AOC Declares WAR On Supreme Court

Rep. Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, a member of the “Squad” and a left-wing extremist from New York, has recently unveiled a new strategy aimed at undermining the country’s founding institutions in a blatant power grab. In her latest move, she is urging her party to discredit the U.S. Supreme Court in order to delegitimize it before the 2024 election.

If her party regains control of the House in November, she plans to initiate an investigation to further undermine the court’s authority.

“We need to go after the Supreme Court … and through the Supreme Court, we explore the entire network of issues that are most important to everyday Americans: the influence of dark money in creating a government that works against the American people, the majority of the American people,” she told the Off-Message website.

The Washington Examiner reported:

“Justices on the Supreme Court have faced apparently coordinated efforts to tarnish them as unethical when vacationing with wealthy friends, including accepting gifts from them and selling a piece of land to a CEO whose company had business in front of the court. But the gifts were never required to be disclosed.

“The New Yorker has criticized the court of being partisan to the Right after it overturned Roe v. Wade and returned the matter of abortion back to the states.

“The Supreme Court is a political institution, and Chief Justice [John] Roberts may not like to hear that, but he works with them, and he knows,” the congresswoman said.

“It’s a political institution that responds to pressure.

“And absent pressure, they are going to do more of what we saw this week, which is enabling and risking our entire democracy at the behest of Donald Trump and Leonard Leo and the entire network that installed them there.

“And we have to fight back. We need to show people what they vote for.”

Despite her left-wing stances and viewpoints before and during her confirmation, Democrats did not perceive Justice Ketanji Brown Jackson, President Joe Biden’s sole nominee to the high court, as being politically motivated. AOC, in her interview, further emphasized that the Senate should pursue investigations into the Supreme Court, even if the GOP-controlled House does not yield any results, while Democrats maintain control of the chamber.

“I just think it is so important that I think our party understands that we gain momentum and we gain support when people either see us winning or catch us trying,” Ocasio-Cortez said. “And if we’re not winning, we need to be caught trying.”

Conservatives have leveled accusations against Democrats for their alleged efforts to undermine trust and confidence in various institutions, including the electoral system. These accusations stem from actions such as the significant expansion of early voting, challenges to voter ID laws, and the allowance of non-citizens to participate in local elections.

Recently, a legal analyst from CNN expressed his belief that the Supreme Court of the United States will rule in favor of former President Donald Trump in relation to states attempting to remove him from the 2024 ballot. This attempt to remove him is based on a false claim that he incited an “insurrection” on January 6, 2021.

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Elie Honig, in a column, outlined the 14th Amendment cases that have been filed across the country. After careful consideration of all the potential questions and scenarios, Honig, a former federal prosecutor, concluded that the highest court in the nation will likely rule in favor of Trump.

“Nobody knows for sure how this is going to go. No practitioner, no law professor, no retired judge, no Twitter icon, no TV analyst or former prosecutor (ahem) can rightly make bold declarations about how the ongoing legal Armageddon over the 14th Amendment will ultimately come out,” Honig began in his column for the New York Intelligencer.

“…[W]e can draw on adjacent examples, but we’ve never seen anything quite like the ongoing effort to disqualify Donald Trump from the 2024 presidential ballot,” he said.

“If the Court wants to issue one definitive ruling that will resolve all 14th Amendment challenges nationwide, it has two pathways — and both of them result in Trump victories,” Honig wrote.

“First, the Supreme Court could rule that only Congress has the authority to set procedures for application of the 14th Amendment and that, in the absence of such enabling legislation, the states are out of luck,” he continued, noting that Section 5 of the 14th Amendment says that “Congress shall have the power to enforce, by appropriate legislation, the provisions of this article.”

“Second, the Court might rule that the 14th Amendment does not apply to the presidency. On one hand, the Amendment’s text does delineate certain offices — senators, representatives, even presidential electors — but not the president,” he noted.

By Trent Walker

Trent Walker has over ten years experience as an undercover reporter, focusing on politics, corruption, crime, and deep state exposés.

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11 months ago

We blame YOU, New York! You installed this Communist agitator into our government!
Now, get rid of her at first opportunity.

11 months ago

Where’d this POS come from anyway? People – we cannot depend on “our” governmental officials to do a damn thing because unfortunately it seems they’d back her and her anti-American plans (following obiden’s preferred course of action) cause there’s something in that for all of them – not us – them.

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