Deep State Cabal Is Already Preparing for ‘Worst-Case Scenario’ of Trump Being Re-elected

In the aftermath of the highly contested 2020 election, America’s political elites revealed in striking fashion how a shadow campaign had worked to thwart Donald Trump from becoming president again.

The Time article, “The Secret History of the Shadow Campaign That Saved the 2020 Election,” gave Americans a disturbing glimpse behind the curtain of how radical groups, labor unions, and powerful corporations worked to “fortify” the election.

This time around, the nation’s political elites are doing American voters the courtesy of giving them advance notice on how they will keep Trump from becoming president again.

In an NBC News article, the alarming machinations in the “deep state,” which is a euphemism for the established bureaucracy in the federal law enforcement, diplomatic, and intelligence communities, were revealed in stark fashion.

The NBC News article leads into the story with full-fledged, baseless fearmongering in an apparent effort to induce the reader into a state of paranoia.

Donald Trump is sparking fears among those who understand the inner workings of the Pentagon that he would convert the nonpartisan U.S. military into the muscular arm of his political agenda as he makes comments about dictatorship and devalues the checks and balances that underpin the nation’s two-century-old democracy.

A circle of appointees independent of Trump’s political operation steered him away from ideas that would have pushed the limits of presidential power in his last term, according to books they’ve written and testimony given to Congress. Most were gone by the end. In a new term, many former officials worry that Trump would instead surround himself with loyalists unwilling to say no.

Trump has raised fresh questions about his intentions if he regains power by putting forward a legal theory that a president would be free to do nearly anything with impunity — including assassinate political rivals — so long as Congress can’t muster the votes to impeach him and throw him out of office.

Furthermore, the NBC article delves into the reported preparations that the “deep state” is undertaking in order to subvert the Trump campaign and a potential presidency.

Now, bracing for Trump’s potential return, a loose-knit network of public interest groups and lawmakers is quietly devising plans to try to foil any efforts to expand presidential power, which could include pressuring the military to cater to his political needs.

Those taking part in the effort told NBC News they are studying Trump’s past actions and 2024 policy positions so that they will be ready if he wins in November. That involves preparing to take legal action and send letters to Trump appointees spelling out consequences they’d face if they undermine constitutional norms.

“We’re already starting to put together a team to think through the most damaging types of things that he [Trump] might do so that we’re ready to bring lawsuits if we have to,” Mary McCord, executive director of the Institution for Constitutional Advocacy and Protection at Georgetown Law, told NBC News.

“We are preparing for litigation and preparing to use every tool in the toolbox that our democracy provides to provide the American people an ability to fight back,” added Skye Perryman, president of Democracy Forward. “We believe this is an existential moment for American democracy and it’s incumbent on everybody to do their part.”

“He’s a clear and present danger to our democracy,” said William Cohen, a former Republican senator from Maine and defense secretary in the Clinton administration.

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“His support is solid. And I don’t think people understand what living in a dictatorship would mean.”

Donald Trump’s “dictatorial” actions while in office included putting up with an overwhelmingly hostile press, keeping the United States out of foreign wars, negotiating peace deals in the Middle East and in Asia, securing the southern border from an invasion of unauthorized migrants, cutting taxes and slashing regulations, drilling for U.S. oil and gas in order to foster energy independence, and respecting Americans’ rights during the Covid pandemic response.

In other words, there is absolutely nothing in the historical record that would objectively lead a rational person to conclude Donald Trump would, in reality, be a “dictator.”

This is precisely the kind of priming that the law enforcement and intelligence community did with the Russia collusion hoax, which subverted the Trump presidency and baselessly accused former President Donald Trump of being a “traitor.”

The Russia hoax was weaponized in order to press federal bureaucrats into refusing to cooperate with the Trump presidency’s objectives, such as securing the southern U.S. border.

There is absolutely no basis for this hysterical forecasting of what a hypothetical second Trump presidency would look like.

This isn’t even journalism — it reads like a psychological operation to manipulate the American public to advance state propaganda objectives.

Such intense propaganda is likely to only get worse in the course of the 2024 election campaign.

The state-run media is signaling its intentions. We better pay attention.

By Melinda Davies
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John Acord
John Acord
11 months ago

The only threat to our Republic is the organized crime family masquerading as the Democratic Party along with its herd of fRINOS. To deal with this mafia type organization will require Trump to take extraordinary steps. Trump cannot play by the :rules” of the or the crime syndicate that has infiltrated, penetrated, infiltrated and in many cases controls our  nation’s institutions. 

11 months ago

For some reason i’m thinking, NOT SO MUCH!!!

what has really changed with trumps plan???

Everything is exactly the way it would have been If trump didn’t exist!

Satans minions, the jews!
Still rule the banks, the corpoRATions & the world!!! Amen

When you actually accompilish something TRUMP, give me a call.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  John

Antisemitism is inappropriate. And it’s not “the Jews”,as an whole; only some apostate Jews who are part of that, along with godless Gentiles, like the Jesuits ANF upper echelon Freemasons!

11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Ih i hurt churchianity sandy’s feelings again!!!

You half a liberal women are the problem with this country, pipe down & go back to studying Gods word!

Because you don’t have a Clue!

You’er so dumb you don’t even know that the jews of today are not semite!
Do you even know what a semite is, WOman???

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  John

This “half a liberal” as you label me in a personal attack, stands to the RIGHT of the JBS, and I know a good deal more than you even imagine! I knot she geopolitics AND the spiritual aspects of the current world situation, and what lies ahead! Do you? The Jews of today are NOT you leftist atheists’ “Kazarians”, in biologic fact! DNA (ever hear of that stuff? It never lies!) confirms indisputably that today’s Jews,excepting, of course, all converts, ARE from the bloodline of Abraham, Isaac, and Jacob! They are not yet spiritual Israel, that will come about at the 2nd advent, when the Lion of Judah rides in the lead the battle at Har Megiddo, on their behalf, accompanied by all His saints (not as defined by the Roman Catholic church, but the Bible), and Angels. But they ARE indeed ” the children of Israel” to whom that land was covenanted in perpetuity over 3K yrs ago, therefore the only ones who hold any legal rights to it! Geologic preparations for that battle are already under way

11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Israhell did there own blood DNA study, only 2% off people living in israel are semite DNA!


do you remember when satanic king solomon, urged his flock to mingle with the philistines & other peoples???

Do you remember when satanic king solomon, poked God in the eye & Hired hyram King of tyre to build GODS earthly temple.
After God explisitly told him to do it them selves?

Do you remember when hyram sent wiked king solomon his signet ring, with the star of remphan on it???

That is the star on the phoney state of israhell, today!

Wake up jew lady!!! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  John

You have a very distorted view of what the Bible says. Not a single 1of the 15-20 translations thereof has read in the least like your version. The DNA test I cited was done by those who had nothing to lose or gain by its results, so no need to falsify, lie, or just manufacture”facts” to suit a narrative. You just can’t stop trying to “prove” you’re “superior” can you? Do seek some professional help for that; you’ll be much happier if you do.

11 months ago

Communist/Globalist control of America has been established during OBiden’s residency. They are THIS CLOSE to total tyrannical control. With one more Marxist led 4 year term, the Communist dream will be realized. US sovereignty will be transferred to globalist factions like the WHO or the WEF! America Conquered!
Everything in this article is PROJECTION! Blaming Trump for what THEY hope to attain.
It’s a Tyrant’s Wish List!
How we got to this point, teetering on destruction, amazes me. The enemy is very smart. They have used technology to distract us. To allow us to create our own dossier, to be used against us. This has happened because Americans have been lulled to sleep. We’re in a trance.
We must awaken! Our “leaders” are not our friends! The next year will determine if America has a future.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Oh no, that was begun in 1871 and completed in 1913, and it’s not “communists”, those are mere tools too. Its the children of Satan, of ALL stripes, involved in this global catastrophe. Communists are real Johnny come latelies, little more than a century old; this goes all the way back to the plain of Shinar, and an infamous unfinished ziggurat, under the leadership of then-puppet Nimrod.

11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Communism was created by satans minions, you Moron!

The JEWS!!!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  John

Another personal attack, tsk, tsk, tsk! Too bad you are stuck in your lies and hates and unwilling to hear Truth! Again,those are NOT “all” Jews, and those are Jews by blood but not practicing the faith! The thing about Jews and Christians alike, is Yhwh God ALWAYS has His faithful remnants of both, even when many fall away. I have done a lot of research; much more than you have it seems. I don’t keep lumping “all” where all do not belong, as you persist in doing, bound by the same mindless hatreds as have caused so much misery and suffering for millennia, pointlessly. Bottom line: Yhwh God already WON this “war” nearly 2K yrs ago!

11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Wait aren’t gonna be raptured???

Your worng about many things, but I do pray GOD opens your eyes! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  John

I did not say the battles were over, I merely said the WAR had already been won; there is a vast difference! For example,the war in the Pacific was won immune of 1942, but the Japanese refused to accept defeat ’til 14/15 August of 1945! The war between the USA and the CSA was won on 3 July 1863, but defeat wax not conceded, ’til 9 April 1865. It is not uncommon that the defeat is not conceded immediately. This war is between beings that have eternal existence, so a couple of millennia is a drop in the bucket for them. Just as Tojo and Lee had no hope of achieving victory after those conclusive battles, so also, Satan has had no such hope or chance, since Calvary. But like other generals, he continues to fight on, to stave off the inevitable, and to hurt the “winning” leaders (I use that term very loosely, because no side actually wins a war, 1side just loses less). I assure you, Yhwh God has seen to that long since.

11 months ago

Naah..are you kidding?, the guy’s thrown down our throat media wise CONSTANTLY..and you don’t think the kabal affects our news? He’s just another bad actor in the plot to enslave us all. There is absolutely no value in thinking Trump is a savior from the kabal. He is one of them. Thinking outside the 2 party hoax gives us a better chance of real liberation..otherwise..same old.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
11 months ago
Reply to  Tom

That’s an interesting theory that would be true here in the UK.
Have you ever thought Trump is your ‘third way’ What you have now is Democrats, Republicans and MAGA. The Democrats and high percentage of Republican establishment don’t want Tuump and would never choose him. That fact alone would make me more determined to get Trump elected.
You could of course be right, it’s just my opinion. We have a ‘two party state’ which have gelled into one, the only option I have is to choose a new political home.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

And Trump is both; he was a registered Dem, ’til he ran for POTUS as a Repub…

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

In my opinion, he is neither Dem or Rep. He may be running under the banner of the Rep, but the MAGA movement eclipses both.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

He grew up under a Dem politician Dad, an was leaning and registered Democrats ’til he decided to run as a Repub, because most of his ideas would gain no traction among today’s Dems. The family, especially Dad, showed up in our local papers regularly ( I grew up on the same island at the same time).

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago

Y’all STILL do not get it! Yhwh God removed Trump from office and gave the US the gov’t it deserves. If He wanted Trump back in office, all the cheating, lying , and machinations in human capability would NOT keep him out, but Yhwh God does not intend him to be returned to that office. He failed to do what he was put there to do instead trying to do things his way, in his own strength, and of course he failed. But that was America’ s last chance, to stave off what has been prophesied and is now unfolding.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Or God removed Trump to show how bad it could get and now wants him back to finish God’s work of peace and no wars.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

No, He doesn’t. When He gave me to k ow He was removing Trump it was for failure to complete the task for which he was installed despite the cheating that should’ve insured Hillary’s win. His prophecies would now be permitted to unfold, uninhibited, to Jesus’ return and beyond; Trump was the last chance to have held it off a bit longer, but he did not do what he needed to do. Pushing for Trump now is a guarantee a Dem will be sworn in on the 20th of next January, even if it’s over his dead body to accomplish it, because the “ruling powers” do not want him back, and God has given us the gov’t the US deserves.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

How do you know what God’s plan is?
Stolen election from Hilary. You are more than deluded

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

No, I just “listen” when He has something to impart.

Phylis Tein
Phylis Tein
11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

The voices in your head aren’t real. Get help.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
11 months ago
Reply to  Phylis Tein

I never said “voice I my head”. You might read a bit more closely .

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
11 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Ok deluded one.
How does he tell you what it is he has to depart?
How do you receive that message?

11 months ago

Honey, the past twelve years have taught us much indeed and we’re very aware of what’s going on – maybe not the players’ names, but their motives, lies, actions, and propaganda – a resounding HELL NO! Not on my watch nor in the far far FAR away future. He’s getting in and the first thing he’ll do – is take names and eliminate this underground anti-American cult – and they fear it.

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