American Cancer Society: ‘Treating Patients Is Destroying the Planet’

The American Cancer Society (ACS) has warned that treating cancer patients is destroying the planet by contributing to “climate change” because the “carbon footprint” of many procedures is too large.

Since 2020, the global elite have all begun promoting the idea that treating cancer has a high “climate impact.”

On May 18, 2020, CA: A Cancer Journal for Clinicians, a journal of the ACS, published a scaremongering “science” paper warning that treating cancer is contributing to “man-made global warming.”

These claims have continued to grow in the little more than three years since that study was published, according to Slay News

However, the United States is now suffering from a mysterious shortage of cancer treatment pharmaceuticals.

According to the ACS in 2020, the “carbon footprint of cancer care” has become too large.

The ACS argues that trying to rid patients of the disease threatens to accelerate allegedly man-made “climate change.”

Now in 2023, either predictively or by design, there is a mysterious lack of the usual drug-based tools that cancer clinicians use to treat patients.

Before the shortage, some cancer clinicians were also complaining that the treatments are damaging the environment.

Is all of this just one big strange coincidence, or was the plan all along to blame modern medicine for planetary warming while simultaneously phasing out cancer care under the guise of there no longer being enough cancer drugs available to treat everyone?

Marc Morano of Climate Depot chimed in on the matter, noting that it is certainly strange, to say the least, that things like anesthesia and cancer drugs are suddenly in the crosshairs for elimination by the “global warming” crowd.

With anesthesia, they are outright trying to ban certain types of it that supposedly impact the climate the worst, but with cancer drugs, there are all of a sudden, not enough of them making it into cancer clinics.

The Lancet recently published a study about the cancer drug shortage and how it affected cancer care.

Chemotherapy drugs, in particular, are in short supply in the United States, reaching three-decade lows.

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The shortage is now at the level that experts are calling the situation a “crisis point.”

As many as 100,000 patients are now no longer able access to chemotherapy drugs like they once did.

Corporate media outlets like Politico and PBS News are warning that both doctors and patients are increasingly having to make tough choices about what to do as an alternative.

Hospitals and cancer centers across the country are running out of two major injectable cancer drugs: carboplatin and cisplatin.

Politico, meanwhile, is just about celebrating these shortages by running headlines that state: “Can Hospitals Turn Into Climate Change Fighting Machines? Inside the greening of American health care.”

Since “green” is typically code for anti-human, we can only assume that what they mean by the “greening” of health care is that patients will be left with increasingly fewer treatment options.

More of them will end up dying as a result, which will “green” the planet further by leaving fewer people alive.

There is also a power shift happening as well, thanks to the new allowances by the U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) for the importation of cancer drugs from communist China, which increasingly produces drugs for America.

In other words, another American industry is being outsourced to one of the country’s biggest political enemies.

All of this seems to be aimed at further weakening America’s economic status while bolstering that of Communist China.

And it is all being done under the guise of “fighting man-made climate change.”

By Hunter Fielding
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1 year ago

Well, the other components destroying the planet that’s been going on since the Industrial Revolution, are all the poisons manufacturing plants have been spewing into the atmosphere, commercial airlines criss-crossing our planets while leaving their ‘chem-trails’ – also into the atmosphere, paper mills polluting our waterways till they resemble mud and nothing can breathe in them any longer, enough plastic garbage tossed recklessly into into our oceans resulting of course, from capitalism, choking our oceans and everything trying to live within it. And what about what the manufacturing plants themselves? What are they killing the planet with by producing preservatives, GMO garbage, unnecessary chemicals into everything they produce, why is wheat in toothpaste etc., sugar and sugar alternatives in everything, salt and salt alternatives in everything, preservatives in everything – chemicals, chemicals, chemicals, And not to mention the destruction of the Amazon forest by all your cheap burger joints – the “Hamburger Connection” which has been going on for decades with no mention of the costs of this loss on their balance sheets. Yet with all this, the lunatics decide to focus on killing cows because they fart, mining the earth for the elusive product electric car batteries require which in themselves make purchasing one out of reach while at the same time, tell us we’ll no longer be able to have a choice in 2030, and – the cost of babies dying of cancer.

Why is none of this being discussed? Too difficult for ya? Easier to kill cows and babies?

1 year ago

BTW, there’s a proven connection between all these pollutants allowed – even encouraged into society – and the resulting cancer. Own up to it – you ball-less freaks.

1 year ago

So does that mean they will no longer be shilling for money?

1 year ago

American Cancer Scum have been suppressing cancer CURES for a century to support the disgusting, barbaric oncology and pharma criminals.

1 year ago

Well, now you know the American Cancer Society is THE CANCER its trying to prevent. Find a group thats not busy playing DEI/ESG and IS focused on your Actual Health.

1 year ago

This appears AGAIN, to be the “Depopulation Globalists, like Gates/etal. who want to RID nations of those who unfortunately are ill or Old.” For All the American Cancer Society Years in making MILLIONS, they all should DIE, and STOP BEGGING FOR MONEY, since they want to DENY this help to others…INCLUDING CHILDREN. For all those who want to use the EXCUSE-Climate Change(which a GREAT article by Dr. John Clauser, Scientist
with Many awards to his credit, along with 300 Other Scientists have written a recent article in which they ALL….”Claim that the GLobal Warming now called Climate Change:
” IS A HOAX, YES A FN HOAX” …….read about this of a few days ago @ “SLAY”

These Elitists/Globalists who want to become the World’s RULING CLASS, are the ones who should be OUTED and CHARGED W/USING A FAKE AGENDA TO KILL PEOPLE!

Laura Ann
Laura Ann
1 year ago
Reply to  ItsJo

Bill gates is an old goat, let him be first in line in the die off’s. JOhn Kerry incl another old goat pushing this green agenda.

1 year ago

Now we know ACS is just as wicked and evil as the UN,WHO,WEF,FDA,CDC Big Pharma and any other organization that sides with the aforementioned globalist criminals.Our creator gave mother Gaia everything we need to take care of the vast majority of diseases. Our first doctor was Hippocrates.His best quote is,”Let food be thy medicine and medicine by thy food”. That food of course is organic/non gmo.People need to understand that disease cannot live in an alkaline body.They also need to understand that sugar feeds cancer.They also need to understand that there are natural cures that have been hidden from us for a very long time because natural cures don’t make Big Pharma any money.Big Pharma makes its money from repeat customers by selling them drugs that only mask symptoms.

1 year ago

What a load of crap. These people should be shot in the public square for being too stupid to live.

rg white
rg white
1 year ago

Let this be the beginning of curing cancer using natural remedies which have been known and used for a very long time, though suppressed by Big Pharma and our governments. Look up Ty and Charlene Bollinger’s ‘The Truth about Cancer’ series and you will learn chemotherapy isn’t the answer at all.

Al Johnson
Al Johnson
1 year ago
Reply to  rg white

This is not about curing cancer, it is about murdering people who have cancer, as well as people who don’t if they show similar symptoms.

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