Bill Barr Threatens to ‘Jump off a Bridge’ If Trump Wins GOP 2024 Nomination

Former Attorney General Bill Barr has threatened to “jump off a bridge” if President Donald Trump wins the Republican nomination for the 2024 election.

Since leaving office, RINO Barr has become a vocal anti-Trumper.

Speaking during an interview with NBC News, Barr declared: “I have made clear that I strongly oppose Trump for the nomination and will not endorse Trump.”

“I’ll jump off that bridge when I get to it,” he warned when asked how he would vote in the general election if it ends up being a 2020 rematch of Trump vs. Joe Biden.

Currently, Trump is polling above 50 percent against more than a dozen other candidates vying for the nomination, according to a FiveThirtyEight tracking.

In second place currently is Florida Gov. Ron DeSantis with less than 20 percent.

DailyMail report: Others who have not endorsed Trump so far include Mike Pompeo, once Trump’s Secretary of State and CIA Director; two of his former Defense secretaries, Mark Esper and Pat Shanahan; a former Chief of Staff John Kelly; and another former Director of National Intelligence Joseph Maguire.

Trump’s former Chief of Staff Mick Mulvaney is among those who want the 45th president defeated by another GOP candidate in the primary election.

“I am working hard to make sure that someone else is the nominee,” Mulvaney said to NBC.

“I think he’s the Republican who is most likely to lose in a general election, of all our leading candidates.

“If anyone can lose to Joe Biden, it would be him.”

Of the 44 people reached by NBC who served in Trump’s Cabinet, only four publicly support and endorse his reelection.

This includes former acting Attorney General Matthew Whitaker, his final Chief of Staff Mark Meadows, former budget chief Russell Vought and former acting Director of National Intelligence Richard Grenell.

Additionally, two former Trump officials are actually running against him in the GOP primary – ex-Vice President Mike Pence and former Ambassador to the United Nations Nikki Haley.

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Vought tweeted in May that Trump “is the only person I trust to take a wrecking ball to the Deep State.”

“I’ve seen his willingness up close & behind closed doors,” Vought added.

“My friend & former boss is going to finish what he started.”

In June, Grenell tweeted “Trump 2024” in response to a tweet from DeSantis, the No. 2 runner in the Republican primary.

A Meadows spokesperson said the former top aide “fully” supports Trump.

Trump’s former Director of Housing and Urban Development Ben Carson said in a statement that “Donald Trump is my friend and would make a fantastic president, and if I have an announcement to make about 2024, I’ll look forward to doing so in an appropriate way.”

There are 14 GOP candidates up against Trump, but none have any chance of beating him in the primary election so far.

Most polls show Trump ahead of the field by at least 30 percent, with DeSantis usually in the distant second place.

By Hunter Fielding
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Pete Mellon
Pete Mellon
1 year ago

Why wait PLEASE jump now and hopefully into a bunch of rocks snapping turtles and alligators. YES Please Jump Br. Barr.

1 year ago

Can we legally hold him to that? Can we make ALL libertards, demoncrats and communists follow his lead off that bridge?

Last edited 1 year ago by PithyKat
Kim Pendry
Kim Pendry
1 year ago

These people against Trump are so sad!! While President Trump is comfy!!

Dolyce Brown
Dolyce Brown
1 year ago

would anybody care if Bill Barr jumped off a bridge? He is such a creep and totally untrustworthy.

1 year ago

Can we buy tickets?

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