Fani Willis Responds to Bombshell Report She Gave Special Prosecutor Job to Her Lover

Fulton County District Attorney Fani Wilis has found herself in hot water among serious ethical questions regarding her handling of the Trump “racketeering” case in connection to his legal challenges of the 2020 election.

Willis stands accused of hiring a private lawyer she was in a ‘romantic’ relationship with to prosecute Donald Trump.

The scandalous charges are included in a filing by Michael Roman, a former Trump campaign staffer accused of participating in the so-called ‘fake electors’ plan as one of 18 persons indicted with Trump.

The private attorney, Nathan Wade, was paid more than $600,000 as a special prosecutor to aid the Fulton County DA’s extensive investigation of Trump’s 2020 election challenges.

Fani Willis responded to the breathtaking evidence of official corruption and legal ethics violations in a public appearance.

“All the glory I receive, it’s his grace. Not a perfect need,” she said.

“We are at a time in history. People hear me on this. We are at a time in history when you can no longer sit back and just let other folks do it.

“You cannot expect black women to be perfect and save the world.”

“The Lord is completing us,” she added.

“We are not perfect. We need your prayers. We need to be allowed to stumble.

“We need grace. With that kind of support, we will move mountains and do Jesus’s will stumbling all the way.”

“So his flawed, hardheaded, and imperfect child has a message,” Willis went on.

“For each of you today, please find a way to do your extraordinary God-given assignment and make this community and the world a better place for all of his people.”

Fani Willis’ biblical defense of being a “flawed” human being comes amidst a Congressional subpoena of her office for ethics violations, particularly Nathan Wade, as well as ostensible coordination with the White House over the “political prosecution” of Donald Trump.

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“The Committee on the Judiciary continues to conduct oversight of politically motivated prosecutions by state and local officials,” the Judiciary Committee stated.

“Based on recent reports, we believe that you possess documents and information about the coordination of the Fulton County District Attorney’s Office (FCDAO) with other politically motivated investigations and prosecutions and the potential misuse of federal funds.

“Accordingly, we ask for your cooperation with our oversight.”

“On August 14, 2023, with your assistance, Fulton County District Attorney Fani T. Willis indicted a former President of the United States and current declared candidate for that office.

According to a recent court filing, you have been paid more than $650,000—at the rate of $250 per hour—to serve as an ‘Attorney Consultant’ and later a ‘Special Assistant District Attorney’ in the unprecedented investigation and prosecution of the former President and other former federal officials,” the statement added.

“This filing also alleges that while receiving a substantial amount of money from Fulton County, you spent extravagantly on lavish vacations with your boss, Ms. Willis.”

“Although Ms. Willis has so far refused to cooperate with our oversight of the FCDAO’s coordination with other politically motivated prosecutions, invoices that you submitted for payment by the FCDAO, and made public as part of this court filing, highlight this collusion,” the statement continued.

“This new information appears to substantiate our concerns that Ms. Willis’s politicized prosecution, including the decision to convene a special purpose grand jury, was aided by partisan Democrats in Washington, D.C. For example”:

  • In April 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[t]eam meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; Research legal issues to prep intev’ from April 18 to 22.
  • In May 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘travel to Athens; conf. with White House Counsel’ on May 23, 2022.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘team meeting; Conf w/Jan 6; SPGJ witness prep’ on May 31, 2022.
  • In September 2022, you billed $6,000 for 24 hours of ‘[w]itness [i]nterviews; conf call DC; team meeting’ from September 7 to 9.
  • In November 2022, you billed $2,000 for eight hours of ‘Jan 6 meeting and Atty conf.’ on November 16.
  • In that same invoice, you billed another $2,000 for eight hours of ‘[i]nterview with DC/White House’ on November 18.

“The FCDAO reportedly compensated you using a concoction of comingled funds, including monies confiscated or seized by the FCDAO and monies directed from Fulton County’s ‘general’ fund,” the statement continued.

“The Committee has information that the FCDAO received approximately $14.6 million in grant funds from the Department of Justice between 2020 and 2023 and, given the enormous legal fees you have billed to the FCDAO, there are open questions about whether federal funds were used by the FCDAO to finance your prosecution.

“In fact, on one day—November 5, 2021—you billed taxpayers for 24 hours of legal work, attesting that you worked all day and night without break on a politically motivated prosecution.”

“A recent news report corroborates your coordination with partisan Democrats, explaining that you and FCDAO staff ‘quietly met’ with the partisan January 6 Committee, which allowed you to review information they had gathered,” the statement said.

“Politico reported that the partisan January 6 Committee provided Ms. Willis’s prosecution a ‘boost’ as she prepared to convene a special grand jury and even ‘helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses.’

“The same article suggests that the partisan January 6 Committee provided you access to records it withheld from other law-enforcement entities and even other Members of Congress.”

According to the report in Politico, the Fulton County prosecutor got help from none other than the January 6 committee, which was organized and run during the previous Congress under former Speaker Nancy Pelosi.

The partisan coordination between the January 6 committee and the Fulton County D.A.’s office reveals more insight into Trump opponents’ relentless efforts to criminalize legal objections to the 2020 election.

“Georgia prosecutors probing Donald Trump’s effort to subvert the 2020 election got an early boost in the spring of 2022. It came from another set of investigators who were way ahead of them: the House Jan. 6 select committee,” Politico’s report noted.

“Committee staff quietly met with lawyers and agents working for Fulton County District Attorney Fani Willis in mid-April 2022, just as she prepared to convene a special grand jury investigation,” the report continued. “In the previously unreported meeting, the Jan. 6 committee aides let the district attorney’s team review — but not keep — a limited set of evidence they had gathered.”

“Over the next few months, committee staff also had a series of phone calls with Willis’ team,” the report added. “They answered the prosecutors’ questions and shared insight on matters like Trump’s false electors gambit and his efforts to pressure Georgia Secretary of State Brad Raffensperger. Both of those ploys ultimately featured prominently in the criminal charges that Willis brought against Trump and his allies last summer.”

“The contacts between the committee and Willis’ team also helped prosecutors prepare for interviews with key witnesses,” the report noted.

The Politico report continues to shed new light on the contacts between the partisan January 6 committee and the Fulton County D.A.’s office, again, framing legal objections to the 2020 election as “election subversion.”

“The content of the meetings and calls was described by two former committee officials familiar with the outreach, who were granted anonymity to speak candidly about the contacts,” Politico noted in the exclusive report. “The timing was corroborated by exhibits attached to new court filings in Willis’ ongoing prosecution of Trump and 14 co-defendants for their efforts to overturn the 2020 election.”

“The committee aided Willis’ nascent probe even as it rebuffed the Justice Department’s requests for material in the separate federal criminal probe of Trump’s election subversion,” it continued.

The Fulton County D.A.’s office replied that it was only granted access to now-public information.

“As the January 6th Committee’s final report transparently stated, the Committee shared information — all of which is now public — with prosecutors conducting concurrent, independent investigations.”

Former Jan. 6 committee chairman Bennie Thompson (D-MS), as Politico noted, had previously described “staff-level contacts” between his panel and Fulton County prosecutors.

“In early April 2022 — nearly two weeks before the panel’s staff met with Willis’ team — Thompson told reporters he wasn’t aware of how extensive those contacts were. And on Wednesday, Thompson told Politico that he did not know about the in-person visit that spring,” the report said.

However, there is more to the story. And a former Special Counsel is crying foul about the appearance of impropriety.

“But the nature of the cooperation between Willis and the Jan. 6 panel is unusual, according to Sol Wisenberg, a former prosecutor who worked on Ken Starr’s Clinton probe — another matter that overlapped with congressional investigations,” the report noted.

“To me, that’s a highly unusual level of specific cooperation,” Wisenberg said. “They’re using what’s supposed to be a congressional investigation in aid of a prosecution.”

By Melinda Davies
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7 months ago

Smack me in the fanny & call me oppie!

Imagine that, another demonkrap Criminal in high state gov.???

They are All involved!!! Amen

7 months ago

I’m sorry. My faith is struggling to hold on. Whenever I hear “Investigation,” I assume NOTHING WILL BE DONE!
Investigation seems to mean, delay…until we’re distracted by the next “thing!”
See, nearly half of our “representatives” are Communists. A chunk of Republicans are just hiding their Leftist beliefs. Much is proposed, but little (that doesn’t further the Left’s agenda) is passed. It seems to be a game, and our enemy owns Park Place!
I’m very discouraged. Our government has been infiltrated. Many only pretend to be Americans.
Let’s stop investigating…and ACT!

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