A Third of Individuals Believe COVID-19 Vaccine Is Causing Significant Loss of Life

According to a recent survey by Rasmussen Reports, nearly a quarter of American adults who received at least one dose of the COVID-19 vaccine regret getting vaccinated. However, the majority (69%) have no regrets about getting vaccinated. The survey also found that 33% of American adults agree with cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough’s statement that the vaccine is killing large numbers of people.

The survey revealed a correlation between the number of vaccine doses received and the level of trust in the medical and pharmaceutical industries. Among those who received the vaccine plus boosters, 80% have at least some trust in these industries, compared to just 41% among those who received only one dose and 30% among those who did not take the vaccine at all.

There are also political differences in attitudes towards the COVID-19 vaccine. Forty percent of Republicans, compared to 11% of Democrats and 25% of those not affiliated with either major party, say they never took the vaccine. Democrats are more likely to have trust in the medical and pharmaceutical industries (70%), while Republicans are more likely to agree with Dr. McCullough’s statement (53%).

The survey also found that older Americans are more likely to have taken the COVID-19 vaccine, with only 8% of those 65 and older not getting vaccinated. Additionally, Hispanics are more likely to agree that the vaccine is killing large numbers of people.

Overall, the survey highlights varying opinions and levels of trust regarding the COVID-19 vaccine among American adults, with political affiliation and age playing a role in these attitudes.


By Kate Stephenson
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