All Vaccinated Now Have Permanent Heart Damage, Studies Warn

Two major studies have just warned of a ticking time bomb after concluding that all recipients of Covid mRNA shots now have some degree of permanent heart damage.

Health officials have long claimed that damage to the heart that caused myocarditis after the vaccines is just temporary.

However, two independent studies have now found that the injections caused “heart scarring” in all people who receive the shots.

This heart damage is still present in all who received the shots but it is largely undetectable until the victim suffers a major health incident such as a sudden cardiac arrest.

All patients with follow-up cardiac imaging done more than 12 months after their myocarditis diagnosis had persistent late gadolinium enhancement (LGE), Australian researchers reported in a preprint of a new study, published on March 22nd.

This damage was reflective of heart scarring caused by the injections.

Myocarditis is a form of heart inflammation.

The median time from receipt of a vaccine to follow-up imaging was 548 days, with the longest interval being 603 days.

“We found that the incidence of persistent myocardial fibrosis is high, seen in all patients at over 12 months post-diagnosis, which could have implications for the management and prognosis of this predominantly young cohort,” the researchers wrote.

“The long-term clinical implications of LGE in this condition are as yet unknown, but LGE has been demonstrated to confer worse prognosis in non-COVID-19 vaccine-associated myocarditis, especially if it persists beyond six months,” they added later, pointing to several previous papers.

In another recent paper, researchers in Canada also reported finding that all patients referred for imaging due to possible post-vaccination myocarditis had persistent LGE in follow-up imaging.

Overall, 60 patients were included in the retrospective study and all reported persistent symptoms.

In a subset of 21 patients for whom follow-up MRIs were available, all had persistent LGE, the researchers said.

On the other hand, the function of the left ventricle, which pumps blood, had normalized in all patients. …

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The new papers add to earlier studies, which found that LGE persists for months in some people following a COVID-19 shot.

Researchers in Washington state reported in 2022 that LGE persisted in children for up to eight months after vaccination.

Later that year, the U.S. Centres for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) said that 151 patients with follow-up imaging had residual LGE, which was described as “suggestive of myocardial scarring”.

The CDC has longer-term data on the patients, the agency confirmed to the Epoch Times in January but has not yet published another paper describing those data.

The CDC, which failed to warn the public about the risk of post-vaccination myocarditis, declined to comment on the new Australian and Canadian papers.

Hong Kong researchers in 2023 reported finding that patients with follow-up MRIs months after vaccination had LGE.

Symptoms have also persisted in some patients with post-vaccination myocarditis.

The CDC, describing preliminary updated results from its longer-term study, said in early 2023 that there were patients still suffering from symptoms more than one year after a shot.

Researchers in Australia in late 2023 said that symptoms persisted at least six months after a shot in a majority of patients they followed.

By Hunter Fielding
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5 months ago

Everyone by now, must know the damage these monsters have deliberately inflicted on the world, what we want to know is when will justice catch up with them?

5 months ago
Reply to  cozmik


5 months ago

Every person who got the clot shot has some level of heart damage. Seventy-three percent of the entire human race got at least one jab. Most willingly took it, promised that it was safe and effective against a deadly virus. Others were harassed, coerced, threatened, ridiculed and canceled to ‘do the right thing’. But the vaccine was so ineffective that the two shot regime required another seven boosters within three years that only reduces immunity, increases the likelihood of getting Covid, and of course the risk of permanent injuries and sudden death. Yet no government regulatory body has admitted the heinous vaccine program was a mistake of massive proportion, the greatest crime committed against humanity in history.

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