America to Be Placed in Lockdown Ahead of 2024 Election

Democrats are planning to lock Americans up in their homes and shutter businesses across the country in the run-up to the critical 2024 election due to an emerging “highly-mutated” Covid variant, according to reports.

Dr. Scott Gottlieb, former FDA commissioner and Big Pharma mouthpiece, is already sounding the alarms about a new “highly-mutated” virus.

Just in time for the coming presidential election.

But have no fear, the vaccine salesman says Scott Gottlieb says, Big Pharma has already whipped up a “vaccine” that everyone should rush out and get injected into their arms right away, including young adults and children, regardless of prior immunity.

“Well, right now I’ve talked to a number of virologists who are usually pretty stayed and they’re pretty concerned about this right now,” Gottlieb claimed.

“It doesn’t appear to be spreading widely. There is seven strains that have been identified and sequenced in five different countries.”

“So the UK, Denmark, Israel, and now in the US,” he said.

“We don’t know whether or not this has been spreading quietly and we just didn’t detect it, or it’s something that’s spreading very quickly.

“The concern is that when you look at these different strains that have been identified, they’re genetically very similar.

“So that suggests that it’s probably spreading simultaneously in multiple countries.”

“Whether or not this is going to be more transmissible than what we’ve seen before, that’s the key question,” he continued.

“Certainly at this point, it doesn’t appear more pathogenic, so it doesn’t appear to be more dangerous, but it may be more transmissible than the strains that are circulating now. And in that case, it could overtake them. It’s too early to know. The testing’s underway.

“I think we’re going to know a lot more in a week or two,” he added.

“But to again put this in perspective, this new variant is as genetically different from Omicron, as Omicron was from the original strain that emerged in Wuhan. So this is a highly mutated variant.”

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Dr. Scott Gottlieb, a board member for Pfizer and other Big Pharma firms, predictably hocked the vaccines as a solution.

“So the data looks like the new booster, which is based on BA 1.15, which was the strain that emerged last spring, looks like it will protect against these new variants,” he claimed.

Who is Scott Gottlieb? Dr. Robert Malone broke down his claims and his conflicts of interest alarming the public about the new Covid variants.

“So, who is Dr. Scott Gottlieb, and why should we care about whether or not he is ‘concerned’?” Dr. Malone asked.

“Dr. Gottlieb was the commissioner of the FDA during the height of COVID, he is now is a CNBC contributor and is a member of the boards of Pfizer, genetic testing start-up Tempus, health-care tech company Aetion and biotech company Illumina.

“He also sits on the board for NEA, a global venture capital firm. My insider friends also say that Dr. Gottlieb is/was on advisory boards to the CIA.

“You know, that CIA – that founded Moderna as a start-up and continues to capitalize it via the CIA venture capital firm InQTel.”

“Yeh- no ‘conflict of interest‘ in his statement above, as Moderna, Pfizer stocks are rising amid ‘new Covid variants’,” he sarcastically added.

“Meanwhile, Pfizer is already pushing its updated COVID-19 shot, with headlines stating that there are data demonstrating that these revised products elicit neutralizing antibody activity against the ‘Eris’ subvariant in mice. Eris and Pirola are the newest COVID-19 subvariants,” he noted.

“There are NO validated correlates of protection for any Coronavirus vaccine, and the implication that murine neutralizing antibodies demonstrate ‘effectiveness’ is absolutely disinformation.

“Or, in plainspeak, a clear lie. The same lie we were told in 2021 to justify the deployment of the original experimental gene therapy-based vaccines.”

Dr. Malone then points out those who are at risk from the new Covid variants, which should look familiar to anyone who has been following the pandemic since early 2020.

“As usual, there is only one group who is at any risk attributable to COVID at this point, and even that is a very low risk,” he said.

“That risk group being the age cohort 70+ years old. In the 70+ age group, about 3 people are being admitted to the hospital WITH COVID-19 per 100,000 per week. For all other age cohorts, the risk of hospital admission is near next to nothing.”

“Although I have not seen the primary data, some reports state that Eris may be more transmissible than other variants, but all indications are that it does not appear to be more severe than Omicron,” he continued.

“There is also a new variant called BA.2.86 and nicknamed Pirola. But so far, symptoms associated with that virus also appear to be mild.”

“So, ignore the alarms calls sounding from main-stream media,” he added.

That is going to be awfully hard for Americans to do, given that the media is already latching on uncritically to the fearmongering.

“What’s creepy about this sudden, everywhere narrative that there’s a new variant in town…” Dr. Naomi Wolf said.

“And if you read these news articles carefully, and they all read like they were generated by AI, but if you read them carefully, there is one we tore apart in our local Salem, Massachusetts newspaper, they basically admitted there really isn’t a spike.”

“So, they’re imaginary numbers, and again, you can’t check them,” she noted.

This has been the problem with the Covid fearmongering from the beginning. Your average citizen can’t empirically check the Covid data using observational methods.

They have to rely on official reporting, which was often based on faulty testing or on misclassification of infections as “cases.”

The virus is thus an invisible bogeyman that can be invoked whenever it suits the agenda of big pharmaceutical companies or big government.

Whether it is the agenda of political power or padded profits, the Covid cash cow is a win/win proposition for Big Pharma, the news media it pays off, and those who seek to exploit the “emergency powers” it purportedly justifies in order to rig state elections.

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

Nobody stopped or punished them for the outright murder of millions of people without declaring a war, so of course these maniacs are up for battle #2 with their new-improved ‘virus’ and its accompanying ‘vaccine’ to murder even more – AND make tons more money for doing so. The joke’s on us folks – if we allow it. BTW, wonder why it was so difficult to email from this site….

10 months ago

I would hope that the general population would have learned by now that the lockdowns are detrimental to our health. Our government is lying again. It’s flu season.

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