Arizona’s Dem. Gov. Katie Hobbs Calls Out Biden’s Inaction on Border Crisis

Democratic Arizona Gov. Katie Hobbs made her dissatisfaction and alarm over the Biden administration’s disastrous handling of the southern border crisis perfectly clear in a letter to President Biden on Friday.

Gov. Hobbs demanded compensation for the Biden administration’s willful refusal to enforce immigration laws and secure the southern border.

“Today, I sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to reassign National Guard members to assist in its reopening, as well as reimburse the $512,529,333 federal border inaction has cost us,” Hobbs posted on X.

“The federal government must act immediately to solve the unmitigated crisis caused by the Lukeville Port of Entry closure,” Hobbs wrote.

“Today, I sent a letter to President Biden calling on him to reassign National Guard members to assist in its reopening, as well as reimburse the $512,529,333 federal border inaction has cost us,” she wrote.

The federal government ordered the closure of the Lukeville Port of Entry on Monday, requiring all American and Mexican inhabitants to drive several hours to the next closest port of entry in Nogales, Arizona.

In her letter, Hobbs urged Biden to “immediately” move 243 National Guard soldiers who are already assigned to the Tucson region to the Lukeville Port of Entry.

“For far too long, Arizona has continued to bear the burden of federal inaction in managing our southern border,” Hobbs wrote in the letter. “The recent decision to close the Lukeville Port of Entry has led to an unmitigated humanitarian crisis in the area and has put Arizona’s safety and commerce at risk.”

On Saturday, Hobbs posted a video at the southern border with an urgent call for action on the border crisis.

“Here on the border to assess the situation on the ground first hand & to work with Border Patrol to get them the resources they need,” she wrote. “Now is the time for action — not partisan politics.”

In the video, Hobbs said the following:

I’m here at the Lakeville port of entry to assess the situation on the ground firsthand and get Customs and Border Patrol the resources they need to reopen our port of entry. Your security is a top priority, and as long as I’m governor, I’ll do whatever I can to end the chaos at the border. I’m not afraid to stand up to politicians on either side who aren’t doing what’s in the best interests of Arizona, and I’m taking action. This week. I sent a letter to President Biden, demanding the resources and manpower to open this port of entry, and we announced Operation SECURE to step up state support for local law enforcement. But Arizona can’t do this alone, nor should we have to. We’re asking the federal government to reimburse us for the cost to Arizonans. For far too long, Arizona has borne the brunt of federal inaction on our southern border, and I’m tired of it. Now is not the time for partisan politics. It’s time for action.

Fox News’ Bill Melugin has been closely following the migrant crisis in Lukeville, Arizona.

Melugin reported on Friday that “Border Patrol’s Tucson, AZ sector reports making a jaw dropping 18,900 apprehensions of illegal immigrants in the last week alone. It’s the highest weekly total ever recorded for the sector, breaking the prior record of 17,500 which was set the prior week. Just…wow.”

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“Most of the illegal crossings were in Lukeville, where we were reporting on border wall breaches & mass incursions all week. Important to note, the Tucson sector is just one of nine Border Patrol sectors along the southern border,” he added.

But a funny thing happened during Hobbs’ border visit, according to local reports.

Much like California Gov. Gavin Newsom was able to get San Francisco cleaned up ahead of Xi’s visit, the lack of illegal migration at the border during Arizona Gov. Hobbs’ visit raises more questions about how much of the nation’s chaos is being deliberately caused by government officials.

The Biden administration has informed Congress that an average of 5,000 illegal immigrants are being let into the United States each day at the border, while over 670,000 illegal aliens eluded Border Patrol last fiscal year.

The Arizona congressional delegation, the House and Senate Judiciary committees, and the House and Senate Homeland Security committees were briefed on Friday by DHS officials, who told lawmakers that there were approximately 670,000 known “gotaways” at the border last fiscal year. DHS Secretary Alejandro Mayorkas has stated that the figure was in excess of 600,000.

Lawmakers have also been warned that an average of 5,000 illegal immigrants are released each day to non-governmental organizations (NGOs), who aid migrants and will occasionally help them get to their destinations. If that rate continues throughout the year, there will be nearly 1.8 million illegal immigrants in that span.

By Melinda Davies
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Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

Katie, dear, go look at O’s response to Brewer way back in ’10, when she pointed out problems & expense! You’d one it along to roads across the southern 1/5 of the state, & he wasn’t even addlepated, like Joe is! Y’all brought this on us, with those stupid policies!

8 months ago

Sharks are eating their own!

8 months ago

Didn’t Katie hobbs tear down the makeshift border wall made of shipping containers and razor wire the first day in office?

8 months ago

The plan…let in all these illegal home invaders and give them a path to citizenship by getting them to join the military. That worked out fantastic for Rome! Katie…do what would work the best. After all, it’s NECESSARY to the SECURITY of a free state. GET THE 1st 13 words of the 2nd amendment back in force and effect!

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