REPORT: Kamala FURIOUS with campaign manager over Al Smith dinner fiasco

There’s a report out today that Kamala was absolutely FURIOUS with her campaign manager after the Al Smith dinner fiasco last night.

The report, which is by someone I’m unfamiliar with, says that Kamala ripped her campaign manager a new one this morning and had her in tears:

Major drama within the Kamala Harris campaign this morning. A source reveals that Harris screamed at and angrily berated her campaign manager Julie Chavez for over 30 minutes on the phone this morning.

The source shares that Chavez advised Kamala not to attend the Al Smith dinner because it could send the wrong message and risk alienating LGBTQ and pro-abortion voters if she was seen cozying up to Catholics.

Instead Chavez suggested a compromise of sending in the poorly-received video in lieu of an in-person appearance.

Chavez was in tears during the phone call as Kamala shred her to pieces, called her an idiot, inept, horrible at your f-ing job, and told her that her stupid advice is going to be the reason she loses.

The joy is gone.

Joe Concha retweeted this and said:

I don’t know if this is true but I suspect it is, but would love to hear some corroboration from somewhere else.

By Melinda Davies
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1 day ago

Melinda Davies, you said,
“I don’t know if this is true but I suspect it is, but would love to hear some corroboration from somewhere else.”
If you don’t have credible sources, don’t publish it as if it were true until you get some credible corroboration. Or at least put the disclaimer at the beginning, not buried at the end. This website is called news addicts, not gossip addicts.

1 day ago
Reply to  caught

You mean corroboration like three years of Trump Russia collusion that the FBI knew from the get go was a bought and paid for frame up by Crooked Hillary and the DNC, yet allowed to be perpetuated in the media? Or corroboration by 51 former national intelligence officers that Hunter’s laptop with smoking gun evidence of Shufflin Joe’s graft and corruption was Russian disinformation? Except it wasn’t.

Sandra Smith
Sandra Smith
1 day ago

Sounds like typical Harris to me; those working under her, since her days as AG have complained about such incidents, and the turnover would strongly support the allegations.

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