State AGs Files Petition to Reverse ‘Unconstitutional’ Gag Order Against President Trump.

Missouri attorney general Andrew Bailey filed a petition to the court to lift the “unconstitutional” gag order against Donald Trump on Thursday.

“BREAKING: We have filed a brief to reverse the unconstitutional gag order against President Trump,” Bailey posted on X.

“The gag order stifles his ability to speak freely ahead of the 2024 presidential election and denies Americans the right to hear free debate from all presidential candidates,” he added.

“President Trump, like so many Americans, has been silenced on social media platforms for daring to be a political opponent of Joe Biden, and now they’re attempting to silence his right to speak at all,” he continued.

“This blatant weaponization of the criminal justice system is inherently un-American and goes against the very soul of our great nation,” he went on.

“I’m proud to stand with President Trump in this new front in the war for free speech.”

“Missouri will continue to be a champion for free speech for ALL,” he also said.

In the brief, General Bailey and the other states claim, “President Trump is actively campaigning for—is the leading Republican candidate for—the presidency. The district court’s broad order interrupts President Trump’s right to ‘communicat[e] with the electorate.’ This case—the propriety of bringing it, the motives for doing so, and the process the Biden Administration continues to employ in pursuing it—is a central issue in his reelection campaign. And rather than protect President Trump’s ability to discuss that issue on the campaign trail, the district court’s prior restraint muzzles him.”

Attorney General Bailey and the other states conclude, “Given the magnitude—in importance and effect—of such an overly broad and vague prior restraint on President Trump’s speech, this Court should reverse” the gag order, and immediately reinstate the President’s right to free speech.

Attorney General Bailey boasts that he has been a ‘staunch defender of the free speech rights of all Americans.’ His landmark free speech case, Missouri v. Biden, “exposes the vast censorship enterprise emanating from the White House and across a spectrum of federal agencies, will be heard by the nation’s highest court early next year,” he said.

Joining Missouri in filing the brief are Alabama, Alaska, Idaho, Indiana, Iowa, Kansas, Kentucky, Louisiana, Mississippi, Nebraska, North Dakota, Oklahoma, South Carolina, South Dakota, Texas, Utah and West Virginia.

The legal brief is an attempt to restore balance to a 2024 presidential campaign that has been rife with election interference from the weaponized Department of Justice.

By Melinda Davies
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9 months ago

What does filing a petition do to bitch slap them to the curb which is what needed?
It’s understood that legalese plods onward.
Who was it filed with and what are the next steps would be helpful to include in the article, thank you

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