WHO Demands Global Vaccine Mandates to Fight ‘Climate Change’

The World Health Organization (WHO) is demanding that governments around the globe enforce vaccine mandates, claiming that the move is vital in mitigating the impact of “climate change.”

The WHO argues that the threat of diseases being spread by mosquitoes migrating to new regions is rising due to “global warming.”

Dr. Maria Van Kerkhove, the WHO’s technical lead for COVID-19, made the disturbing comments at a recent press conference while sitting next to WHO chief Tedros Ghebreyesus.

“A lot of this is also about other uses of tools that exist,” she said, “in instances where we have interventions like medical interventions, therapeutics or vaccines depending on the pathogen.”

“We need to be able to prepare for that.”

Van Kerkhove further said that countries need to “look at how the changes in climate change and the dynamics of spillover and amplification are changing — and prepare for that.”

In recent months, mosquitoes across the US have been testing positive for extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which have never before been reported in the United States.

The unprecedented situation comes months after a Bill Gates tech start-up released millions of genetically modified mosquitoes into the wild.

Various states across the country have reported a sharp increase in mosquito-borne viruses.

In the Midwest, cases of the mosquito-borne Jamestown Canyon Virus are on the rise.

Jamestown Canyon virus can cause severe disease, including infection of the brain (encephalitis) or the membranes around the brain and spinal cord (meningitis).

Health officials say two mosquito pools in South Georgia have tested positive for Eastern equine encephalitis which has a 30% fatality rate in humans.

And it’s not just humans in the firing line.

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A mosquito-borne virus that can be lethal to pets is also reportedly on the rise across the country.

Is it a coincidence that mosquitoes across America are testing positive for extremely rare and deadly viruses, some of which have never before been found in this part of the world, months after Bill Gates released GMO mosquitoes into the wild?

And now, the Gates-funded WHO is declaring that mass vaccinations are required to deal with the threat of emigrating mosquitoes.

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

If there’s a ‘threat’ caused by mosquitoes, look no further than the bastard sitting next to you. You seem to have zero idea of how much info actually gets out there cause if you did, you’d stop making these absurd, pointless, and inane ‘demands.’ We KNOW any global threat is coming from and caused by, YOU – the WHO. So, shove it…

1 year ago

Criminally corrupt illegitimate PED0 scumbag Joe Biden is H0M0BAMA’s third term and both should be executed for starting ww3 by blowing up Russia’s Nordstrream pipeline and more. More includes the COVID farce and killshots Trump is also guilty of spreading. I hope people rise up. It’s kill or be killed now.

1 year ago

WHO is a product of the UN and the UN is worthless, would not trust them with a bottle of aspirin sorry

1 year ago

If ANYONE buys this load of st, they’re brainless and/or dangerous.

1 year ago

Bill Gates and ALL globalists need a lead vaccine between their eyes.

1 year ago

Who cares?
Pay No attention to tge jackass’s behind the curtain!

Just a bunch of gay hens clucking!!!

Brenda Dixon-Hines
Brenda Dixon-Hines
1 year ago

I could care less what Biden, CDC or WHO wants, not taking another shot or wearing a mask.

1 year ago

These WHO and WEF tyrants are begging for a little Nuremberg justice. The price of freedom is eternal vigilance. , ,and building a few guillotines.

1 year ago

YOU FIRST JACKWAGONS,and I get to choose random vials to inject you with. BTW, in the USA, mandates are not laws. Mandates are both illegal and unconstitutional. Comply and die. DO NOT COMPLY!!

1 year ago

??no one sees the connect with Bills mosquitoes release and the rare malaria strain in the United Snakes ??‍♂️??‍♂️???

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