NEW CONCERNING POLL REVEALS: Bigger Part of U.S. Youth, Aged 18-24, Want Israel to Be Destroyed

In a Harvard-Harris poll, a majority of registered voters aged 18 to 24 in the United States expressed that they want “Israel to be ended and given to Hamas and the Palestinians” rather than the two-state solution favored by 60% of Americans overall.

The shocking result, following a survey of 2,034 registered voters on December 13-14, indicates that young people are notably more hostile to Israel than any other age group. This finding coincides with a surge in antisemitic protests on university campuses and in major cities.

Other results from the poll suggest:

  • 60% of those 18-24 believe that the October 7 terror attack was “justified” by Palestinian grievances (versus 27% overall)
  • 53% of those 18-24 think students should be “free to call for genocide” of Jews (versus 26% overall)
  • 67% of those 18-24 think university presidents “went far enough” in condemning antisemitism (versus 38% overall)
  • 79% of those 18-24 agree “white people are oppressors” and “nonwhite” people should be “favored” (versus 35% overall)
  • 67% of those 18-24 believe Jews belong in the category of “oppressors” (versus 27% overall)
  • 60% of those 18-24 think Israel is trying to commit “genocide” in Gaza (versus 37% overall)
  • 67% of those 18-24 think Hamas “can be negotiated with” (versus 36% overall)
  • 51% of those 18-42 think Israel started the “crisis” (versus 27% overall)

These results among young people are accompanied by seemingly conflicting results. For instance, 73% of individuals aged 18-24 agree that the attack of October 7 was “terrorist,” 66% agree that Hamas’s intent was “genocidal,” and 76% agree that Hamas “committed rapes and other crimes against women.”

The only area where young people appear more knowledgeable than older generations is in their understanding of Palestinian support for Hamas: 64% of those aged 18-24 believe that “Hamas is supported by the majority of Palestinians in Gaza” (compared to 34% overall). Recent polls of Palestinians indicate widespread support for Hamas.

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By Hunter Fielding
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8 months ago

I HOPE they are talking about the UN created corpoRATe country & Not the Christian people of this world!!! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago
Reply to  John

Sadly, no they aren’t; at least not the nominals.

8 months ago

The young people are waking up!

8 months ago

This stupidity comes equally from wretched schools and universities which use students are tools for their own political agendas. They know they are ignorant of history and for this these teachers need to be fired and never allowed to influence young people again…on pain of prison. The parents also play a role in this unless they are like far too many today who are so busy with their own lives to pay attention to how their kids are being indoctrinated.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
8 months ago

These kids have NO IDEA what they are calling down on their own heads! Nor any clue to the role of Israel and the Jews in the future of EARTH, as an whole! “My people perish for lack of knowledge!”~ Yhwh God. THIS is the future they are calling down for themselves! But even that doesn’t mean what they probably believe it does. ” perish” is not to some peaceful oblivion, but to their eternity in the lake of fire, by their own free will, if badly misguided, choices!
ALL genocide is wrong, but to call for the genocide of those Yhwh has called the “apple of My eye”, is, beyond question, the height of folly. This is the culmination of the decades of brainwashing in our public schools, and the expulsion of knowledge if Yhwh there from: foolish ignorance, laced liberally with hate for all that is good and wise!

8 months ago

Is a Harvard conducted poll credible?

8 months ago
Reply to  caught

Only if it’s biased…

8 months ago
Reply to  caught

I was trying to upvote this comment, not downvote it. It’s very difficult to upvote for some reason.

8 months ago

Have they learned to read yet?

8 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

TikTok news only.

8 months ago

What a buch of idiots they are, the next generation are so stupid.

Cary Oke
Cary Oke
8 months ago

The young people know that for 2000 years Jews live peacefully while being settled all around the world. Jewish communities and their attendant synagogues were familiar to a large segment of non Jews. The nation experiment is not working out. As a country it has been hijacked by international Zionist criminals. Replacing Israel with Palestine that is an inhabited by Jews, Christians and Moslems would be an excellent solution. These people could leave to live peacefully in the Hold Land catering to their faithful.

8 months ago
Reply to  Cary Oke

You are talking about utopia, not reality.

Cary Oke
Cary Oke
8 months ago
Reply to  Leslie

No I am talking about young people. Remember them? The next generation of reality builders!

8 months ago

Israhell is a horrible, Zionist Country run by an EVIL genocidal maniac. They’re bent on the demise of humanity & the annihilation of God’s innocent! DEATH to Israhell & the NWO global cabal demons!

8 months ago

Trump’s Education Secretary, Betsy DeVos, did NOTHING to stop or remove leftist indoctrination in K-12 schools during Trump’s term of office!

Last edited 8 months ago by CharlieSeattle
Graham Booker
Graham Booker
8 months ago
Reply to  CharlieSeattle


Graham Booker
Graham Booker
8 months ago

This brings a whole new meaning to; “I blame the education system”.

The Palestinians have been kicked out of Kuwait, Egypt and Jordan because of the wars they started in those countries. One Saudi commentator I watched even said they weren’t Arabs, and everywhere they go they cause upheaval.
Why don’t these 18-24-year-olds ask themselves why no Islamic country will take them as refugees?
The answer, of course, is that they can’t think for themselves and are indoctrinated by (German) Marksist ideology.
These idiots are your future.

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