J6 Prosecutor Makes Chilling Announcement About Biden Ramping Up Police State Tactics

Notorious January 6 prosecutor Matthew Graves held a press conference on Saturday, the third anniversary of the Capitol riots, and made a chilling pronouncement that indicates a ramping up of the American police state.

“An important note, when it comes to our prosecutions about those who remained outside the building, we have used our prosecutorial discretion to primarily focus on those who entered the building are those who engaged in violent or corrupt conduct on capital grounds,” he said.

“But if a person knowingly entered the restricted area without authorization, they had already committed a federal crime,” he added. “Make no mistake, thousands of people occupied in the area that they were not authorized to be present in the first place.”

Matthew Graves was a Biden campaign adviser before being appointed a U.S. attorney for District of Columbia. The attorney therefore has a political background that presents a conflict of interest with the dispassionate application of the law and the impartial rendering of justice.

Graves has been at the forefront of the yearslong efforts to politically prosecute even peaceful protesters who attended the Capitol riots on January 6, 2021, whether or not they engaged in any violent or otherwise felonious behavior.

As January 6 attorney Bill Shipley, who runs a GiveSendGo for defendants, remarked on X, “DOJ has consistently argued — even for the most minor offenders — that being present and being part of the crowd is what allowed the mob to form and a riot to happen. Every person there is equally responsible for the fact regardless of their individual conduct. You don’t have a riot involving thousands without thousands of individuals choosing to attend.”

As Kyle Becker remarked, “This is a communist definition of justice.”

Julie Kelly, who has ardently covered the J6 fallout, appeared on a podcast with Benny Johnson “In the Arena,” and noted that undercover law enforcement are now known to have swarmed the capitol in the run-up to the riot and removed signage and barricades that would suggest to anyone at the capitol that they may be “trespassing” during an official proceeding at the Congress.

Greg Price noted the disparity in behavior between the violent extremists at the capitol that the FBI arguably did nothing to stop despite knowledge aforehand of their intentions and that of Trump supporters who have been described as “peaceful protesters” and “tourists.”

The ultimate underpinning of Biden’s Department of Justice vendetta against J6 protesters is the narrative that the riot constituted an “insurrection” against the U.S. government.

Despite over one thousand people charged for the event, only one person who entered the building has been found to have carried a concealed firearm, which was not used during the incident. Capitol Police officers are on video having opened doors for protesters and engaging in cordial behavior towards them. It does not add up to the state narrative that this was a coordinated effort to seize control of the U.S. government.

In addition, it remains a mystery to this day why the FBI has not been able to apprehend the RNC and DNC pipe bomb suspect, despite knowledge of the suspect’s license plate and ample surveillance footage to track down the likely suspect. It was actually the pipe bomb threat that led to the initial evacuation of the Capitol, disrupting the 2020 election challenges, and not the riots themselves; thus, there is further cause to doubt the official narrative that the rioters sought to disrupt the election certification.

In fact, the process that was disrupted was the election challenges, including the presenting of evidence that the 2020 election was fixed to unfairly benefit Joe Biden. Three years later, the January 6 event is still being characterized as an “insurrection”; however, it remains unclear how the unarmed extremists would have overturned the election results, effectively carrying out a “coup” against the United States.

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By Melinda Davies
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