

Dolyce Brown
Dolyce Brown
9 months ago

I read that whole article – it was extremely interesting as the voter fraud goes back to the 1940’s. Just like now. However, now if anybody complains or says there was fraud – they get hauled into court. (Trump/Georgia) What will it take nowadays to get a fair election?

9 months ago
Reply to  Dolyce Brown

Just because Trump, of all people, whines about ‘Fraud in the Election,’ I wouldn’t take that as a Fact.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago

I would not bet on the 2nd amendment. It is not like combat we have known because the 2nd amendment works when we can see the enemy. But when the enemy is represented by computers, surveillance cameras and drones (the USA is now estimated by some as having more surveillance cameras per capital than Communist China), and the government has ABC weapons that it will not hesitate to use against its own people, and collateral damage is not an issue, the 2nd amendment becomes almost useless. Unless action is taken very soon, technology, including AI will be used to lull the people to sleep, so they can be destroyed. Cameras and AI are being used to identify people by many criteria, including body movements. Going into survival mode may be possible, but only for a very few and probably not for long. After all, the objective is planet depopulation, and those doing the destruction will not care a bit if many of their own are destroyed as well. As soon as governments that support the depopulation are able to force millions or more to get digital ID and use only CBDCs, cash, cryptocurrencies, and other exchange media will be banned with harsh penalties for even trying to use other than government-controlled money. As their farms and land are taken away by government, people in rural areas will be forced to move into so-called “smart” cities, where they will have no POVs, no meat, no dairy, and that will set the stage for isolating each ‘smart’ city to make it easier to kill all the people in them by starving them to death or spraying viruses around followed by killer “cures”. In major cities roads will be blocked, water shut off, food resupply denied (no farms, no food), and people will die by the millions. I’ve asked a number of skeptical people for flaws in this scenario and so far, no one has been able to explain why this cannot happen. I wish someone would come up with good reasons why this won’t happen. 

9 months ago

I would not bet on the 2nd amendment. It is not like combat we have known because the 2nd amendment works when we can see the enemy. But when the enemy is represented by computers, surveillance cameras and drones (the USA is now estimated by some as having more surveillance cameras per capital than Communist China), and the government has ABC weapons that it will not hesitate to use against its own people, and collateral damage is not an issue, the 2nd amendment becomes almost useless. Unless action is taken very soon, technology, including AI will be used to lull the people to sleep, so they can be destroyed. Cameras and AI are being used to identify people by many criteria, including body movements. Going into survival mode may be possible, but only for a very few and probably not for long. After all, the objective is planet depopulation, and those doing the destruction will not care a bit if many of their own are destroyed as well. As soon as governments that support the depopulation are able to force millions or more to get digital ID and use only CBDCs, cash, cryptocurrencies, and other exchange media will be banned with harsh penalties for even trying to use other than government-controlled money. As their farms and land are taken away by government, people in rural areas will be forced to move into so-called “smart” cities, where they will have no POVs, no meat, no dairy, and that will set the stage for isolating each ‘smart’ city to make it easier to kill all the people in them by starving them to death or spraying viruses around followed by killer “cures”. In major cities roads will be blocked, water shut off, food resupply denied (no farms, no food), and people will die by the millions. I’ve asked a number of skeptical people for flaws in this scenario and so far, no one has been able to explain why this cannot happen. I wish someone would come up with good reasons why this won’t happen.  

Forager Lady
Forager Lady
9 months ago
Reply to  caught

All 5g towers should be knocked down. Not only are they weaponized but they contain a goodly amount of copper and, I believe, platinum(?). And as many cameras as possible should be destroyed! Even just spray paint the lenses. All those who are perpetrating these crimes against humanity need to be charged, arrested, and stripped of all assets which should then be returned to the people. Then the criminals should be dealt with accordingly.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
9 months ago
Reply to  Forager Lady

“Should be” and “needs to be” don’t count, because before one could spray paint anything one would be surveilled and arrested shortly afterwards. The problem is not so much that the cameras are installed, but that they are installed legally. That is what must be changed. But then, given the ever-increasing amount of crime, isn’t it likely that the people will demand legalization again? The law enforcement apparatus in many cities will not want them out. As Thomas Sowell has said, there are no solutions, only trade-offs, and the tradeoffs in this case are security vs privacy. Too much of one can result in too little of the other. The decision should be local, not by the state or the federal government.

Sgt Mac
Sgt Mac
9 months ago

My Friends Bill Gates was a Good man That Turned Into Evil. Good is Greater Then Evil and All Humans will Die Good or Evil. Gates is Just About There and Hell is Ready For Him

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Sgt Mac

“Why do you call Me good? There is none good but our Father in Heaven”~ Jesus Christ. “For all have sinned and fallen sort of the glory of God.”~ Isaiah.
Gates is not,and never was, a “good” man. No living human (none of those already dead, for that matter), is or has ever been such, since Adam bit the fruit off that forbidden tree in Eden! Some manage to suppress their sin natures, and evil sides, better than others, by choosing to repent and become redeemed. Others, like Gates, Schwab, etc al, choose of their own free will to continue practicing, even double down in, their sin natures. It’s their choices preparing that place in hell for them, not Yhwh God.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sgt Mac

The Gates family i pyre evil…Bill’s Grand daddy was part to the “Fake” Spanish Flu scamdemic (just like the Covidhoax) to force people to vaccinate through fear….There was no Spanish Flu just like there is no Covidscam…It was vaccines that killed millions back then as they are now….And back then just like now the Gates demons were part of it

9 months ago

Started as a penal colony, now under dictatorship. Guess that continent is doomed for oppression.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Only by their own free will choices…

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

Have ALL Aussies lost their minds, or is it just those in high offices??? If the latter, the rest need to rein them in, and start acting more like sheepdogs than sheep! However, if it is the former, then,I guess they’re getting what they want and deserve.

Asstro Buoy
Asstro Buoy
9 months ago

What happens when you DISARM white people. The waycist commies take over and slowly start dismantling white freedom. All that’s missing now are the chains or your ankles and the handcuffs or you wrist – fer being white.

Dolyce Brown
Dolyce Brown
9 months ago

I am glad Australians are not going to allow Gates et al to get away with his demonic plan. I hope Canada wakes up too.

Harold Crapper
Harold Crapper
9 months ago

Do not participate, even if it is passed, grass roots movement to unset any politician who votes for it.

Gary Oraniuk
Gary Oraniuk
9 months ago

Our Australian government is an unlawful corporate government with no actual legitimacy. Cash is legal tender in our Constitution (the corporate government runs a parallel Australian Constitution, which you can buy a copy of) so cash must stay, as lack of/refusal to accept cash comes under Australian consumer law prohibitions on restraint of trade, and suchlike.
Furthermore, stifling dissent is unlawful, as the right to lawful political protest is enshrined in Australian las, as per the attachment. A 3 year criminal offence is applicable.
In a further comment I will show you the Lawful Notice that made Victorian Premier Daniel Andrews send masks out to my public housing units-all 16 tenants received the, in government envelopes, via the post.
My liability video is applicable to governments, as well:
That, and other information about local councils, has gone to people at the Gold Cast, in Queensland, who are protesting the Council ruining business all over the Gold Coast.

Gary Oraniuk
Gary Oraniuk
9 months ago

My Notice to Daniel Andrews, former Victorian Premier.
I might be the only man in my state to have made him do anything.
And this is the upshot (my document) of that statement he made about the Police.
Andrews privatised the Victoria Police and used them as his private militia-that is unconstitutional, as the states in Australia, have no lawful ability to raise their own militias:
I done good, I think.
But to reinforce my efforts: from a great Australian researcher:

Forager Lady
Forager Lady
9 months ago

We all need to reject the digital system. It is meant only for control and enslavement. Even if we go back to barter and trade for goods and services. Then, we need to remove these crazy psychopaths by any means necessary. They seem to be using any means necessary to get rid of the people.

9 months ago

I just lost my job for refusing to receive a digital ID.

It is coming and it is coming very quickly.

Gary Oraniuk
Gary Oraniuk
9 months ago
Reply to  Michael

Are you an Aussie, Michael?

Nasty McNasty
Nasty McNasty
9 months ago

See ‘The Aussie Cossack’ over at Rumble…
Once you see his plight, then the puzzle pieces fall into place.
Cossack is the Australian version of Julian Assange…with Assange also being an Australian ‘Citizen’ who has been disenfranchised by the wimpish Albo government!

9 months ago

It looks like the globalist elite, want to turn Australia into a replica of China, even before ww3 begins and they invade and make it a colony of China.
Let’s face it, China is Hell on earth.
While the west has been giving billions to Israel and Ukraine, China and Russia have been developing very sophisticated weapons that will give them the upper hand.
Like the DEWS, that hit Maui maybe, the microwave weapons that made trees burn from the inside out. What about the malaysian airliner that just vanished?
Some satellite took videos as it happened.
Was it from a satellite:

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