WEF Study: ‘Climate Change’ Causing Sudden Heart Attack Surge

A study funded by Bill Gates and the World Economic Forum (WEF) has claimed that “climate change” is responsible for the recent surge in deadly heart attacks.

The WEF-funded UPenn, which is also financed by Bill Gates, published the results of its study in the Journal of the American Heart Association (JAHA).

The WEF team of scientists, led by Sameed Ahmed M. Khatana, concluded that “climate change is causing an increase in extreme heat.”

They claim that this “increase in extreme heat” is triggering a “deadly wave” in “heat–associated cardiovascular deaths in the United States.”

According to Khatana and his Bill Gates-funded team, cardiovascular deaths linked to extreme heat could triple to almost 5,500 extra deaths per year by 2050.

The scientists insist that taking action now to tackle the so-called “climate crisis” could help to lower the numbers of deaths caused by soaring heart attacks and strokes.

However, they admit that heat-related cardiovascular deaths are still likely to more than double to 4,300 extra deaths per year even if the United States stays on its current planned path of green agenda emissions reductions.

The researchers warn that even more must be done to accelerate the WEF’s “Net Zero” targets to slow down the alleged heat-related deaths.

Khatana, a cardiologist and assistant professor at the University of Pennsylvania’s Perelman School of Medicine, argues that those who are “most vulnerable,” such as black Americans, are most at risk from the cardiovascular death wave.

“The public health impact of climate change is falling on individuals who live on the margins of our society,” says Khatana.

“Any policy action or mitigation efforts really need to be tailored towards individuals who are most vulnerable.”

The prediction originates with Khatana’s group at the University of Pennsylvania.

The team previously modeled the relationship between current deaths from heart attack and stroke and the rising number of “extreme heat days” (defined as having a heat index—a measure of apparent temperature that is a product of ambient temperature and relative humidity—at or above 90 degrees Fahrenheit).

Using data from the 3,108 counties in the contiguous U.S. between 2008 and 2017, they found rising rates of cardiovascular deaths along with a trend of increasing numbers of extreme heat days.

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By 2019, they said, there were 54 extreme heat days per year, and 1,651 people died annually as a result.

However, despite the claims linking the deaths to “climate change,” data for heart attacks and stroke deaths have only been recorded in recent years.

Temperate data has been recorded for much longer and records show that recent summer heats are nothing out of the ordinary.

The data for average temperatures has only been recorded for roughly 150 years and it still shows past summers have been far hotter.

The summer heatwave of 1936 for example, was in an entirely different league to this year’s temperatures, which were fairly normal.

Before the 19th century, there were no temperature records for North America at all, making it impossible to compare “extreme heat” data.

Cardiovascular deaths have been soaring globally since 2021.

The spike has led some to suggest that Covid has been responsible for the spike.

However, a recent major new autopsy-based study concluded that COVID-19 is not responsible for the “explosion” in heart-related deaths since the pandemic.

Renowned cardiologist Dr. Peter McCullough commented on the study by arguing that the results “should be the nail in the coffin in ruling out COVID-19 illness as a cause of fatal myocarditis.”

“Despite the virus being found in heart tissue, it was not causing significant inflammation,” he said.

This means that the “explosion of fatal myocarditis” as inferred from the reports and autopsies of unexplained cardiac arrest, “must have another explanation than SARS-CoV-2 infection,” he added.

McCullough argues that the mRNA shots that were rolled out to the public during the pandemic are responsible for the soaring heart attack deaths.

“The only new proven cause of heart damage in human populations is COVID-19 vaccination,” McCullough asserts.

“Vaccines used in America (Pfizer, Moderna, Janssen, Novavax) have been demonstrated to cause myocarditis as published in the peer-reviewed literature.”

Autopsies of vaccinated patients have found clear evidence of strong expression of spike protein in heart muscle.

This evidence, according to Dr. Michael Palmer and Dr. Sucharit Bhakdi, “correlates with significant inflammation and tissue destruction.”

By Hunter Fielding
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9 months ago

Is Gates the Anti-Christ? Global Mandatory Digital ID, and now cockamamie studies he’s financed to “explain” HIS Genocide via vaccinations! Klaus Schwab seems to have adopted him. Schwab is the other candidate for the Anti-Christ title!
Neither man holds any “official” power…but both seem to hold all the power!

9 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Yes isn’t it funny how it’s ALL financed by the same jews?

Follow the money, to get answers!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Careful, your bigotry is showing.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

When you state a FACT, there is No such thing as bigotry.
TRUTH TRUMPS your feelings every time!

Stop pushing satanic communist nonsense, sandy!!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Yes there is, and it’s not “my feelings” you should worry about. Cursing Israel of her people is a very dangerous place to tread; Yhwh takes a dim view of it.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Like i said your a baby in biblical Truth, IDIOT!
ISRAEL is Not the jews, It’s the CHRISTIANS!!! Amen

So when you grow up & actualy read it, come back we’ll talk!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

No sir, it is NOT! READ REVELATION! It very clearly shows ISRAEL is still the children of Israel, not the “adopted” children redeemed from the Gentiles! You, and all those holding to that replacement lie, are treading on very thin ice! I am redeemed by the blood, but I am NOT Israel, and never will be, nor will you.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

So Stupid, So Delusional!

Bad luck with that girl.

9 months ago
Reply to  John

Wot? Where is Sandy pushing satanic communist nonsense? She made a simple statement. The jews don’t need any extra fuel on their fire right now.

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

Another moron zionist, giving his birthright back to the people God divorced Long ago in the old testament prophets!

Go away ESAU!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

He did not “divorce” Israel. He CHASTISED them for their apostasy,but the day is coming soon when they will acknowledge their Messiah and weep for Him, as for an only Son!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Like I said, baby in the WORD!

you kniw very little & will Not seek the truth!

Yes God did Divorce the jews, it’s in the prophets!
Iv’e given you the lead, seek & you shall find!

Child of Esau.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

You, sir are gravely mistaken, indeed. The children of Israel have never been “divorced” or otherwise discarded, by Yhwh, Neither will they be.

9 months ago
Reply to  John

You seem like you’d be fun at parties, John.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mick

Yes Very much so, was at 1 yesterday afternoon!

9 months ago
Reply to  John

I somehow find that hard to believe.

9 months ago
Reply to  Mick

Well that seems to be your personal problem!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

Thank- you, Jeff. I always appreciate a fellow who has my back.

9 months ago
Reply to  John

You’re strictly a one-note johnny. Yawn ~

9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

And your basicly a MORON!

I’m Not here to entertain you!
just like JESUS, I’m here to speak Truth to the masses!

You do NOT EFFECT me in any way!!! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Alas, no, none of us are affecting you, and, for you, that is a terrible shame! You would do well to get affected.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

There are a lot of people who are completely wasting their time arguing with this loser.

9 months ago
Reply to  John

I would prefer to substitute “evil men” for jews

9 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

If the shoe fits!!!

All central banks & BIS are run by JEWS, should i blame the indonesians???

TRUTH IS FACT, i will Not apoligize for TRUTH! MORON

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Your hate iss a poison, as is your ignorance of truth.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Jeff

Or apostates, since in many cases that is what they are; the rest are just pretenders who were never children of Israel.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Thats you, A pertender!!! Amen

Never actually read the Book, but spew Karp you heard at your 501c3 church where you were Brainwashed!

Did you read the last page of revalation???

IF Not you need to, it pertains to your blasphamy!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Not hardly! I never claimed to be an Israeli.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Who claimed to be an israeli?

I’m explaining to you, that the people in CHRIST are ISRAEL!!!


TRY reading the book of acts & romans!
You really know very little about what you claim to be, WHICH MAKES YOU A POSER!!!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

They are not, never were and never will be ISRAEL; that title belongs ONLY to the descendents of the sons of Jacob (Israel)! I have read the ENTIRE Bible, cover to cover in a number of translations, ranging from the Geneva, to the ESV; in NONE of them is any such claim made. You keep making claims for wich the Word of Yhwh never allows, written or Spoken! The ONLY way you can do that is “building doctrine on cherry picked passages”!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Oh my Bad, i forgot you rapture cultists read that changed perverted version!!! Amen

Try A kJV, with a Stronges concordence!!!

And like i said read the last paragraph in revalations, it petains to your Sin!

& IF you have ever really read the Bible, which i Highly Doubt!

You do Not have the Holy Spirit, because you uderstand Nothing in there!!! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Where do you think I got those definitions from? BTW, the KJV is a politicized translation, neither is it entirely accurate, nor the earliest English version, I also read the Geneva translation, among others, like the Lamsa translation. I’m on my 3rd Strong’s having worn out 2 earlier copies.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

full of the rapture cult Strong DELUSION & THE evelangelicals Zionst ? nomsense!!!

“Many will come in my name, claiming to be of me”!!! Amen

These are the FALSE PROPHETS of the end times!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

Yeah, Jesus taught that “rapture cult” as you so childishly label it, so that makes it plenty good enough for me, but apparently you missed that class… You have the words, but not the Spirit thereof. Talk about believing false prophets, you fell RIGHT for 1 of the worst, and won’t see that, ’til it’s too late. You’re far from the 1st of your false teaching I’ve encountered, and they ALWAYS resort to calling me a false prophet, when I am not prophesying at all, only presenting scriptural truth. Every Bible I have read contains Jesus’ own, as well as Paul’s teachings about the “snatching out” of the redeemed of the Lord, even 2 approved by the Catholic church, and not a single 1 has offered the notion that Israel is not still the Children of Israel (Jacob). Sure there are still many “tares” among the “wheat” in the land, but Yhwh ALWAYS knows His own, and they know HIS voice. Sadly, I don’t believe you do. So how would you know when to meet Him in the clouds when He calls? You aren’t even listening for the shofar.

Last edited 9 months ago by Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Oh really
Chapter & verse please!
I have shown you where you errered, even after you insisted many times that it didn’t exist!

Now as i have you pushing fals doctrine that diesn’t exust in the word, claiming it does!

I warned you, last paragraph of revelations, thats your sin!!!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John


9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

So again you showed you have Zero discernment!
There was No snatching out in those verses.
Also who was taken?
Where do the eagles gather together?

Was Noah snatched up?
Or left on the earth?
What did Jesu tell the apostels ,
When they asked to go with him
Whom were Taken in the Flood?

Where did the rapture Really come from?

Do you know who john darby is?
Do you know where he herd the rapture nonsense from?
Do you know who margrete macdonald is?

Do you know anything about what you believe to be Biblical???

Or are just regurjitating what you heard ar your 501c3 church?

Your a lost soul child, you need to research way deeper tgen you have ! Amen

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

You truly ARE blinded! “one taken, one left” are Jesus’own words, 3 times, designating a thing WILL HAPPEN!
Have a nice life. I’ve wasted far too much time on you.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Who was taken?

You have No clue, you haven’t answered anything!

Those who are Evil , are taken sandy child!

The eagles gather where the DEAD body lays, eagles are scavengers!

Get it yet?

It’s called the reckoning & it’s right around the corner!!! Amen

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

& you still haven’t addressed jer 3:8?
Is it because I proved you Wrong?
Did you know from that day forward, the jews were No longer under the protection of God?
& that all sirt of BAD BAD things came upon them & there nation from that point on???

You have No vision of what took place over the centery’s of the jews after that!

You SEE NOTHING, follow paul who was chosrn by JESUS HIMSELF as the 12th apostel!!!

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Jer 3:8
Jer 3:8
Jer 3:8

Did you look it up?

Your a phoney!

You will stand the gate claiming, LORD LORD i prophicied in your name, i did the works!!

& yasuah will proclaim, I KNOW YOU NOT WHERE YOU ARE!!! AMEN

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

You’re doing exactly what ALL who go astray do and building your belief system around a single verse or phrase that “tickles your ears” (fits what you want it to say). The DIVIDED kingdom is NOT the whole of Israel, as you would have it. Judea was not dumped even though she also sinned; as I TRIED to tell you Yhwh always has a remnant. And if you were so familiar with the word, you would have seen in Revelation those 144K souls sealed are 12K from each of the tribes of Israel, clearly showing Yhwh was, and still is, not done with them! Just FYI, He knew me well enough 70 yrs ago to call me by name, aloud.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Yes & like the jews, you Have NOT harkend to his call!!!

You stiff necked & rebelious people, live in a fantasy world where you invent your own Jesus!!!
The Jesus you have invented to conform to your desires!!!

Thats Not how it works sandy!
You must conform to His will.

& NO i gave you many passages and BOOKS, to prove my point!

You still have not answered jer 3:8

Because you have No answer, GOD is RIGHT & you are WRONG!!! AMEN

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Oh 1 more thing sandy child, Acts 4 :12!!!

Have a wonderfull day.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  John

THIS “child” is old enough in the WORD to be your mother at. least. So have a little respect for your elders and keep your ARMSTRONGIAN cult nonsense to yourself. The children of Israel remain Yhwh’s chosen people, the “apple of his eye”, and he who curses them Yhwh will curse. I heard that garbage from Garner Ted Armstrong before you were a twinkle, and the refutations for it as well.

9 months ago
Reply to  Sandra Smith

Jer 3:8
End of story honey, You LOSE!!! AMEN

9 months ago
Reply to  ;^)

Wow. Very well said, & profound!

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago

Try again, duds. We know what caused it, and it’s not “climate scam”; it’s your covid jab scam!

9 months ago

What’s really funny is these jackasses believe their own bullshyt! So oh great ones, what else causes climate change – breathing?

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

Yep. They’re chasing the wrong gas, entirely.

Robert P
Robert P
9 months ago


9 months ago
Reply to  Robert P

The real tragedy is that people believe the cr.p they are fed.

Cary Ke
Cary Ke
9 months ago

The climate change caused the Covid-19 vaccine to mutate into a killer injection.
The heart attacks and strokes were really caused by clouds and summer breezes.

9 months ago

I won’t even read this bullsh.it, we all know it was the poison they pumped into everyone in the 2nd phase of the culling process, the first being Covid.
Go find some sand to pound!

9 months ago

Schwab,the REAL NAZI, is comfortable lying about the Gates enslavement program.
Irrefutable FACTS cannot be changed.
Only the GOD’s PEOPLE, the real Christians, will know the Truth.
The DEMON RATS will just follow, good slaves of LUCIFER they are.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
9 months ago
Reply to  Stephane

He’s younger than I am, ergo not old enough to have been an Hitlerian Nazi (I’m not old enough). What he is is a minion of his father, Satan.

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