Biden Warns of ‘Rising Islamophobia,’ Urges Continued Backing of Ukraine in Primetime Speech

President Biden urged Israel to exercise caution and refrain from allowing their decision-making to be “blinded by rage” in its military retaliation against Hamas following the terror group’s brutal surprise attack on October 7th.

During his recent national speech, President Biden urged Israel to draw lessons from the United States’ experiences and actions in the aftermath of the September 11th attacks.

The president warned of alleged “Islamophobia” after the deadly Hamas attacks, even as pro-Palestinian and even pro-Hamas demonstrations appear all across the nation.

“I know many of you in the Muslim American community are outraged saying to yourself ‘here we go again’ with Islamophobia and distress we saw after 9/11,” he remarked.

Biden added that terrorists and dictators must “pay a price” for their terror and aggression.

He also attempted to draw in Russia’s invasion of Ukraine.

“You know, history has taught us that when terrorists don’t pay a price for their terror, when dictators don’t pay a price for their aggression, they cause more chaos and death and more destruction,” Biden said from the Oval Office.

“They keep going, and the cost and the threats to America and the world keep rising.

“So if we don’t stop Putin’s appetite for power and control of Ukraine, he won’t limit himself just to the Ukraine,” he added.

The full speech can be watched below.

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Brit Hume, for his part, commented that Biden’s speech ‘may be remembered as one of the best if not the best speech of his presidency.”

“He was firm. He was unequivocal. He was strong,” Hume claimed, adding that he thought it was a “good thing” that Biden spent so much time on the situation in Ukraine as well as in Israel.

Meanwhile, there have been very few signs of rising “Islamophobia” in the United States following the brutal Hamas invasion of Oct. 7.

However, there have been pro-Hamas protests across America, some of them explicitly seeking Israel to be ‘wiped off the map’ with chants such as, “from the river to the sea, Palestine will be free.”

A Columbia professor named Shai Davidai noted that U.S. colleges are allowing a growing number of “pro-terrorist” demonstrations across the nation.

In his speech, professor Davidai noted the irony of colleges allowing “pro-terror” protests in the same New York City that experienced the deadliest terror attack in the nation’s history.

By Melinda Davies
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10 months ago

Biden’s speech was directed mostly to the “poor, victimized” muslims than to the Jews who DID NOT START this war. To know how wrongheaded he is, just take a look at the most recent so called demonstrations (actually riots) by Palestine supporters. They are NOT going to succeed and it’s only a matter of time when they will see the rise of American loyalists. Biden did himself no good with that speech. The atrocities committed against the Jews will not be forgotten. Nor will Biden’s assistance to their hatred of not just Jews but to Christians as well. Not a dime to any muslim nation or group. Remove Biden before he further damages our country.

10 months ago

Screw Ukraine and your commie ass. You need to be taken for a long walk on a short pier. Go back to your basement and suck on your pudding cups

10 months ago

If this a-hole says “Do it” – don’t. If this a-hole says “Don’t do it,” then do it and the world will be just fine…

10 months ago
Reply to  PithyKat

AGREED ! Short, sweet and to the point to which I agree!!!

10 months ago

Speaking about Islamophobia after sending a battle group to the shores of Israel to exterminate any Islamist incursion into Israel is what I call hypocrisy. I never thought I would see such a despicable individual in the WH. He is just trying to straddle the fence.

Brenda Dixon-Hines
Brenda Dixon-Hines
10 months ago

Biden is the most despicable piece of shit ever to be installed! What happened to Brit Hume, I used to respect his opinions…

Eric Snodgrass
Eric Snodgrass
10 months ago

Its important that we support Nazis in Ukraine, Jews in Israel and Muslims in Palestine. All by printing money to give to the military industrial complex to keep these wars a moving. Meanwhile…every bullet fired, bomb dropped, pipeline blown up..release toxic chemicals into the air and ground. The best solution is to reach compromise. But the psychopaths running the world will never go for that.

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