Rampant Democrat Crime Wave Worsens as Viral Video Shows Motorcyclist Kicking in Car Window Where Two Kids Were Sitting

Rampant crime continues to spiral out of control. Many Democrat cities have George Soros-linked DAs.

Others are just generically liberal. Liberal Democrat policies are soft on crime.

Soft-on-crime policies increase violent crime and decrease the ability for mom-and-pop shops to exist due to theft from internet-organized looters and rioters.

The very premise of an orderly society is quickly decaying at the behest of the woke mind virus.

Many have fled to the suburbs, some of which are also on the decline due to the Biden administration flying illegal immigrants around the country.

Some have their heads in the sand and hide in their homes in denial while they binge-watch their favorite Netflix shows instead.

Meanwhile, in the real world, bad things keep happening.

Prominent X poster and chef Andrew Gruel noticed one viral video of violent criminals putting the safety of kids at risk:

“Wow, this is nuts. She’s an Uber eats driver who had two kids in the back because she can’t afford a babysitter.

“Trying to bust her butt working.”

“WATCH as a tourist aboard top level of a Philadelphia double decker sightseeing bus records on the street next to Philadelphia City Hall. 9pm last night, George Colony from Florida watched helplessly as a male on motorcycle kicked in back windshield where two kids sitting. 1/2

2/2 He had a gun that fell out of his waistband as he jumped down off her car. He then headbutted her with the visor of his helmet,as she fights back despite him being armed & she being way outnumbered. “She is @UberEats driver with 2 kids in car because babysitter to costly.”


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Crime in big blue cities like Philadelphia is out of control. Will people keep voting for this? Only time will tell. Just earlier today we had to report on a tragic event where a journalist was killed in the same city:

Democrat policies have been blamed for making cities like Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore less safe. Some of the specific policies that have been cited include:

  •  These policies include reducing the number of police officers, eliminating cash bail, and reducing penalties for certain crimes. Critics argue that these policies make it easier for criminals to get away with their crimes, which emboldens them to commit more crimes.
  •  Some Democrats have made public statements that are critical of the police and law enforcement. Critics argue that this rhetoric undermines the morale of police officers and makes them less likely to do their jobs effectively.
  •  Some Democrats have argued that social programs are more effective at reducing crime than law enforcement. Critics argue that this focus takes resources away from law enforcement, which makes it more difficult to deter and apprehend criminals.

Here is a more detailed look at how each of these policies may be contributing to crime in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore:

  •  Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore have all reduced the number of police officers in recent years. For example, Philadelphia has reduced its police force by over 1,000 officers since 2015. This has led to a decrease in the number of police patrols in high-crime areas.

Cash bail is a system that allows people to be released from jail before their trial if they can afford to pay a certain amount of money. Some Democrats have argued that cash bail is unfair to poor people and that it should be eliminated. In Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore, cash bail has been eliminated or reduced for certain crimes. This has made it easier for criminals to be released from jail before their trial, even if they are a danger to the community.

Some Democrats have also argued for reducing penalties for certain crimes, such as drug possession and theft. This has led to a decrease in the number of people who are incarcerated for these crimes. However, critics argue that this has made it easier for criminals to reoffend.

  • Some Democratic politicians and activists have made public statements that are critical of the police and law enforcement. For example, some have called for defunding the police or abolishing the police altogether. This rhetoric has led to a decrease in public trust in the police and has made it more difficult for police officers to do their jobs effectively.
  • Some Democrats have argued that social programs are more effective at reducing crime than law enforcement. For example, some have called for investing in education, job training, and housing programs. However, critics argue that these programs take resources away from law enforcement, which makes it more difficult to deter and apprehend criminals.

It is important to note that there is no consensus on whether Democrat policies are the primary cause of crime in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore. However, there is evidence to suggest that these policies may be contributing to the problem.

In addition to the policies listed above, some critics have also argued that Democrat policies have made cities like Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore less safe by:

  •  Some Democrats have supported reforms to the criminal justice system that have made it more difficult to prosecute and convict criminals. For example, some have supported reforms that make it easier for criminals to get their charges reduced or dismissed.
  •  Some Democrats have argued that criminals should be given more lenient sentences, such as probation or community service. Critics argue that this leniency sends the message that crime does not have serious consequences, which emboldens criminals to commit more crimes.

It is important to note that there are also Democrats who support tough-on-crime policies. However, the policies listed above are some of the specific policies that have been cited by critics as contributing to crime in Philadelphia, Atlanta, and Baltimore.

By Liam Donovan
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1 year ago

All indications FBI & ANTIFA !!!

PAID Morons controlled by FBI, probably ray epps!

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