Republicans Demand Defunding of WEF, UN, WHO, Green Agenda

Republicans in the House of Representatives are demanding an end to the endless flow of taxpayer money to globalist organizations such as the World Economic Forum (WEF), United Nations (UN), WHO, and any other unelected bureaucrats pushing the green agenda.

The U.S. House recently passed its annual State Department and Foreign Operations spending bill, which determines the budget for the State Department and its foreign operations.

The legislation allocates funds to agencies and programs to strengthen national security and support US allies, particularly against the Chinese Communist Party.

Corporate media highlighted aid for Ukraine that is included in the bill.

But there are some other interesting points to note.

Most interestingly, it includes prohibiting funds to several UN agencies, the World Health Organisation (WHO), the WEF, the Wuhan Institute of Virology, EcoHealth Alliance, any gain-of-function research, and multilateral assistance to World Bank-administered climate change funds.

The bill also cuts off funding and so eliminates 33 Special Envoys and Special Representatives, including doomsday climate cultist John Kerry.

The appropriations bill has a top line of $51.5 billion for programs included under the bill, roughly a 14% cut ($8.2 billion) compared to last year’s levels and 25% below ($17.4 billion) what President Joe Biden requested in his budget proposal.

You can read a summary of the bill, before the adoption of amendments, HERE.

Below we have selected some of the highlights using the summary’s section titles as subtitles for ease of reference.

Top Line Messaging

  • Prohibiting funds to the United Nations Population Fund (“UNFPA”).
  • Banning “disinformation” and “misinformation” programs that violate the free speech rights of American citizens.
  • Increasing accountability at the UN and other multilateral organizations, including by requiring written agreements for Inspectors General oversight access.
  • Eliminating counterproductive climate programs that harm energy security and economic development in underdeveloped countries, leaves them even more dependent on United States aid and more vulnerable to the malign activities of the People’s Republic of China (“PRC”) and Russia.

Cuts to Wasteful Spending

Eliminates funding for the UN’s regular budget, resulting in savings of $707 million.

Prohibits funds for other controversial organizations and programs, such as UNFPA, the WHO, and the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund.

Note: At COP27 in Sharm El-Sheikh, the US Agency for International Development (“USAID”) announced a suite of programmes to advance gender-responsive climate action.  In a press statement, USAID said it had dedicated $21.8 million to “gender-responsive climate action” from the Gender Equity and Equality Action Fund. This included funding for organisations working in over 37 countries to address gender-based violence connected to climate.

Terminates more than 18 programs, including the Organisation for Economic Cooperation and Development (“OECD”), UN Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (“UNESCO”), UN Women, UN Montreal Protocol, UN Environment Fund, and World Economic Forum.

Prohibits funding for Special Envoys, Special Representatives, Special Coordinators, and Special Advisors unless such positions are expressly authorized or have affirmatively received the advice and consent of the Senate.

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This change eliminates 33 Special Envoys and Special Representatives at the Department of State, including the Special Presidential Envoy for Climate, Special Envoy for Racial Equity and Justice, Special Envoy to Advance the Human Rights of LGBTQI+ Persons, Special Envoy for International Labour Affairs, and  Special Representative for Palestinian Affairs.

Prohibits funds for the Green Climate Fund, Clean Technology Fund, and a soon-to-be established fund for climate damages.

Note: The bill provides for payments to international financial institutions for aid to other countries under multilateral assistance.  However, no payments are to be made to international organisations and programmes which provide voluntary contributions to several United Nations agencies.  Additionally, the bill states that no funds are to be given towards the Green Climate Fund (“GCF”) or the Clean Technology Fund (“CTF”).

The GCF is the world’s largest climate fund that “accelerates transformative climate action in developing countries.” Created by the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change (“UNFCCC”), it was established at the UN Framework Convention on Climate Change in 2010 and receives guidance from the Conference of the Parties to the Convention (COP). GCF funds are administered by the World Bank.

GCF is one of the partners of the CTF.  The CTF is one of two funds under the Climate Investment Funds (“CIF”) framework. CIF was established in 2008 at the request of the G8 and G20 and the World Bank is the trustee of the funds.  CTF funds are channelled through the African Development Bank, Asian Development Bank, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development, Inter-American Development Bank and World Bank Group. It promotes scaled-up financing for demonstration, deployment and transfer of low-carbon technologies.

Prohibits the Treasury Department from carrying out the Biden Administration’s climate agenda at the World Bank and other multilateral development banks, which harms developing countries and opens the door to predatory financing from the PRC.

Prohibits the Administration’s current practice of co-opting programming, such as that to empower women; advance democracy and freedom; or counter trafficking in persons, to advance its radical global climate change agenda.

Prohibits funds to the Wuhan Institute of Virology, the EcoHealth Alliance, any gain-of-function research, and labs in adversarial nations like China, Iran, Russia, North Korea, or Cuba.

Eliminates Waste and Abuse in the Government

Requires a Government Accountability Office (“GAO”) study on climate funding during the Biden Administration to demonstrate it has had no measurable impact on temperatures and merely wasted taxpayer funds.

By Hunter Fielding
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11 months ago

Well 1st
They are Terrorist oganizations!


11 months ago
Reply to  John

Slob Schwab and his tiny widdle knob should be assassinated immediately as should Bill Gates fauci and many others who are open enemies of humanity

10 months ago
Reply to  Larry47460

Life in GITMO is a better choice, with 24/7 cameras on each one.

11 months ago

I hope that the world organization which has decided that humans must no longer eat real meat but must eat artificial meat instead, along with getting rid of most farming which produces vegetables, is prohibited from existing. They are clearly in the early stages of controlling citizens and it must not be allowed.

10 months ago
Reply to  elizabethrc

Bill Gates is the one who is Promoting His company that is “Making the Synthetic Meat and buying up farmlands to NOT grow food, but plants and bugs that HE deems WE the people should eat. Now he admits that ‘Climate Change IS a HOAX…because 16,000 Scientists deemed it IS a HOAX, along with Scientist Clauser(Pulitzer Prize Winner also) article on Slay News wrote of, recently!) Dems view this as their “Slush Fund” for themselves and the Corrupt U.N.

11 months ago

Yes !!!

11 months ago
Reply to  Sink

What took them so long FFS? FN crash test dummies!

11 months ago

I’m not sure it will make any difference. They ignore the current laws they don’t line and enforce ‘rules’ or ‘regulations’ that are not laws..

11 months ago

And while they’re at it. Defund, Big Pharma, Hollywood, Blackrock and the rest of the Evil Jewish run cabal! Soros, Gates,Schwab,Harari,Bourla, Bidens ENTIRE administration. Everything they touch turns to manure. This is their wicked agenda to annihilate all goyim & God’s innocent. LOXISM = GENOCIDE! Wake up sheeple.

10 months ago
Reply to  ann

I’d have preferred it if you left out the racism obvious in your rant. ‘God’s innocent’ my ass.

11 months ago


Were was this back in 2017-2018 when the GOP held all 3 branches of power?

GOP gaslighting and pimping the MAGA rubes for donations KNOWING the Democrat Senate will not pass any such legislation!

11 months ago

so still funding labs in Ukraine…hmm

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
10 months ago
Reply to  Giterdun

“the Wuhan Institute of Virology, EcoHealth Alliance, any gain-of-function research”

Maybe that comes under ‘any’, but not sure.

10 months ago

FYI, this is a possible start for ‘America’s Footing the Bills for HOAX’s and for the Globalist Elitists to make America Pay for these “SLUSH FUNDS’ that the Corrupt Politicos have Pushed-which goes back to Obama’s Agenda, that he and Michelle, along with Puppet Master Soros have BEEN PUSHING!

Ex: Obama’s Signature Legislation introduced when he was a Jr. Senator, was: “The Global Poverty Act” – which argued for the ‘transfer of want of Billions of dollars FROM the U.S. to the rest of the world thru the U.N.

In order to collect the money, Marxists like Fidel Castro have long argued for a “Global Tax’…

Oct. 12, 2010 written by Cliff Kincaid-A.I.M.(Accuracy in Media)

This was then, and it has NOT stopped as the Obama’s wanted to give MORE Power to the Corrupt U.N. as we still see to date. Also wanted the U.N. to have power over American’s Health Care(aka-ObamaCare?) and also, he stated in 2015 speech before the U.N…..”We need a National U.N. Police Force FOR AMERICA.” really…Like a Gestapo type force for use on Civilian Streets in America! He had Already put in place this scheme(he hates our American Police) in 2013, when he Purchased 2,717 MINE RESISTANT, Armor Protected Vehicles for the U.N. FORCE for America’s Civilian Streets- Putting American Citizens in Fear and Lockdowns with More Control over our ‘Constitutional Republic, which protects our Citizens FROM Gov’t Oppression!’

Wonder WHY no one mentions this about Obama’s and their Elitists Plans for “Arrogant(Obama’s words) America”

Wake up folks, as they want to TAKE DOWN THIS REPUBLIC, turning USA, into a 3rd world nation, and They become the World’s RULING CLASS…So watch out for the ‘launch of Michelle’s being put in the W.H. as it would SEAL THE Obama’s Agenda for our Once Sovereign Nation!

10 months ago
Reply to  ItsJo

BTW: This, is Why they tried to Oust-First Campaigner Trump, then as POTUS Trump and KEPT throwing ‘False Impeachments/Cases that are STILL being thrown at him, because Trump “DID MAGA” something they Hated, but his successful numbers ‘DO NOT LIE’ and the Record IS clear, but it interferes with the “NWO, Elitist Agenda” as Trump IS STANDING BETWEEN US AND If America IS to survive…Vote for Freedom and Independence from RULERS THEY WANT TO BECOME, as we DO need a Strong Leadership we Had in Potus Trump for ALL our Citizens, just as he did with TWO ELECTIONS(but 2020 was rigged to take the W.House.

Graham Booker
Graham Booker
10 months ago
Reply to  ItsJo

Great posts thanks.
There is also the fact that one of these organisations has stated that if Trump wins it will interfere with the Global Agenda, I don’t remember which one, but as they are all working hand in glove it makes no difference,
I think this is a huge step in the right direction, maybe here in the UK we will follow, but I doubt it because we only follow the worst of the US, looting, burning etc.

10 months ago

WEF recomendation(*) is equivalent of
2/3eds of Chinese people be deleted… (plus EVERY SINGLE NON-CHINESE)
**=just last week or two i read they suggested 84% depopulation*

10 months ago

“Gender based violence due to climate change?” They are completely drunk or stoned or both!

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