House Minority Leader Melts Down, Claims Biden Impeachment Is Being Led by ‘Puppet Master Trump’

In response to Speaker of the House Kevin McCarthy’s (R-CA) announcement that the House will be conducting an impeachment inquiry in the Joe Biden, Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries ranted about the House GOP “doing the bidding of their puppet master… Donald Trump”.

Jeffries, as well as many Democrats clinging to Joe Biden’s possible reelection as their up-ticket chance to hold on to their seat as well, are frantic over the notion that Biden is now facing an impeachment inquiry.

In typical fashion, instead of addressing any of the issues and being open to further investigation into Biden, the Democrats are trying to shift focus back to their favorite target, Donald Trump.

“House Minority Leader Hakeem Jeffries addresses Kevin McCarthy’s impeachment inquiry: “Extreme MAGA Republicans are doing the bidding of their puppet master in chief, Donald Trump.

When Donald Trump says jump, the extreme MAGA Republicans say how high.”



This impeachment inquiry will give the House committees the power to get requested documents without government departments holding them up or picking and choosing what to share.

The FBI dragged their feet earlier this year and Christopher Wray was threatened with an impeachment over withholding the requested document.

The timing of the announcement of the impeachment inquiry is close to a governmental financial deadline that the House is trying to get past.

This announcement may make it easier for the House to focus on passing the needed budgetary bills to get past this hurdle.

This is only the start, and the Oversight and Judiciary Committee Chairs feel they have only scratched the surface when it comes to the dirt they’re digging for on Biden and his family.

But we will see soon what will materialize now that the House has initiated an impeachment inquiry.

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By Liam Donovan
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John Acord
John Acord
1 year ago

From Today’s Federalist. Read and Pass It along and write as many Republican Congressman as possible. This is the final fight.

House Republicans are bringing a butter knife to a gunfight as Democrats, including their media and government lapdogs, conduct an unprecedented lawfare campaign to destroy President Trump. 

Now is the time to be worried about underreacting, not overreacting. Democrats are using every lever of power they have. Republicans should do the same. The House Judiciary Committee should subpoena documents and communications from the Biden White House, Biden Justice Department, and each of these Democrat prosecutors’ offices immediately. Every day the GOP waits, it loses ground. 

House Judiciary Republicans should start their investigations with officials at Biden’s DOJ — namely Garland, Deputy Attorney General Lisa Monaco, FBI Director Christopher Wray, Special Counsel Jack Smith, and Smith’s counselor Jay Bratt. The timing of these indictments — after waiting 30 months after Trump left office — is not random. They are choreographed.

The subpoenas can’t be isolated to just the Biden Justice Department. House Judiciary Republicans should obtain each and every piece of correspondence related to Trump from New York Attorney General Letitia James, Bragg, his lead prosecutor Matthew Colangelo, and Willis. This lawfare campaign is so extensive that those names should only be the start — there will surely be more to uncover. 

Once each document is with the House Judiciary Committee, it’ll be time to ramp up the oversight. Jordan should put Biden White House and Justice Department officials under oath. Constant staff depositions. Regular public hearings. The entire country should have the opportunity to put on the news and see House Republicans expose Democrats’ corrupt lawfare campaign for what it really is: an anti-democratic and republic-ending electoral assault on Trump.

Democrats aren’t just conducting this lawfare campaign because they hate Trump and will do anything to ensure he won’t win in 2024. They’re doing this because Biden is weak, dementia-ridden, and corrupt. Democrats won’t let Trump wipe the floor with him. It’ll be Democrats in the justice system joining up with Biden to take out Trump in 2024. 

Where else is there an opportunity for House Republicans to aggressively attack the Democrats’ lawfare campaign? The appropriations process. The House Appropriations Committee should include two specific appropriations riders. First, it should cut off the spigot of money used to interfere in the presidential election: “No federal funds may be used to prosecute any major presidential candidate on or before Nov. 5, 2024.”

Second, it should ensure that any state or local government that chooses to use its office as a political weapon is punished: “Any state or local jurisdiction that prosecutes any major presidential candidate on or before Nov. 5, 2024, loses all federal funding.”

These basic steps will help ensure this election is free from the type of government interference and manipulation that are the hallmarks of third-world banana republics. House Republicans should act — and act now. The D.C. swamp is the only place on the planet where the reptiles lack backbones. Let’s see if House Republicans can find theirs. 

If GOP lawmakers don’t jump into the deep end, the Democrat lawfare campaign may succeed in taking out Trump. That will be the beginning of the end of our republic.

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Graham Booker
Graham Booker
1 year ago

You have to admit the ‘extreme left’ has cornered the market in hypocrisy.

Dolyce Brown
Dolyce Brown
1 year ago
Reply to  Graham Booker

Yes. they hurried up to impeach President Trump over a phone call – no impeachment inquiry – just did their best to destroy the man. They are so awful. How did so many people become so evil in such a short time. They used to be normal but have regressed to the point they are obsessed and manic

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