Adam Schiff Panics Over Biden Impeachment Talks – WATCH

Rep. Adam Schiff (D-CA) and former Joe Biden press secretary Jen Psaki discussed Marjorie Taylor Greene’s promise to not vote to fund the government unless there is an impeachment inquiry into Joe Biden on Sunday.

Clearly bothered by Greene’s statement, Schiff rambled on about it being a “distraction”.

In true Schiff fashion, he made Greene’s statement all about his favorite Republican former President Donald Trump.

He claimed that Greene is carrying water for Trump adding “They’ll do whatever they can… to distract from Donald Trump’s multiple indictments.”

Schiff shared the clip on X along with:

“MAGA Republicans are now threatening to shut down the government if there isn’t an impeachment inquiry into President Biden. This is extreme and dangerous — but it’s also par for the course in their unswerving devotion to Donald Trump.”

Schiff along with most Democrats, are in a tissy over a new Wall Street Journal poll that shows that even with the multiple indictments of Trump, he is tied with Biden in a head-to-head race.

This fact seems to dumbfound many liberals as they in turn decide to attack House Republicans that have been investigating Joe Biden and his family for possible criminal activity.

The more digging House Republicans do, the more dirt seems to come to light. Biden continues to claim he has no knowledge or dealings in his son Hunter’s foreign business dealings.

Testimony by a former associate of Hunter’s counters his claims.

House Speaker Kevin McCarthy (R-CA) has hinted that they may have enough evidence to move forward with an impeachment inquiry.

Schiff pushed hard to impeach former President Trump but neither attempt was completely successful.

Schiff is also running for Dianne Feinstein’s Senate seat the only way he knows how anymore, against his own perception of the big bad Donald Trump and not anyone else.

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By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

Schiff for Brains is the Most Corrupt, Lying Person who “came up with most of the things HE was accusing POTUS Trump of, like his “Eye Witness, who NEVER transpired. Schiff claimed he did “Not Know WHO the Witness was, but WE the people KNEW it was ‘Eric Ciaramella of the CIA, Pal to both Obama and Brennan…Why wouldn’t Schiff KNOW it was him-Perhaps he’s IS LYING, since HIS STAFF ARE THE ONES WHO WERE TALKING WITH HIM, TO GIVE HIM ‘TALKING POINTS’…..But the Lying Schiff claimed HE didn’t Know WHO the witness was!’……Schiff is the Corrupt one who NEEDS to be investigated and NOT overlooked any longer, with his “Bogus Charges against the POTUS TRUMP…..!

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